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�,�t.-...._�,.,....R.—:;.----.� ���:��....�...;.a-.� ,,-,,,�,._�,��� _._.�. , . _.. _ ._..... _ . _ .,� _ � _�_, <br /> _ ' � )�7'� <br /> � �. <br /> D1������ � ° ������ _�1��� �C�� <br /> __ � _ _ _ <br /> _ ____ _ ____. __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ <br /> _ ,_ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _ <br />�_ _ _ _ <br /> ( To Have and To H�ld the above described premises� v�ith the appurtenances, unto the eaid <br /> �rantee and ta her heirs and assi�ns forever� An� we hereby covenant with the said �rantee <br /> that we hold said premises by good and perfect title; that we have good right and lawful aut- <br /> I <br /> hority to sell the same; that they are �'res and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. <br /> And we Covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all �erso <br /> v�homsoever . Dated the third day of �ay A.D. 1913. <br /> J.E.Ayer Cora B.�Pilliam� <br /> John W.�tilliams <br /> �C itness to the s ignaturss of Neva L.�►hitehead <br /> Cara �3.�iilliams, John W .iNilliams, 9Pallace �Vhitehead <br /> iVeva L.'�hitehead, �►allace �Phiteheac�, Eva �I.Garrison <br /> �► <br /> Eva 1�.Garrison, Charlss K.Garrisor� ^harles K.rarrison <br /> �essie F.D�4atthews and �illiam E.Adatt�ews. �3essie F.Matthews <br /> BVilliam E.Matthews <br /> John R.Bonson <br /> �9itness to the signatures of Lillie M.Swaim <br /> Lillie td.Swaim and Tanton B.Swaim. Tanton B.Swaim <br /> State �f Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> '' Hall C ounty. ( (3n this 5th day of May A.D.1913, before me� the undersignec� a <br /> ,i <br /> Notary Publie within and for said County, personally came Cora B.�illiama, John �.Williams, <br /> � Neva L.�Jhiteheac� �Pallaee 9Vhitehead, Eva �1.Garrison, Charles K.rarrison, Beasie F.�atthews, <br /> and YVilliam �.Matthews, to me known to be the identical �arsons whose names are affixed to <br /> '" 3�he within instrument as �rantors, an3 severally acknowledged the same to be their voluntary <br /> act and �eed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> In �Vitness '�lhereof , I have hereunto subseribed my name and affixed my official seal at <br />� �+ood River� in said County� on the ciate last above written. <br /> (seal) �V.L.Sprague <br />, �dy eommission expires �sarch 27, 1918 . PTotary Public <br />�� , State of Nebraska ( <br />� <br /> ;; ' s s <br /> Buffalo County. ( On this 7th day of May A.D.1913� before me, the Lmdersignec'� a '�?otary <br /> Public within and for said County, personally came Lillie M.Swaim and Tanton $.Swain� to me <br />� <br /> riersonally knawn ta be the identical persons ��hose names are affixed to the within instrument <br /> „ ,.�, <br /> as rrantors, and they severally acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed for <br /> 'I� the purpose therein expressed. <br /> In �Vitness '�hereof, I have hereimto subscribed my name and affiged my official seal at <br /> � <br /> Ravenna� N�br . in said County, on the date last above �ritten. <br /> .i <br /> '! (SEAL) John R.Bon^on <br />, ;j :dy �ommission ex�ires May 22, 1915. Notary Public <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> % Filed for record �ay 13, 1913 at 9 o'clock A.�i. • /� <br /> 'I L.l� <br /> !i e�ister of Dee s <br /> ;, �#� <br /> I <br /> ;,' Quit Claim Deed-.�°°, <br /> fih is Indentur�, �dade th is Twelf th day o� �ay A.D. 1913� between J,�G,Ros e <br /> '� and �abel Rose, his wife of the first part, and Florence L.f3aker� of the second part, <br /> w itneeseth, That the said part ies of the first part, in cons iderat ion of the sum of Cne <br /> Do11ar ta them duly paid, the reeei��t whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remisec� released <br /> , and quit-elaimed and by these presenta do, for them selves heirs, executors and administrators <br /> , remise, relea�e and forever quit--claim and convey unto the said party of the second part and <br /> to her heirs and as�igns forever, all their right, title� intere�t� estate� claim and demand <br /> both at law and in equity� of� in and to all of Lot Number Sig in Block Number Cne hvndred <br /> and t�renty-�two in Koenig and �Piebe' s Addition to Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> This deed is given especially for the purpose of releas�trig from the record a certain con- <br /> tract of <br /> . <br /> ;�� <br /> '�I sale of' the above described lot made to J.w .Rose and signed by Florence L.Baker by <br /> Dill & Huston her Agents and recorded in Book k� at Page 601 of the records of xall County, <br /> � <br /> ' ' Nebraska. <br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> . <br />, . <br /> ''I <br /> , <br />� - il._ _ : <br />