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<br /> 4 � DEED OF'TFtUST WITI� FUTURE ADVAflICES � ,,.,.=�_,___
<br /> .19 97 ,bV and am��^ -��=V.�'�,
<br /> �� day of March �
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made es of the — \0 � , •�;_
<br /> ,�":••�:: . +
<br /> the Ttustor. DELPHIS L. CSSLBWSRI. A SINGLS PSRSON '--� - _,
<br /> ' S_:�.-�--.
<br /> ' -�;'''� ... .'.-'_
<br /> 611 WSST 17TF3 STREST GR�ND ISLAI�ID N� 6880�Qrein'Trwtor,'�vhether one or more). , _• �: ;-��
<br /> whose mailing address is �� �-- _
<br /> 9ANR OF DONIPHAN , ' •�•-y�'i--
<br /> � 4fis Trustee. ;-: -�"""' --_
<br /> ,�__
<br /> DOD2IPHAN. NS b8832 (herein°Truscee'1,and `�•�.• �;�
<br /> whose ma�'Iing address is PO BOX B _��;• �'Y-'
<br /> - • =�•h_ -_—
<br /> the Be�efidary. �.�2JR OF DOIJIPAAN • ''`:,�-��-
<br /> �. •-�,.,,�._—
<br /> PO BOR S DOFTlPHAN NS 68832 (herein"Lender°l. ;; ..,��; '�Y_J
<br /> ' � whase maiiing address is . •
<br /> :, , -. y;.
<br />�.`,' .� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lender's extension of credit identified herein to DELPHIE L. Cf�I+8WSR1 ' :..1r. `
<br /> . �,:�,�;::..: ;-
<br /> .:-t�+,'-�- � •--
<br /> {herein°Bortowar°,wfiather one or moref and the trust hereln created.the Srt:,� .,
<br /> , raceipt of which is hereba b nefrt'and securitY ofhLender,rt ndera�d subectrto he terms ansi cand'tt�tons herei efter sat forth.the�H
<br /> ppWER OF SALE,tor th
<br /> property,described as foitows: -� '_=
<br /> ' �,p�Tp,� pN pND BSYI3t3 A SUBDMSION OF BLOCR 20. SCHIMMER's
<br /> � ' hF.
<br /> . -o.xa�tj_;.�, ..
<br /> pgpNfl Igy1�1ND, NE 68801-
<br /> � PROPERTY ADDRESS: 611 YJEST 17TA STREET . �„_ Fy.:,:.:.
<br /> Together with ail buildings, improvementa,fixturos,streets,atleys, D8�e8eways,easements,rights,privitegea and eppuRenances �= �
<br /> . located thereon or in anywo the ime rovemaerrt9 sce 9 to constitute a bctu e,pinct din9vbut not Ii rted to,�heating and cooNng quipmenti "� .'
<br /> : ,.., property that Is ettached t D ��a-�=""= .
<br /> � � and together wfth the homestead ot marttal ir►terestt�. if any,which interasts are hereby released and waived; ali of which, inctuding
<br /> est :.�,;.�_
<br /> reptacamente end edditions thereto,is hereby dectared to be a part of the real estate secured by the lien of this Deed ot Trust and a o ����
<br /> the foregoing being referted to herein as the'Property'• ��.�.-.r --..
<br /> ' This Oeed of Yrust shaN secure(a1 the paymant of ths principal eum arsd interest evideneed by a promisaory note ot credlt �:�F_�_
<br /> � • March 28, 2002 �� ����
<br /> March 07, 1997 ,having a maturity date ot ' ti%-�'�'�
<br /> . agreement dated �"''��` " �
<br /> � in the origlnal principal emount of S 15,785.36 ,and any and ati modificationa,extensions end renewals _ .�,__-
<br /> thereof or theretm e�n�d an�y°tes or'uedit ag eeme eel eroin�ceiled'RVo eo);(bl the¢paymenttot them ums advan ed by L.ender to P ot ct �`R�'.
