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��� <br /> `� � J1 JIJJ� 'I� � �����'�l,�lll9'�,��� �IV �\, � ��0 <br /> �_��� �--,�J�.J �---� � ��J� _� ._�J .• � <br /> _:__. ._,.__ =- --- _ _ _::�_._._ _ -- - -- --- ___ �.— --- -� --- <br /> __ ----- . _ _ _ _ _� __ <br /> __ ___._ ______�__ <br />_,. 54Z98—Sfate Journal Company, Bluul� Book SIaL-ers, Stationers and'Printers Lincoln, NBb . .._ . . . _.. .___.__. ___.. _. .___ .._.._._—�_.__. ...__.__..___ <br />--_-.- ._-_._. . _.. _._...._ . .... .. .... ._..,__.,_�.__:..: .>--�._.�-- .. <br /> ... .--_._, . _..___.__.._—�—� <br /> �Carranty Deed.�' - ' —_ <br /> No. 1�8 Doniphan Cer.!etery Association. � <br /> Knaw all Men by These Presents� That we, J.H.Quigle, �Vm. H.Marsh and A.B.Smith� Trustee� '' <br /> �f Doniph�n C eraetery Assoc iat ion of Doniphan, Nebraska, in cons iderat ion of Ten Dollars, <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey and confixm unto �m. H.Marsh , Jr., the , <br /> follawing aescribed real estate situate in the county of Hall� and 5tate of NeUraska, to-v�it � ' <br /> Lot Number 131 in Block Number 33 in the Doniphan Cemetery, si�uate on the Northwest Quarter <br /> ; <br /> of the North-�ast Quart�r of Section Five (5) in Township Idine (9)� North of Range Nine (9� <br /> �Best a�' the Sixth Princi;�al �eridian as the same is laid dvwn and described on the plat of <br /> said Cem�tery now on file in the County Clerl�' s office of� said Hall County� Nebraska. <br /> To�ether with all th� tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenance�a to the same belon�in� and <br /> a11 the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, interest, Dower, Claim oY� Demand whatso�g�r of the said sxantors�;!'! <br /> or either of the� of, in, or to the sam�, or any part thereof, to have and to hold the above '! <br /> de�cribed premises, with the appurtenan�es, unto to the said r�antee, and to hi� heirs and <br /> ass igns f orevar. And we do hereby c avenant with the said �`rant ee and hia heirs and a�s i�ns, <br /> that we are �a�rfully seized of sai3 premises; that they are free from eneumbrance; that we , <br /> havs good ri�ht and lawful authority to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to warran� <br /> and def end the sa3:d �remise� again�t the lawf ul elaim� of all persoz�s whomso�ver. ' <br /> Si�ned this 18th day of February A.D.1903. <br /> In Presence of J.H.Quigle <br /> A.L.Scudder �m.H.Marsh <br /> �.M.Orcutt A.B.Smith <br /> The State of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County. ( On thi$ day of A.D.188,_ befor� me, a Notary Publi� � <br /> in and for said County, personally cam� the abov€� named J.H.Quigle, �Vm. H.�arsh, Sr. and A.B. <br /> Sr�ith who are personally known to me to be the identical pers€�ns whose names are affixed to <br /> the above �ed as �rantors, and they severallp acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be � <br /> . <br /> their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein stat�d. <br /> �Gitness my hand and Notarial Seal at Doniphar� on the date aforesaid. <br /> (SEAL) John Schwyn <br /> �ty C om. egp. 3/19-04 N tary Public� <br /> ��-� ������ <br /> Filed for r�cord iday 1, 1913 at 9 o'cloak A.M. ��' <br /> � ; , <br /> Reg �t�r o Dee <br /> # <br /> WARFcANTY DEED:� � � <br /> Knr��r all �Ien by Triese Preser.ts : That �+e, Cthman A.Abbc,tt an.� Lizzie �.Abbotti <br /> �ii� ti�ife, of the �_",ounty of Hall, and State af 2�Ie�raska, �'rantors in consideration of the sum <br /> of' Ten CG/1G0 DCLLAR�� in h�nd x�aid do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell anc� convey �anto John Allan <br /> of the �cunty of Ha11, and State of Nebr�ska, �rantee, the fo].lowing described premises, situ- <br />.� <br /> ated in the Cc�unty of �all, and State of Nebraska, to-wit : <br /> Fra^tional I,at Five (5) in Block Thirty Fot�r (34) in ��orrill' s Ad�litican to �rand Island, Hall <br /> ��ounty, ivebraska, as surveyed, �latted and recorcied. <br /> Together with all the tenements, <br /> ' hereclitaments and appurtenances thereunta belon�in�� and all the Estate� Ri�ht, Title, Interegt�; <br /> , <br /> Dower� Curtesy� Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Crantors and of either of them, of, in, ' , <br /> or tc� the same, or any �art thereof. To Have ar�3 To Hald the above described premisea, <br /> with the a��purter:ances, unto the said �rantee and tv his heirs and assigns forever. And �� <br /> lisreby covenant with th� said Jrant�e that t�Te ��old said ;?remises by good and Ferfect title; <br /> tY�at vre have good r�ght and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free <br /> and cleax of all liens and incuml�rances whatsaever� except taxes and tax liens . , <br /> ; <br /> �, <br />