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_ - <br /> � - � <br /> ��—��� <br /> �*a <br /> `' � ��'��!� ���j,������} � 11���� �C��O, <br /> �_._�___�� ��,_�� �_� _� �,�� __� ,`. �, <br /> � _�___ __ _ ___ ___ _:- ___- ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ <br /> __ _ _ _ ; <br /> _ __ . -- __ _ <br /> _ ___ _ _ _ __ <br /> 54`L98 State 7oucnal Cumvany, Bluulc IIouk b3akers, Stahoners,anfl Printers• Lincolnl_Neb.�_ _._ _ ______ ..� _ - _ � __ _ _ _ _ <br /> - ----- -- <br /> � _�---- --: _ ,.,--- `=.— _ __ _ —.-_._--_ _ <br /> To Have and To �iold the above described nremises unto the gaid Florence L.Baker her heire G <br /> ;;. <br /> and assi�;ne; �o that neither of the said �rantors, nor any person in their name and behalf <br /> shall or will hereafter eZaim or demand any righ� or title to the said premises or any part <br /> ti�c�reaf but they and every one of them shall by these presenta be excluded and forever barred. <br /> In �litness iVhereof, The sai3 parties of the f'irst part have hereunto set their hands <br /> and seal the day and year �botte written. <br /> Signed� Sealed and Delivered in presence of J.�I.Rose <br /> James E.Dill. �Iabel Rose <br /> 5tate of Ne'oraska <br /> t <br /> :gs <br /> Hall County. ( (�n this 12th day of i�ay A.D.1913 before me the undersigned a Notary ' <br />� Public dul camr��issioned and ualif ied for and res idin in said Count " <br /> , y q g y, personally came <br /> u <br /> J .�r.Rose and �iabel Rose his wife to me known to be the identical persons whose names are <br /> affixed to the foxe�oing conveyance as �rantors and acknowledged the execution of the same to !'; <br /> be their valuntary act and deed. , <br /> �Gitness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above w�ritten. <br /> (SEAL) J.E.Dill, <br /> �ty eommission axpires July loth� 1913 rTotary Public. <br /> , F'iled for record May 13� 1913 at 11 o'c2ock A.2�. . <br /> Re ster o ee sc� � <br /> # <br /> LINCG�N C1724 ���` 4-1020�, <br /> � � The United States of America � � � <br /> Ta all to v�=hom these prssents sha11 come� �`reeting : <br /> 7GHEF�EAS, a C�rtificate of the Register of the Land 4�fice at Lincaln� ��ebrask� has been <br /> deposited in �he �eneral Lan� Gffice, �.nereby i� apnears that f"ull payment has been made by � <br /> tha �laimant Joseph Reese accorciing to the pravisions of the Aets of Con�reas of April 24� <br /> 1820� entitled "An Act making further �ravision far the sale of' the Public Lands, " and the <br /> aets suppler��ental ti:ereto� for the Lot Ten of �ection Twenty-eight in Township Ten North af <br /> Range Ten �Uest of the �ixth Princi?�al '�ieridian, 1Vebraska� Containing Ei�hteen and Ninety-five <br /> hundredths acres� accordirg ta the Cfficial Plat of the Survey of the said Land, returned to <br /> the �ereral Land Cffice by the Surveyor-aeneral: <br /> T�ow Know Ye, That the United wtates of . <br /> Atnerica� in �onsideration of tYie �remises, and in con�or�:ity with the several Acts of Congress � <br /> in sueh case made and pravided, Hag �" iven And Granted, and by these presents Doss sive and <br /> Jrant, unto the said claimant and to the heirs c�f the said claimant the Tract above described; : <br /> To Have and To Fiold the same, together with all thc rights, privileges, immunities, and appur- ' <br /> tenances� of v�hatsoever nature, thereun�o �elongirg� unto the �aid elaimant and to th� heirs <br /> and assigns of the said claimant forever. <br /> I� In Testimony �'hereof, I, �illiam H.Taft President of the Ltnitecl States of Ameriea, <br /> have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the reneral Lar.d �ffice to be <br /> t.ereunto affixed. <br />!4 <br /> siven unciEr my hanc� at the City of i�ashington, the Si$teenth day of Sept=� <br /> ember in the y�ar of cur Loxd one thousand nine hundred and Twelve and of the Independerce of <br /> the United States the one hundred and Thirty-seventh . <br /> � ( SEAL} By the President iNm. H.Taft <br /> By �d.P.LsRoy, S ecr e tary, <br />� Recorded: Patent P�ur_iber 29�025 . H.�6 .Sanford <br /> Pecord�r af the >eneral Land Office. <br /> Filed for record A�ay 15 .1�}13 at � .20 o'clock P.M. � ��/ <br /> _��%� _____� <br /> Re�ist er of De ds <br /> - - _�.__....._.._..__________n_�_______�_�.._�.__.___._._�___r___._#_..�.._.___ ____.,�.__ : <br />� <br /> ;� <br />