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����) <br /> ��, <br /> � � <br /> �����''��> > ��J���,���� � �,� � ��J� <br /> �' - - . � <br /> - -_ __ _ _ __ �__ _ - --_ -- - - - --- -- - ---- <br /> _ __ <br /> _ <br /> _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___._� <br /> b4296_-State Journal ComDany, Bluuk Bqok blakers, Stationeis and Piintei�sl Lincoln, Neb. _____ _ <br /> _ _ __.___.__ <br /> _ , __ _ _. --- _ -�-_--- ___.�__:____—-=---_----`.._�_ <br /> , In �itness �►her�of, the sa3d Realty Investment Cor��any has hereunto caused its ^orporate seal ��- <br /> tc� be affixed and these presents ta be signed by its president, the day and year first above <br /> ��ritten. <br /> Signe� S�aled and Delivered in presence of <br /> Realty Investment Company , <br /> Arthur C .�iayer . (corp} <br /> Attest E.L.rilbert Secretary. (seal) By L.� .silbsrt President , <br /> State of N�braska { <br /> : ss <br /> Hall �ounty. ( Cn this �9" �ay of A�?ril � 1913 before me, the undersi�nec� a Natary � <br /> Public in an� f'or said Caunty, personally came L.� .Gilbert, President af the �Realty Invest- <br /> raent Comnany, ta me personally known to be the Prasic�ent and the identi;al person whose name <br /> is affixed to the above conveyance, an3 acknowlecl�ed the execution thereof to be his voluntary <br /> act and deed as such offieer and the voluntary act and 3eed af the said R�alty Inve�tment <br /> Company and that the Corporate Seal of the said Realty Investment �ompany was thereto affixed <br /> by its authority. <br /> �Vitness my hand and �dotarial Seal at �xand Islanc� in said County the day <br /> ana year last above tivritten. <br /> (SEAL} Arthur C .2viayer , <br /> i:�y comr��ission e$pires the 17" day of` tday, 191r . Notary Public i <br /> F'iled for re�ord a�ay 6, 1913 at 11.55 o'clock A..�l. , /�j� <br /> � �� <br /> �' <br /> Re�;ister f De ds <br /> lAarrar.ty Deed. <br /> Know all r,4en by Thes e Pre�er�t s; That Ti dball Lumber C oMpany . of th e <br /> County of Phelps� and State of Nebraska, for and in consideration of the sum of Five H�;�ndxed <br /> Dollars in r.an3 paicl, da hereby grant, bargair� sell, conney and confir� unto D.M.Quigley � <br /> of the Cour�ty of Hayes� and State of Nebra�ka, the followin� describeci real estate situated 9 <br /> in Grand Island, in F:all County, and State of Nebra�ka� to-wit: <br /> All of Zot tv'urr.ber 2dine (a} in slock Number Two (� ) of Koehler Place, in �he City of <br /> �rand Island, Nebraska. To Have ar.d To Hold the premises above deacribed, together <br /> with all the �er��ment�, ��Iereciitamen�a and Appurtenances thereunto be3.onging unto the said <br /> D.M.Qui�ley and to his heirs and assigns� forever . <br /> And they do hereby covenant with the said <br /> �rantee, and with his heirs and assigns, that they are lawfully seized of said prem.ises; that <br /> they are free from encumbrance whatsoever,, that they ha�te good right and lawful authority <br /> to sell the sam�e; and they do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the title to �aid premises � <br />' ' against the la�fl,l claims of alI persons whomsoever . <br /> And the said Tidball Lumber Com�any hereby relinqUishes all Their Bight title and interest <br /> v�hatsoever in and to the above described prer�ises . <br /> Signed this 21st day of October A.D.1912 <br /> T idbal l Llunber C a. <br /> In �resence of <br /> (corp} By Jahn L.Tidball� Sr . Pt <br /> �;.�G.Beghtal (seal) <br /> By C .F.Tidball Secy. • <br />� State of Nebraska ( ' <br /> :ss <br /> ' Phelps County. � Cn -�his �1 day of Cctober A.D.191�� befere rne the undersigned ' <br /> E.�,Beghtol a Ptotary Pub3ic, auly commissianed and qual.ified for and residing in said Caunty� <br /> personally came John L.Tidbal Sr . President of the Tidball Lumber �omnan to me knov��n to be <br /> 1, , . Y <br /> I,� the identical person w�hose names is affixed to the foragoing conveyance as grantors� and ack- <br /> noixrleciged the execution af the sar�e to be thei.r voluntary act and dsed.and his voluntary <br /> act and deed as President of said corapany. <br /> �Vitness my hand and Notarial ceal the ciay ard year last a�ove written. , <br /> (SEAL) E.�P.Be�htal , <br /> �riy commission expires Se�t 24, 1�14 '��otary Public <br />; <br /> , <br /> , <br />� _ � - u . . ------___--- <br />