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I Ra/ 1 f . . . . . _ . .... . <br />.. a��� 7 ."� .. �. <br /> \I� ��� J 1 <br /> �1JL]�i�' ��'`J'�./J���_�� ����vA� =�;�J <br /> - - , <br />� _;__� _ _ _ -_, _ ___ __ _.. — _.--��-- _--�._ - - -_ �_�.s_�_ - _ __ —_` <br /> _ __ ` _ <br /> b4298—State Journal Company, Blaink Book l4akers, Stationers sud Printei� Lincoln� Neb. _., _� __ _.� � _,. y^ <br /> �_ __ _ _ : _ . <br /> �-� . �._.—._ --�- -- � _ ___" <br /> powers ve�ted in zne by law, do by these presents grant, sell and convey unto the said Louise �..: <br /> Sti��fig and to her heirs and assigns the real estate described as Lot No. Six (6) in �lock <br /> ;�o. Thir-�y Seven (37) of Charles 1�astner' s Ac'tdition to the City of srand Island, Nebraska. '' <br /> with all the appurtenancas thereunto belanging� to have and to hold the same to her, ths said �, <br /> �; <br /> Louise St impf ig and t o her heirs and ass igna forever. '� <br /> In �titness 9Ghereof I have hereunto set my hand this 21" day of April 1913 . <br /> In pr es enc e of Arthur C .�ayer <br /> Bayar3 H.Paine. I�eferee. <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> C ounty of Hall ( On this 21" day of April A.D.1913� bef�re me� a Notary Pub13c in and '' <br /> f'or said County, personally came ,Arthur C.�dayex, �efsree, to me personally known to be the <br /> s ev�,ral�p <br /> identical person v�hos� name is affixed to the above in�trument as grantor� andnacknowledged <br /> the execution of the same to be hie voluntary act and deed for tne pur�oses therein eupressed. ;: <br /> In �V itness �Vhereaf, I have hereunt o subscribed my' name and aff iged my off ic ial s eal i� <br /> � <br /> at xrand Islarui, an the day last above written. <br /> {SEAI,) Bayarci H.Paine , <br /> �dy camrnission expireg Nov. 1t7� 1916 idotary Public � <br /> F il ed f ar rec ord Apr il 21, 1913, at 4.15 0'c 1.oc k P.M. , � <br /> � <br /> Register af Dee <br /> # <br /> --�.�;� �. �.____.� ._...�.a. �_ ._�_._., _ <br /> ih'ARRANTY D E�D.� <br /> Know all �Ben by These Presenta : <br /> THAT �e, Cora B.��lliams and Jahn �Y.Williams, wife and husband; Neva L.�Vhitehead and �allace <br /> '�hitehead, wife an3 husband ; Bessie F.l�atthews, n�c; Bessie F.Donaldsor� ar� �Gi1l.fam E.I:�atthews <br /> wife and husband ; �dina P�.�lade an� Au�ust J. rlade, wife and huabar�t; and Eva ��'.Xarrison, hei�s � <br /> at law of John S .Donaldson dec easec� Grantore, in c ons i�erat ion of the sum of Ninety-f ive <br /> Hundred Dallars ( �9, 500.4G) in hand paid do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Charle� <br /> h.�'axrison, husband of Eva �.�arrison, of the County of Hall� and State of Nebrask� �'rantee, <br /> the following described premises, situate�i in the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-�it: <br /> The South half (S�) of the South-�Vest quarter (S .�►4) of sectian ten (l0) in Township ten <br /> (10) Nnrth af Range eleven (11� �e�t of the sixth principal �neriaian ; also part of the North- <br />� t�r �. <br /> �Pest quarter (�,: y.} of section fifteen (15) in 2ownship ten (10) North of Range eleven (11) <br /> �Ue�t of the sixth princi�al mericiian, and more partieul�rly described as folloro�s : � <br /> Com::�encing at a point where the present channel of Wood River is interaeeted by the �test <br /> boun�ary line of said section, eleven chains and forty-two links (11.42 ch.) South af the <br /> North-�►est corner of said section; thence running North eleven chains and forty-two links <br /> (11.4u ch. ) to said North-�lest corner; thence East alang the �?orth line of said section eight <br /> �hains and ten links (8.10 ch. ) ; thence South one �hain and ei.�hty links (1 .$0 ch. )� thence in <br /> a ��sterly and South-"�estarly direction alon� the bed of the channel of �iood River to the <br />�� place �f beginr_ing, containing t�vo (� ) acres, mc�re or less . <br />� <br />'� Together with all the tenements, heriditaments ana apx�urtenan�es thereunto bel�nging, and <br />� _ <br />� all the Estate� Right, Title� Interest, Dower� Curtesy, Claim and Demand t�=hatsoever of the saia <br />� � �rantors of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> To have and to hold the above deacribe3' <br />� <br />� ; premise�� with the appurtenances� unto ':he sairi r�antee and to his heirs and �.ssign� forever, � <br /> I <br />�� <br />; And �re hereby eovenant with the said �'rante� �hat we holc� said premises bq �ood and ard per- <br /> Sect title; that we have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; that they are free ' <br /> and cl�ar of a11 liens and in�umbrances �rhatsaev�r . And we covenant to warrant and def'end � <br /> the said pr��nises a�ainst the lawf'ul �laims of all persons whorr�oever . <br /> Dated the first day of April A.D.1913 . , <br /> ,, <br />, R _ �� <br />