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� /� <br /> e��'� <br /> �:`�,. _ ' <br /> `' D �'����� '� � ° )�'�� ;'� ��D� ���� � o \' � <br /> ���� �.,����_. _� ��� ���o� , � <br /> -_— _- __ ._�_ __ _ . _ _ ____ _ --�_� _-- ----_ »__--- - - - - --- — - - — -- <br /> - . _._ _ _ .��_- __� _ __ �� ___ _____ <br /> 54298—State Journal Company, Bluvk Book liakers, Stationers and Printere,�,inoolM Neb. _. _ _ _._._ __ .__._�____.___ __. _ <br /> -.:.--.. _ _ �_ __ __- ,-....._ _,,..— �_------__�_—� <br /> _ __ ��— <br /> Number Ten (10) North� Range Nur�ber Eleven (11) �Vest of the Sixth Principal t�eriaian. �; <br /> � <br /> The said �artin Diefenaerfer� Ernest Aiefenderier and Sylvia Marshall being the persons named ' <br /> as grantees of th� fee of the above d��cribed premises by a certain 3eed made� by John H. <br /> Di�fenderf'er, wi3ower, unaer c�ate of December 3rc1, 19(76� and re�orded in Book 3'� of Dee�,s, at <br /> Page 5�0, af the re�ords of Hall County, Nebraska, and we, the above narned grantors� hereby <br /> certify that r�alvin D�e�snderfer� ta whom was biven a I.ife eatate in said premises by said cieed, <br /> is ci�ad. <br /> Together with all the tenaments, hereaitaments and ap?�urtenan�es to the same belong- <br /> ing� and all thE Estate� Right� Title, Inter��ts Ciaim or Demand v�hatsaever; in; lu3in� Dower� <br /> Curtesy arid Homest�ad Righta, of the said grantor�, an�i of all af therg of� in, or to the same, <br /> or any part thereof. <br /> �o Have and '�o Hold the above des�ribed premises, with the appurtenances ; <br /> unta the said Daniel E,iNi::eman and to his heirs and a$signs forever. , <br /> And r�rantors hereby cove�ant <br /> with the said Daniel E.iNiaeman that they hold said premises by good and perfect title; that they�: <br /> . <br /> have �oad ri.ght and lavdful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear <br /> of all liens and incvmbranees v�hatsoever. , <br /> And they coverzant to warrant and defend the said premis�s <br /> against the lawful claims of persans t�homsoever. , <br /> Si�ned this 7th day of April A.D.19I3 . <br /> �itness : A.H.Foster �artin Diefenderfer <br /> 3Vitness : A,H.Foster Edith Diefenderfer <br /> �Pitness : D.D.OKane �rnes� Disfenderfer <br /> 7J itness : D.D.CKane Cora E.Diefenderfex • . <br /> �iitness : Chester A.Blake Sylvia Marshall <br /> �itness : Chester A.Blake Charles Ho�1er �iarshall <br /> State of California ( <br /> :as <br /> County of Santa Cruz ( �n this l�ith ciay of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and <br /> thirteen before me, A.H.Foster a rlotary Publie, in and for the said �ounty of Santa Cruz person- <br /> ally appeared Martin Diefenderfer and E3ith Diefenderfer� his wife known to me to be the persnns' . <br /> yi�hose narnes are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowlec�ged to me that they <br /> �xecuted the same. <br /> In lAitness �Jhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed r,iy Cfficial Seal, at my office <br /> in the said �c�ur_ty of Sarta Gruz the �ayy and year in this certificate first above written. <br /> (SEAL) A.H.Foster <br /> � Notary Public, in and for the said �aunty of , <br /> Sar_ta Cruz, State of California. <br /> The State of Plebraska ( <br /> :85 <br /> F�all County . ( On this 9th ;�,ay of Apri1 1913, before me, D.I3.GKane, a Notary Publi; ' <br /> ' within and for said County, personally came Ernest Diefenderfer and Cora E.Diefenderfer, his wif�e, <br /> to nie personally known to b� two of the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above <br /> instru�nent as �rantors, and severally acknowledged the e$ecution of the same tv be their voluntai�y <br /> act an3 deed for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> In �6itness �Ihereof I have hereunto subscribed my na�ne and affixed my official seal at �ood <br />� <br /> River on the date last above written. <br /> (SEAL) D.D,OKane <br /> My commission expires Jany. 29� 1918 . Notary Public <br /> State of Nebraska ( ss . <br /> Douglas County ( ( On thia 12 day of April, i913 br�fore me, Chester A,Blake� a Notary <br /> Public within and for said County� personally came Sylvia .�arshall and Charles H.Marshall, her ' <br /> husband, to me personally known to be two af the identical �ersons v�hose names are aff'ixed to tlzi� <br /> above instrument as �rantors, and sev�rally acknowled�ed the execution thereof to be their voiun�- <br /> tary act and desd for the purposes th�rein expressed. <br /> In "�itness �Ihereof, I have hereunto subscr i�ed <br /> r�y name and af f ixed �ny off ic ial seal at �maha Neb. on the date last abone wxit ten. <br /> (�EAL) Chester A.Blake <br /> ��iy commission ex�ires Jan. 2, 1919. Alotary Public. <br /> Filed f�or record April 25, 1913 at 9 o'clo�k A.M. _ , <br /> � <br /> R�g is t er f Dee ds ' <br /> � � �� �� ���� � �� <br /> , � � � � ��� � �i � � � <br />