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r.r <br /> � , � <br /> V ���•� <br /> � \ � <br /> � ����!��'D� ,���'_�������,�� ��� � .C�J� <br /> - -. I <br /> �___ _ __ .._ _ _ _ _ __.__ _ _ _______ _ . __ _- _ _ __ __ _ _____ <br /> b42Q8-State JournaY Company, Blavk Book bSakers, Stationei� and Priniei�a, LinCOln, Neb.. � �� ' ` -' �`-� ` - � " "''-- " "� '""-"- " — <br /> _.__ _. . _ ._ <br /> __, ,-_-, -__. __. ,_ —='- --`` _.__-__ - ----------=----__. _ __ _A _. __�._— <br /> �__ __- <br /> ^ �.,:. ry _I _. >�i � h i 23 r da of A r • �— <br /> Quit �laim Deed.,r <br /> ThiU ndenture, ad t s cl y p il, in the year One Thousand Nine ' <br /> Hunared and 13 RET�iE�N Frida Pierson ( foxr��er3y Frida Eisele of Hall County� A�ebraska) anci <br /> husbar.d Sevrin Pierson of the f irst ?�art� and '� .J.Partri,�ge and R.L.Harrison of the second part. <br /> ��IT?�E��ETH that the said part ies of the f irst part� in cons iderat ion of the sum of Five and no� <br /> luu (y 5 .OG) Dollars to us clt��ly paid, the receipt �r hereof is hereby acknowled�ed, have remised, : <br /> released and quit-^laimed and by these presents �.o ior oursel�ves heirs, exe�utors and acirninistr- <br /> atoxs; rer�ise� release and forever quit-�laim and convey unto the said p�.rties rf the recond ��a�t <br /> and to �heir heirs and assi�ns forever� all our right, titie, interest, estate, claim and deman�. <br /> k�oth at laa ar��. in equity, of, in and to all Lat Four (4} in slc�ck Cne (1) in Harri�on' s �ub- <br /> divisi�n af the �outr: v��st quarter of the South east quarter (5.�4 of ti.�,�-�} of �ection Eight <br /> �8) ir_ Tc�wnship Lleven (11) i�'c�rth uf Range h'ine (9) iNest of' the Sixth (6th) Prir_c ipal h9ericiian ' <br /> ir� �all �ounty� i�?e'r�ras':a ' <br /> TagEther with all and singular the he-serlitam�nts thereunta belon�ing.'' <br /> To Have arla To Fiolu the a'oove descriLed premises unto the said �i .r.P�Artriclge a�nu P..L.Ha.rrison <br /> t�ieir rleirs: and assigns: so that neither the said �artiss of the first �?art or any person in , <br /> t"rieir na��e ar�3 behalf, shall or v�ill r:er•saf'ter claim or d�mand any right or title to the said <br /> prerr�ises c;r� any -r�art thereof but they an�. every �ne of them ahall by t�:ese present� be exclude�d <br /> and f'orever barreci. <br /> In �Jitness i�'hereof, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set; <br /> their hands an3 �eal �he day ar�d year last abave v�ritten. <br /> �igred, Sealed an� Delivered in ??resence of Frida Pierson <br /> � .B.GoFrell <br /> Charles �G.Cowell �'evrin Pierson <br /> StatE of Colorado <br /> City f�• County of Denver � Gn this 23rd day of April A.D.1913 before me the �ndersigned <br /> Charles �i .�owell a TTotary Public, auly comrl�isaioned and c�ualified f'or ar.d residing is said CoUn;ty - <br /> personally came Frida Pierson and Sevrin Fierson to r�e �own to be the idEntical gersons whose <br /> narl�es axe aff�ixed to the foregoirg �onveyance as grantnra� and acknowlec�ged the sar:�e to be their <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein set forth. <br /> �'itness my hand and Natarial Seal the c�ate ak�ove written. <br /> (SEAL) Charles �G.Cowe11 <br /> ' �v�y comrni�aion expires Dec, lst, 1�14 Notary Public <br /> Filea for rec�rc� �ay 10� 1913 at lU o'clock A.M. ��� � � <br />� �/Li%����� , <br /> �2egister of Dee� ����� , <br /> � <br /> __._._____.____- -______ ___ _.�.�__ _..,_._ _..__._.... ___._._..__�_,c__-- ---��_. _�..K___��__._� ._.______.�..�._ <br /> �heriff�s Deed on Foreclosure of R.ortgage� � _.__...___�._. . <br /> Know all �ien by These Presents: <br /> That '�herea�� in an action in the District Court af the Eleventh Judicial Distri�t of Neb- � <br /> raska, within and for Hall County� wherein Eugene Beland was Plaintiff, and Fred A.Moeder, <br /> rrayce b:oeder, and Rudolph F�ock were Defendants, it was by said Court at the November Term <br /> thereof, A�.D.1912� to-wit, on the 8th day o� February A.D.1913� consider6c� ad3udged, and <br /> ' decreed that in de�'ault of the payment to the Clerk of the District Court of the costs of <br /> _ . <br />' said action, and to the plair.tif'f the sum of �129.a0 so found dus, �ith interest thereon at <br />� ; <br />�` � the rat e of s ix y��er annv� �rithin 2G days from the date of s�h �udgment and decree, that the <br /> C ! <br /> ; equity of reUeu�pticn of each and all of said d�fendants in and to tn� . lands and tenements <br />�I� ' h�reinafter described be fcreelased an�. forever barred, and that the Sheriff of said Rall <br /> Caunty cause thc lands and tenements hereinafter described to be apnraisec� advertised, and <br /> sola accor.� t� law; and vrhereas the said defenaants having ruade default therein, �ustav <br /> Sievers� as Shexiff ef said County, under and by virt�e of the arder of said Court to him . � <br /> directec3, dic� on the 15th u.ay of April A.D.1913� at the front doar of the Court House in the <br /> C ity of �rand Ieland, in said Caunty of Hall, ( the same being the place �,�herein the Di�trict , <br /> Court was last held in said County), having first d?�ly appxaised �aid lands and tenementa as <br />