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�(� y_ <br />, , • ;�I���''��;' )° �';C�'��� ���� ��� �-� <br />-------�— ;' S t at e o f C o lo rado ( — --- - --- ---- — <br /> :ss <br /> ^ounty of 'Neld ( I, Chas . E.Littell, a rTotary Public in and for said �Aeld Qounty, in <br /> the �tate aforesaid, do hereby certify that C .F.Tidball who is �er�onally known to me to be <br /> the persoM whose nam� is sub�cribed to the annexed instrument of writing� ap?�eared before me <br /> . this day in �erson, and acknowledged that he signed, sealeci and delivered the said instrwxent <br /> . <br /> of writing as his free and voluntary act and desc� for th�"u8es anci purpose�s� set forth. <br /> �iven under my hand and Notarial Seal, this 25th day of October A.D.1912 . <br /> (Seal) Chas. E.Littell <br /> My cor�r.ission expires May 24t 1914. Notary Public <br /> � <br /> State of Colo�ado ( <br /> :ss <br /> C ounty af Beld ( C .F.Tidball, being duly s�R,orn deposes and says that at the t ime of <br /> I the ensealing of the foregoing deec� he was the Secretary of the Tidball Lu�ber Company; that <br /> the seal affixed to the said deed was the Coxporate seal of the said Corporation; that the same <br /> w-as thereto affi�ed by the authority of said Corporation; that said instrument was by like <br /> authority subscribed with its Corporate name; that b�( authority of said Corporation he subscr- <br /> , ibed his name as Seeretary as his free and voluntary aet and deed, and as the free and vol�.n- <br /> tary act and desd of said Corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth. <br /> C .F.Tidba7.1� Secy. <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of April A.D.1Q13 <br /> (SEAL) Chas . E.Lit tell <br /> I certify that my comr.-ission ATotary Public . <br /> expirea �viay 24th, 1914. <br /> F ileci f or r ec ord May 9� I9I3 at 9 0'c loc k�. • <br /> Reg ster o D ds <br /> ------�--_ - � ----------- <br /> �larranty Deed.�+` -. <br /> Know all �Sen by These Presents: That we� Fred E.Hankins and Rose Hankins, <br /> � huaband & wife of the �ounty of Buffalo and State of Nebraska for and in ^onsideration of the <br /> i sum of Twelve Ht.�ndred & no�100 Dollars in hand paid, do hereby rrant, Bargair� Sel]y Convey and <br /> ' Conf irm unto Catharine �icKenzie af the �ounty of Hall ana State of Nebraska the following descr- <br /> ' ibed Real Estate, si�uate in Cairo in Hall �ounty, ana State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> ` North Fifty feet of Block One Fourth Addition to the town of Cairo Nebraska, according to <br /> the recarded plat thereof. <br /> An3 we do hereby covenant with the said Catharine �dcKenzie and her <br /> � heirs and assi�ns� that we are lawfL?lly seized of said premises; that they �re free from in- <br /> curnbrances including 1912 taxes that we have gooc� right and lawful authority to sell the same; <br /> '' and �re do her�by covenar.t to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful <br /> ' claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> And the said Rose Hankins hereby relinquishes all homestead <br /> ! and other rights in an� to the above desc�ibed �remises, <br /> � igned this �8 day of April A.D.1913 <br /> In Presence of Fred E.Hankins <br /> ' R.I� .Thomson Rose Hankins <br /> '�! The �tate of Nebraska ( <br /> � :ss <br /> County of Buffalo ( Gn this 28 day of April A.D.1913 before me R.M.Thomson a Notary <br /> '�i Public 3uly commissioned and qualif ied for and res iding in said County, personally came Fred E. <br /> ''' Hankins and Rose Hankins� his wife, to �ae known to be the identical persona described in and � <br /> ' '�; v�ho exeeutsd the foregoing �onveyanee as grantors and aekrowledged the said instrument to be <br /> !,i their voluntary act and deed. <br /> . �itness my hand and seal tr.e day and year last above v�ritten. <br /> i A�y comr,aission expires Dec, 31� 1°16. (SEAL) �.M.Thomson� Notary Public <br /> ',; Filed for record May 10 � 1913 at 9 0' clack A.��. • <br /> ,� � <br /> �'. <br /> . Re�ister of Deeds '�` <br /> r � <br /> ,� , <br /> , <br /> __ �-- - - <br />