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_ � � <br /> � <br /> � )� <br /> \` - � j�- � � l�� v� <br /> , ���'-=�J�J�JJ ���LJf'����� �I�� �NJ� '��� � �, <br /> j� �itness . — - — <br /> � 1� .L.Sprague Cora B.�Iilliams <br /> ,; �t.L.Bpra�ue John W .Williams <br /> �G .L.Spra�ue Neva L.�9hitehead <br /> !�i �.L.Sprague iRallace �thitehead <br />, �V.L.Sprague Eva M.rarrison <br /> 1N .L.Sprague F�essie F.�atthews, nee Bessie F.Donaldson <br /> �G .L.$prague �1 il l iam �:.2dat th ews - <br /> �1 <br /> ;; John rrant witness to signatures D4ina �d.Qlade <br /> ;; of ��ina ��i and August J.�lad� August J.�lade <br /> � Stat e of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> ';II Hall Cat3nty. ( On this 8th day of A�ril A.D.1913 before me the un�iersigned, a Notary <br /> I� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> '' Public within and for said County, personally came Cora B.�Villiams, John �t.Williams, Neva L. <br /> ; �Vhitehead, �allace �Bhi�eh�ad, Bessie F.Pwatthews, �►illiam E.�latthews and Eva �A.�arxison, to me <br /> � <br /> j personally known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the within instrument <br /> � <br /> �III <br /> as grantors, and they �everally acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed for <br /> ,� th� purpose therein e$pre$;;ed. <br /> �� In �iitr_ess �hereof , I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed mp offi�ial seal at <br /> �'�� <br /> '� �Good River� in said County, on the date last above written. <br /> , <br /> (SEAL} �1 .L.Sprague <br /> � c omr�i s ion ex i e P <br /> s r s � h 27 <br /> arc 1918 Not r ubli <br /> Y P <br /> . a c <br /> , <br /> Y <br />' S�ate of Nebraska ( <br />� <br /> :s� <br /> Lincoln County ( On this 19 day of April A.D.1913, before me, the uur�3Arsigned, a County <br /> !; <br /> Judge within and for said County, personally came �lina �i.rlade and August J.rlade� twa of the � <br /> srantore, to me personally known to be the identical persons arhose names are affixed to the <br />�, <br /> within instrument as �rantors, and they severally acknowledged the same to be their voluntary <br /> . <br /> act and dee�-1 for the purpose therein e$pressed. <br /> In �itness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�fixed my official seal at <br /> ii North Piatte in said County, on the date last abova written. <br /> (' <br /> (S EAI�) J oh n r r ant <br /> My C on�liss ion e$pir ee C ounty J udge, Lincoln C ounty, Nebraska. <br /> Filed for r�ord pril 4, 1°13 at 9 o'clock A.�d. <br /> . � <br />� ' Regi ter o e s <br /> � � '�� __ —. # -CL �/Lra� �9 <br /> ' � �ARRAi�TY DEED. �`�'``• <br />� <br /> i! Know all �den by Thes e Pres ent s : <br /> , l That we� S.R.Hol�ingex and Carrie Holsinger husband and wife� heirs at law of Chester s. <br /> �� <br /> 'I Holsinger an unmarried deceased person of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska for and in <br />��I � �'�� c ons icierat ion of the sum of Seven f � D 1 h e e � <br /> I� ty our o1 ars in and paid, do h r by grant, bargair� sell, <br /> convey and confirm unto Herman A.Bawnann and Oscar P.Baur�ann of the County of Hall and State <br /> I�,'III <br /> of Nebraska the following de:;cribed real estate situated in in Hall County� State of Nebraska <br /> �' to-wit: Lot No. Nine 9 in blo No e 2 ^k � <br /> ;� <br /> ( ) ck . Tw nty twQ (2 } in Pa, er and Barr s Sec ond Ad,a- <br /> ition to s-rancl Islan3� a��orciing to the recorded plat thereof . <br />, ; �ie do hareby warrant that said Chester r.Holsinger departed this life on the 11" day of <br /> �'�i <br /> ij July 191I in said Hall County an unir�arried. man and left no will or testamert, nor did he leave <br /> ,I <br /> ' any debts, anci that the grantors in this deed are the surnining parer_ts of the said Chester <br /> i�� <br /> i� <br /> s.Holsin�er, decaased ' <br /> ;I; To Have and To Hold the prez�ises above describ�i, together xith all <br /> ;; the Teneraents, Hereclitaments and Appurtenance� thereunto belonging; unto the said Herman A. <br />� a <br /> Bawbann and C7scar P.Baumann and to their heirs an3 assigns forever. <br /> And we do hereby c c�venant with the said Herman A.Baumann and Oscar P.Aaumann an� witr. their <br /> i:eirs and assigns that we are lawfully seized of said ?�re�ises ; that they are free from en- <br /> _ <br /> cumbrance that �e hava gooci ri�ht and lawful at�.thority to sell the same; and v:e de hereby <br /> , ccvenant to $arrant an e e <br /> ;, d d f nd the title to the saic� premises a�ainst the lawful c].aims of all <br /> ;� <br /> ;i <br /> li <br /> � <br />�. I, _ <br />