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�� � � � � ��``� � <br /> _ �� <br /> � <br /> D��������� ����'��� ����� �!Q m <br /> . _- __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ._ __ _ . _ __� _ ___ � __ _ __ _ ___ ___ _ .__ ______ _ <br /> - __ _ __ _ _ ___ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ ___ ._ <br />�___ ------- i DEED. -- <br /> � �ow all Men by Theee Presents: That J.H.Yund and Addie B.Yund, husband and wife, nf <br />� �I! Hall County, and State of Nebraska, in consideration of ths sum of One and no one hundredth <br /> dollars in hand paid by �Iilbur F.McCombs and R.I.McComba, of Hall County, a�nd State cf l�ebraska <br /> � do� hereby grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm un to the aaid �Pilbur F.�cCombs and R.I.MeCoaibs <br /> i'! hu�band and wife as long aB they Bhall live and to the sureivor vf them in fee� and to their <br /> ; heirs or �ssigns forever, the fc�llawing described premises situated in the County of Fall and <br /> !I State of Nebraska to �rit: Lot Plumber sia (6) in block nur�lber four (4) in the original town, now <br /> ! city of �rand .Island 2lebraska as surveyed, platted and re�orded. Lots numbered seven (7) and <br /> !�' eight (8� in bIc>ck twenty-eight (28) in Packer & Barr' s second addition to the city o� rrand <br /> I ' I�lanc� as platted and recorded. Lot one �1} in block twenty-ei�ht (28} of Russel �Pheeierts <br /> !� addition to rrand Island, Nebxaska� as surveyed platted and recorded. Lot nvmber four (4) in <br /> '� � block forty-four (44) in Packer and Rarr� s second addition to the tQwn, now city of rrand Island, <br /> � FIa13 Cour_ty � Iuebraska. Lots twelve (12) and thirteen (13) in block number thirteen (13) Meth' s <br />; ' addition to the city. of �rand Island , according to the recorded plat ' thereof, together with the <br /> , tene�ente, hereditamentg and appurtenances to the same belonging� and all the Estate, Right, <br /> ' Tit1e, Interest, Claim or aemand �wnatsoever; including Do�er, curtesp, and xomestead Ri�hts of <br /> � the said J.H.Yund and Addie B.Yund, of, iz�, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> Tt� HAVE A�TD TC HOLD the above d�scribed premises with the appurtenances, unto the eaid �Dilbur <br /> ;; F.�cCombs and R.I.�cCombs, eo long as they shall live, and to the $urvivor of them and to their <br /> ;� <br /> ;; <br /> '; heirs and assigns forever. And I hereby covenant �rith the said �Gilbur F.McComba ar_d R.I.I�aCombs <br />� �' That T hold said premises by good and perfect title; that I have good right and lawful authority <br /> �� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoeve <br /> � <br />' �; And I eavenant to warrant and aefend the said premisec aga3nst the lawful claims of �ersane <br /> ;; whomsoever, claiming by, through� or unc�er me ar agair_st me. , <br />� <br /> ;! Signed this 26th day of April A.D.1913 . <br /> J.H.Yund <br /> In Presence o� <br /> Addie B.Yund <br /> � T.O.0 .Harrison <br /> ;; <br /> ' State of Nebraska ( <br /> !' Hall C ount �$$ <br /> y � On this 26th day of April A.D.1913, before me a r�otary Public within <br /> � <br /> '�! and for �he afore said County� personally came J.H.Yund and Addi� B.Yund husband and �ife to me <br /> � ; ��ersonally known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above instru�:ent sa--- <br /> ' �rantors and sevErally a�kno�ledged the eaecution of the same to be their volentary act and <br /> deec� for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> , In Witness �9hereof, I hane hereunto subscribed mp name and affixed my official seal <br /> i at rrar_d Island, Nabraskay on t;he date last above t�=ritten. <br /> �' <br /> II (SEAL} T.C.C .Harrison <br /> � �ty commisgion expires February 12" 1918 Notary Pub2ic <br /> ;; <br /> �' Fil�d fox recard April 28, 1913 at 4.50 o'clock P.b�. <br />� �� �-���_ _...____��_, <br /> ji Reg ist sr of De <br /> j' _r.._..�__._._-_________�______�_�.�_�_�.___._.___._._�_�_________ ._.__� __ _. <br /> '! �VAF�RANTY DEED.�. <br /> '' No. 87 Doniphan Cemetery Association. Know all '�en by These Presents, That Re, <br /> J.H.Quigle, �V.J.Burger and J.H.Seud�.er, Trustees of the Doniphan Ceme�ery Association, of Doniph <br /> Nebraska, in c ons icierat ion of Ten (�10.00) DG._.LARS,. in nand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, , <br /> 'i <br /> ' and canvey and confirm unto �,�rs Ada Bell Stager the following described real est�te situate in <br /> ; <br /> '� the county of Hall, and State of rTebraska, to-wit: Lot 1�Turr:ber 213 in Block Number 54 in the <br /> Doniphan Cemetery� situate on the North East Quarter of the North-East Quarter of Seetion Five <br /> '; (5) in To�rnship Nine (9) North of P4ange I1ine (9} West of the Sixth Princ ipal Meridian, as the <br /> , s <br /> ame zs laid do�►n and described on the plat of said Cemetery now on file in the County Clerk' s <br /> ,._�.�__ _ . . : <br />