<br />. one or moro pro �N � �'����
<br /> the securtry of the Note;(c)the pe�fortnance of ell covenante ar.d agreements of Trustor set forth herein;and ld)ali present and tuture .. :._.. - _ r'��
<br /> indebtedness end obligations of Borrower(or any of thom tf more than one)to Lender wfiether dlrect,indirect, absoiute or contingent iTy�:.`
<br /> � .and whethar arlsing by note,guaranty,overdraft or othervvise.The Note,this deed of Trust end 2aY and a��otfier documerr.c thet secure � r A,, �,$ _ t'��.
<br /> the Note or otherwlsB executed in eonnection thorewith.includinp without limitation guarantees,seeurity agreementa anB asssignments ��-�,�����
<br /> � of leases and renta,shall be reterred to herein as the'Loan Instruments". -, ;�__,r.:. •
<br /> Trustor covenarrta and agree9 witfi Lende►as folTows: �
<br /> 1,psym�nt of tnd�btsdn�ss•1a11 IndebteQness secured hereby ahatl be paid when due. ,
<br /> 2,T(fto.Trustor is the owner ot the Property,has the right and authority to convsy the P►cDerty,and wattants thaR tne tien created
<br /> hereby(9 a flrst end prlot iien on the Property,exceDt fot liena and encumbrances set torth bY Truator in wririnc�and deBvered to Lcndor _-, '_'•
<br /> � r belore execution of this Deed of t rust, and the execution and deiivery of this Deed of trust does not violato any contract or other _ i
<br /> ob8gation to which Trustor is subJect. now or ' �
<br /> 3.Tan�s,Assesam�nte.To pay before delinquency atl taxes,special assessments and ell other charges��ainst the Roperty
<br /> � hereaitar leviad. • �
<br /> � 4.tnsunncs.To keep the Proparty insured against damage by fire, hazards, included n+ithin the term 'extonded coverage°,end
<br /> such other hazards as Londer may require,fn amounis and with companlos acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an edditional named ,
<br /> (nsured,with loss paYeh�e to the Lender.in cese of toss under such poticies,the Lender is authodzed to edJus4 collect and compromise, .
<br /> ail etaims thereunder and shetl have the option of apptying ail or part of the insurence proceeds li)to any indebtedness secured hereby ,
<br /> and in such ordor as Lender may deiermine,(ii)to the Trustor to bo used for the repair or restoration of the Property or Iitil for any other . _
<br /> . � purpose or obJect aetisfsetory to Lender without effectirg the Iien of this Oeed of Trust for the tull amount saeured hereby betore such :
<br /> _ payment evor took place.Any appiieation ot ptocoeds to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due dtrte of any p9yments undor
<br /> the IVoto,or cure any dafault thereundcrr or hereunder. .
<br /> 6.Eaerow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shali poy to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designate,sufficient su�ns
<br /> to enabia Lendst ta pay°s they bpcome due one or more of the toltawin8: (i)all texes,assessme�ta and other eharges agal�st the .
<br /> prpparty,(ii)the premlums on the proporty insurance required hereunder,end pii)the prem�ums on any muAya�c insutana3 se�uired by —
<br /> Le�der. �
<br /> 6. Meintenance,Ropaln and CumpUance with Lewa.Trustor shall keep the Property in good condition and repair,shall promptfy � ��
<br /> repair,or rep�ace any improvement whteh mey bo damaged or destroysd;shail not commit or permit any waste or deterioration of the
<br /> _____,_ pr�Qerty;shall not remova,d8molish ot substantiaity eltsr any of the improvemento on th Q�ofln�ha 1 p y and promDtlV discha ge et =__ _ __
<br /> any nct to be done io or upon the Property in viotation of any faw, mGfianca,as rcgulat- • art thereot
<br /> , ' Trustors cost and exponse e11 liens,oncumbraneea end charges levied,imposed or assessed sgainst the Property or any p
<br /> rygC3a87A INOna�INhanl Doedl F¢v.8195 �
<br /> � - 1988 NiUOna18W o1 Cammeree TMI N*15�vingf Assx�ati0n.Untoln.NeDraste . . r .
<br /> . �.-rcr_,^---(r-'i:.�.�....._..-.r.._.....-:.._�. .
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