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, _ <br />, � �� <br /> a"��:_� , <br /> '� <br /> � ; <br /> � � 1��'���� �� l �'J��' � ' °��� �� ,� � � �o <br /> ---�---�--J--- --�J---,��� � _� _� � �� _� .__, ,J � <br />� :_-- � _ ��� _ _ _-- -__ —_ — __ — -- <br /> - -_ __- - _ _ _ <br /> b4298—State Journai Company, Blank Book 1lakers, Statiouera avd,Printerss Linco_ Neb � " `—� --' "- _ "—"—' <br />= ----_- - .- :: ��------, _ � <br /> .....-,._ _--_�—_�_.—_____.__�------ - — <br /> per�ons nyhomsaever. ______ ; <br /> And the said Carrie Hol�in�;er h�reby relinquishes all her rights in and to the above described <br /> pr emis es . <br /> Signed this ��" day of Auguet A.D. 1911 . <br /> In presenc e af <br /> �eo. H.Palrrisr S .R.Hols ing er ` <br /> Arthur C .May�r . C arr ie Hals ing er <br /> State of RTa�;raska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County. ( 4n this 22" day of Augu�st A.D .1911 before me the undersigned a Notary ' <br /> PaLlic, duly cor.+s�issioned and c�ualified for and resiaing in said County, personally came <br /> Carrie �olsin�er to �e knc�wn t� be trie identical persan ��hose name is aflixed to the foregoing <br /> conveyan�e as grantor, and acknawled.ged �aid ir,strur��ent to be her valuntary act and deed for ' <br /> the purposes tharein �et forth. <br /> �Vitness my hand and �Totarial Seal this 2G" day of AYZgust 191Z. <br /> (SE11L) Arthur C .I�ayer � <br /> My eomr.�ission ex��ires the 17" clay of ���lay Z917. Notary Pub13c . <br /> State af rlebraska � , <br /> :ss <br /> County of Fillrr�ore( On this 5 day of September A.£�.1911, before me� a rlotary PubZic in <br /> and �'ar said County, personally came �'.R.Holsin�er to me personally known to be the identical <br /> �erson whose name is affixed to the above instrument as grar_tor, and severally acknowledged <br /> th� exe�ution �f the sar�le to be his voluntary aet and deed for the purpose$ therein ex�ressed, <br /> In �ditness �hereof, I have hereunto subsc-ribed my name ar.d affixed my of:f'icial seal at <br /> Shickley� Nebr. on the day last above K•ritt�n. <br /> (SEAL) �V.�.�Iatzke <br /> Comi��ieaion ex��ire� ��Gay 13, 191? Ivotary Pul�lic <br /> Filed for record April 24� 1913, at 10.3� o' ^lock A.�i. ; � <br /> ���_� <br /> -`��te i t r of � s� <br /> ___.�..___._- - --- .�a,_..�_----_..__.__,_.�_�..�d.._..��.__._..�___# _._.__--�__.___.a <br /> � - , <br /> �Varranty Deed.� � <br /> Know aZI Men by Thsse Presents: <br /> That Martin Diefenderfer and Edith Diefenderfer, his wife, of Santa Cruz County, California <br /> Ernest Diefenderfer and Cora E.Diefenderfer, his wife� of Hall County� Nebraska, and Sylvia <br /> �iarshall and Charles H.�Iarshall, her husband, of Douglas County, an�3 State of Nebraska4 grantor� <br /> in con�i3eration of the sum af Sixtp Four Hundred Dollars, in hand paid by A:.Shufert �isema� <br /> of Hall Count an Sta e of Nebrask do hereb rant bar ai sell conv� an i m o S <br /> y, d t a, y � , � r� , y d c o n f r u n t <br /> th� said A.Shuf ert �P is eman the follow in� descr ibed premises� s ituat ed in the C ou.nty of Hall and . <br /> State af Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> The South ha.lf t�f the Southeast quarter of Sec�ion Tlumber Twenty <br /> Two (22 )� in Township Number Ten (10) North, Range �tiambex Eleven (11), �9est of the 6th P.I�. <br /> The said Martin Diefenderfer, Erre�t Diefenderfer and Sylvia Mar�hall being the persans named <br /> as granteee of th� fee of the above described premises by a certain 3eed made by John H. <br /> ' Diefenderfer, widower� under date of December 3rd, 1906, and recorded in Rook 37 of Deeds, at <br /> Page 52 0� of the rec ords of Hall C ounty, Nebraska� and we, the above named grantors, hereby <br /> , c ert ify tha.t Calvin Diefenlerfer, to whom was �iven a life estate in said premiaes by said deec�' <br /> is dead. <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belanging <br /> and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest� Claim or Demand whatsoever; including Dawer, Curtesy '' ' <br /> and Homestead Ri�hts, of the saici grantors, and all of the�, of, in, or to the same, or any <br /> part thereof. Ta Have and To Hold the above described premises, with the appurtenances, <br /> unto the said A.Shufert �Giseman and to his heirs and assi�ns farever . <br /> And grantors herebp c oeenarkt` <br /> with the said A.Shu�ert �Niseman that they hold said pxemi�es by good and perfect title; that ' � <br /> they have �ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that �hey are frse and <br /> � 4i <br />, � C II _ . <br />