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���(� <br /> ��'�'��J�.�' �����'�5��' _���� ��m � �"��} <br /> � � � _� � <br /> � Togeth�r with all and singular the hereditaments tnereunto <br /> '� To Have and To Hold tiie <br /> above described prenzises unto the said City of �rand Island heirs and assfgne; so that neither <br /> tYie said first parties or any person in our name and behalf, shall or wi11 hereafter claim or <br /> d <br /> amand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof but they and every one of <br /> thern sha11 by these presents be excluded and f orever barred. <br /> In �litness �Vhereof, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and <br /> ; seals the day and year last above written. <br /> Signec; Sealed and delivered in presence of <br /> ;� <br /> �illiam T.Enpley <br /> Arthur C .l�ayer. ` Georgia A.Eppley <br /> � State of Nebraska <br /> Hall County. � ss. Cn �his 28" day of April A.D.1913 before me the undersigned a <br /> , <br /> i', Notary Public, dt�ly comr�iasioned and qualified for and residing in said county, personally �ame <br /> � <br /> �Villiam T.Eprley and Georgia A.Ep�ley, huaband and wife, to me known to be the idantical persons <br /> . <br /> I; v�rhose names are affiued to the foregoing conveyance as grantors and ackno�rledged the same to be <br /> � !�� <br /> � their voluntary act and deed for the purposes thersin set forth. <br /> � � �� <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this 28" day of April 1913, <br /> !� Arthur C.Mayer, Not ary Publ ic. <br /> ;i, (SEAI,) <br /> ��y comrnigsion expires the 17" aay of May, 1917. � <br /> ,;; Filed for re�ord �iay 17� 1913 at 11 0' clock A.�i. - � <br /> �g ��%��� ,r <br /> �' Reg ster o Deeds <br /> __,_� <br /> Quit Cla2 Dm eed��- <br /> !!I This Tndenture, �Iade this 24" day of April in the year One Thousand Nine Hun- <br /> il <br /> �!, dred and 13 BET➢UEEN Jar:�es P.Larsen and Cecilie Larser�, hueband and wife of the first part and <br /> . !� <br /> �i the City of rrand Island in Hall County, Nebrask� a corporation of the secon3 part �VITNESSETH, <br /> i! <br /> � <br /> that the said part� of the fir�t part, in �onsideration of the sum of One Dollar and other <br /> . � i value_ _consi�erations to me duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ackno�vledged, have remised . <br /> I. , <br /> } <br />, released and uit-claimed and b th se r en <br /> q y e es ts do for m aelf m heire execu�ors and ad- <br /> P <br /> , �Y� , �Y � <br /> !; ministrators, remiae, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the <br /> '��i <br /> 'I second part and to its and assigns forever� a1Z my right, title, interest, estate, mq clairl an3 <br /> � �� demand both at law an3 in equity, of, ir� and to a �arcel of land' tr�pezoidal, described as <br /> , ,i � - <br /> follows, commencing at the North �esterly corner of lot No.One (1} in ^ounty Subdivision of <br /> �I 1 e <br /> �; South half of South East quarter (S2 S .E�-) of �,ection No. 16 township 11 North of Range 9 �Gest <br /> j� . <br /> I� .� i� 6" P.�1. thence running South Easterly along the westerly side of said lbt 1"i 2�10 feet, thence <br /> 'i <br /> � II� at ri ht an les Easterl and 1� <br /> g g y parallel with Charles Street 136 10 feet, thence North along <br /> -�* � <br />' � the East si3e of said lot 19 2�10 feet and thence 9Gesterly 145 3�10 feet to the place of begi- <br /> I _ <br /> • � nning. Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging . <br /> �� <br /> �� <br /> � �� To Have and To Hold the above described �remises unto the said City of irand Island and assigns <br /> I� <br /> so that neither the said James P.Larsen or any person in his name and behalf, shall or will <br /> i, ' <br /> I �+, hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof but they <br /> '� � <br /> and every one of them shall by these presents by exeluded and forever barred. <br /> �; <br /> '; In �Pitness �ihereof, The sai3 parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal <br /> � <br /> , the day and year last above written. <br /> �i . <br /> , Si ne sealed and delivered in resenee of James P L n <br /> 6 . arse <br /> d, P <br /> li� . <br /> . �I Arthur C .�Gayer, �ec ilie Laraen <br /> i <br /> il state af Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> . i Hall County. ( Qn thig 28" day of April A.D.1913 bef ore me the undersi�ned a Notary <br /> i <br /> R Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said �ounty� personally came .?su�es <br /> ' P.I,arsen and Cecilis Larsen, husband and wife to me known to be the identical persons whose <br /> �� names are affixed to the foregoing conveyance as �rantors and acknowle�ged the same to be their <br /> I <br /> � voluntary act and deed for the <br /> ;; purposes therein set forth. � <br /> ;, ;� <br /> i• <br /> I .. <br />