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f��l�) � <br /> �. - . <br /> 1 ` <br /> ' o ��������� 1 ° ����; � �� � �� o � � '��o, <br /> �-,-,� �-, _� � �� � �� _� �_,,J � <br /> --- ,- _.. _. . _ . _ � _ __ -- - _� _ _ _ -_- - - ____ __ _____�_ �- <br /> , _ ___ � -� __ <br /> _. __ � <br />.__ 57298—State 7ournal Compuny, Blunk Book �takers, Stationers and Printers 3.incoln, Neb _ _ _. .. _._ _._�..__ _. __ ____ _ <br />�__—,_—._�, ., _ _.: _ . _ __. .------_.__.._ <br /> i�itness my hand and ^��otarial Seal this 28" day af April 1913. �i <br /> (SEAL} Arthur C.r�iayer, Notary Public <br /> I�y crxnnlission expires the 17" day of �Iay, 1917. �. <br /> Filed for record �day 17, 1913 at 11 o'clock A.N. . � <br /> # i�'Re�iater o eeds ' <br /> Quit�C-la: Da�c3�. ,` --�- � ..� <br /> This Ind�nture, l�ade this �5" day of April in the year One Thousa d Nine <br /> Hundred and 13 BET'�'EEN Bertha Herman and John Herman: � wife and husband of the first part, <br /> and the �ity of �rand Island, in Hall County, slebraska, a corporation of the secand part � <br /> 7�ITN�SSETH� that thE said part ies af the first part, in c ans iderat ion of the stun of Cne Dollar ' <br /> anc�. other valuable �onsiderations to us duly paidy the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged . <br /> have remised, released and quit-claimed and by these presents do, far .our selves, our heirs, <br /> execzztors and adr:ini�trators, rer�iee, release and forever quit-clai.m and convey unto the said <br /> ;�arty of the second part and to its suecessors and assign� forever� all otxr ri�ht� title� <br /> interest, estate, claim and de�and both at law and in equity, of, in� and to a reetangular <br /> piece of ground off the i�orth end of Lot No. Si$ (6) in the County Subdivision of South half <br /> of South East auarter of Section No.16 in town�hip Tdo.11 North of Range No.,line (9) Alest 6" r <br /> P.�I, des�r ibed as f allows, C oma:-enc ing at the North �es t eorner of said Lot and running �outher�.y <br /> along the westerly line thereof 17 2�10 feet, thence at right anglee easterly ?-5 feet, runnin� <br /> thence Northerly at right angles 17 2/10 feet-and thence at right an�les 45 feet to the plaee `` <br /> of be� Together with all and singulr3.r the hereditam�nts thereunto belongin� . <br /> To Have and To Hold the above described premises unto the said City of �rand Island heirs and" <br /> assigns; eo that r�either the said first parties or any person in our name and behalf, shall <br /> or will he�cea�ter �laim or demand any right or title ta the said premises or any part thereof <br /> but they and eve-ry one of them shall by these pre�ents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> In �Vitneas 7lihereof, The said parties of the fixst part have hereunto set our handB and - ' <br /> seals th� day and year last above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in ��resence af Bertha �ierman <br /> ,Arthur C.Mayer . John Herman <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss . <br /> Hall �ounty. ( Cn this 28" day of April A.D.1913 before me the undersigned a <br /> Notary Public, duly �ommissionea and qualifisd for and resiain� in said County, �er�onally <br /> carne Bertha Herman and John Hcrman� wife and husband to me known to be the identic�l persons �;; <br /> wY�oee names are a�'fi:�ed ta the foregoing conveyance as grantors and ackno�rled�ed the sarne to bie - <br /> their voluntary act an� deed for the �urposes therein set forth. <br /> '�itness my hand and P?otarial Seal this 28" day of April 1913. <br /> (�EAL) Arthur C .�ayer <br /> My comrniesion expires the 17" day of A4ay 1917 . Notary Public <br /> _ <br /> Filed for recoxd ��iay 17, 1913 at 11 o' clock A.:�. <br /> _ ��'^� � <br /> �eg ster o Deeds . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ! <br /> ,�, <br />. i __ li ! <br />