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e,, � . _ _ <br /> r��►'7 <br /> � - �� <br /> 1 J � i � � � <br /> . <br /> � 1 <br /> D� ������ ���.��� �1��� �C�� <br /> _____-__ _ __ <br /> ______ - <br /> � ;i Treasurer�a Tax Deed�:. <br /> 'j K ov� all Nen by These Pres�nts: <br /> � . <br /> �� �hat 1�'hereas, at a Private s le of real estate far the non-�ayment of taaes� made in the County <br /> II ;i of Hall on the 2nd day of �2 y A.D., 1911, the following described real estate situate in said <br /> county, to-wit : Lot Thr e (3) in Rlock Twelve (12} in Abbott, Hall Cour.ty PTebraska was <br /> sold to Peter Todson for th delinquent taxes of the pears 190?-1908 & 1909 and , �Dhereas, the <br /> �� <br /> �� same not having been redeem d from such sale, and it appearin� that the holder of the certi- <br /> ;'� <br /> �i; f ieate of purchase of said eal e�tate has complied with the lawe of the State of Nebraska <br /> �,I neeessary to entitle him to a deed of said real estate: Now, therefore, I, county treasurer <br /> !; of said county of Hall in c nsideration of the �remiees, and of the s�un of fifty cents paid <br /> ;� me by said Peter Tods�n and by virtue of the statutes vf ..the State of Nebraska in s.ueh cases <br /> �� <br /> : madE and provided, do hereb �rant and convey unta Peter Todson, his he3rs and assigns, for- <br /> �I� ever� the said real estate ereinbefore described subject, however to any redemption provided <br /> ' by law. <br /> r iven under my h d and off ic ial seal �his 13th day of May� A.D.1913 . <br /> �� �itness: (SEAL) R.L.Harrison <br />; �us E.Newnann. C ounty Treasurer . <br /> State af Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> ��; Hall County. ( On this 13th day of R�ay A.D.I913� before me a Co�mty Clerk in and <br /> for said County, personally ap�eared the above named R.I�.Harrison, treasurer of said County, <br /> nersonally known to me to b the treasurer of said Cour_ty, at the date of the eaecution of the <br /> ;�, <br /> li foregoing conveyance, and t be the identical person whose name is affigeci to, and who executed <br /> i, <br /> � <br /> �', said conveyance a� treasure of said county, and acknowledged the execution of the same to be <br /> !i <br /> his voluntary act and deed s treasurer of said county, for the rurposes therein e$pressed. <br /> ' YVitness my hand and off'i ial seal the day and year last ab�ve written. <br /> � <br /> ., ��'� (SEAL) Gus E.Neumann � <br /> '' County Clerk . <br /> i' p <br /> �i 0 <br /> !� County Treasurer's Ce tificate of Tau Sale. <br /> li <br /> ;I' The State of Nebraska ( <br /> I' <br /> :, :ss No. 7633 <br /> ;i Hall County. ( I� Thea, P.Boehni� Treasurer of �Che Caunty of Hall� in t�ie-�tate of <br /> , <br /> I�',,� Ne'praska, do hereby certify that the following described Real �state in said County and State, <br /> `' to-wit: Lot Three (3) in B o�k Twelve (12) in Abbott, Hall County, Nebraska. was on the 2nd <br /> �;� day of May A.D.1911 duly so d by me in the provided by law, at Private Sale at th� County <br /> ,,; <br /> '� Treasurer' s office in Grand Island, Nebraska� such real estate having been prsviausly offered <br /> 'i at publie sale but not sald for want of bidders, for the delinquent taxes the years 1907-1908 <br /> I� <br />' ;i &1909 upon the above descri ed property amountin� to Two and 44/lOG Dollars, including interest <br /> and penalty thereon, and th eosts allowed by law to Peter Tods�en for the sum of Three and 65/ <br /> ;� 100 Dollars� he being the h ghest and best bidder for the same. And i further certifq, that <br /> I �i <br /> �! unless redemption is �nade o said Real Estate in the manr�er provi�ed by law, the said Peter <br /> �i <br /> Tode en h i r ' <br /> s heirs or ass ' n R zll b i <br /> � s e ent tled to a deed therefor on and after the 3rd day of May <br /> ' A.D.1913 on surrender of th s certificate, provided the law as made in such cases has been <br /> ill <br /> �', complied with . <br /> In �Vitness �Vh reof, I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of May A.D.1911. <br /> i� tSEAL) Theo.P.�oehm <br /> � 3.65 Treas�rer of Hall County State of Nebra'ska. <br /> ��i By ' Deputy. <br /> !„ State of Nebraska ( <br /> i'; :8 s <br /> County of Hall ( Pet r Todsen being first duly sworn on his oath says that he ie the <br /> ;i <br /> �' person �ho purchased ta� sa e certificate �'633 in Hall Cour_t Nebraska that he has made dil- <br /> y> > <br />� <br /> igent ssarch and inquixy an has not bee able to learn of the whereabouts or address of the <br /> - <br /> � <br />, <br /> , <br /> ''; <br />, _ �� ______ <br />