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- _ _._ _ , <br /> )7�) <br /> �� <br /> � <br />, , ���JLJJ� Ii;J J-��'-J�'u�J���'-J �`.���� ��m <br />-�_-���:- .-�r _.._ ___ __ <br /> . '� -- - -- <br /> li Por the purposes therein expr�ssed. <br />� i <br /> IN WITNESS Vi�REOF, I have hereunto su'bscribed my na,me and �,ffix�� my oPPicial seal at Delta <br /> '' Colorado on tY�e da,te last abov� written. <br /> �r commisaion e�ires Mar 24 — 1915 <br /> CareY �i.Ad�ns <br /> (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> !' STATE OF COLORADO, ) <br /> )ss <br /> ' County of Denver ) On tYiis 20 day of Feby, 1�13, before m�;, the undersigned, a Notary <br /> ' Public within and for said Cour.ty, personally came Lillie P�.Hill and Geor�e Hill, her husband, <br /> '! to me personally known to be two of the identical persons whose names are a�'Pixed to the above <br /> 'jand foregoing instrum�nt as graritors and they severally aeknowledged the e�tcution of the �ame <br /> ito be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expres�ed. <br /> :, <br /> I <br /> ' IN WITNESS WHFREOF, I have h�reunto subscribed my name and aPPixed my official seal at Denver <br /> � <br /> '�' Colo on the d�,te last above written. <br /> �9y commission expires Feby 10 - 1914 <br /> John B.Kaser <br />��� , i� (SEAL) NOTARY PUBZIC <br />�� ;I � STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) � <br /> �ss <br /> Coun.ty of Alar.ieda ) On thi� lst da,y of h2arch, 1g13, bePore me, the undersignect, a Notary <br /> I Public within and Por sa,id County, personaZly came Robert Roy Wort� ax�d May &�eredith Worts, his <br /> ' wife, to me personally known to be t�vo oP the identical persons whose names axe aPPix�d to the <br /> , above and Pore�oing instrument as grantors and they severally aclrnowledged the execution of the <br /> i� same to be their voluntar act and deed f or the ur oses therein ex ressed. <br /> y p p � <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and aPfixed my official seal at Oakland <br /> �� California on the date last above written. <br /> R�y cammission expires January 1 — i914 <br /> R,W.Kittrelle <br /> (SF.,AI,) NOTARY PUBZIC <br /> i Filed for record on the 21st day of April 1913 at 10 :30 o�clock A.M. <br /> ��.��� 9� <br /> Register oP D ds <br /> -o-c,-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> I REF'EREE D�ED�.... <br /> Know a:ll �6en by These Presents that, �Phereas in an action of partition pend- <br /> ' ing in the Distriat Court of Hall County, Nebraska, wherein Adelbert O.Powers is plaintiff and <br /> , Dorathy Wood and Alois �Good are defendants for the partition of the premises hereinafter deser- <br /> ' ibed� the undersigned referee� appointed by said Court ta make partition of said real estate, <br /> ''; made report in ovriting� setting �orth that partition of said lands could not be made without �`��' <br /> 0 <br /> I '; pre�udice to the o�►ners thereof which report was duly ezamined by eaid Court, and said Court being <br /> ',' satisfi�d, therewith canfirmed the same, and thereupor made an order directing as said referee <br /> 'I to sell said premises for cash. <br /> I And in pursua.nce of gaid order I caused a notice to be published <br /> i, in �he Grand Island Independent a newspaper printed and in eneral cire ulation in Hall C ount <br /> � Y <br /> �' <br /> � <br /> '� that I would offer said land for sale at the front and ma3n door of the Court House in said Hall <br /> ;;C ounty on th e 11" day of Apr il A.D.1913, at 2 0'c lock of said day, and at the t ir�e and plac e <br /> ; <br /> !, stated in said notice , and after said notice had been publiehed for more than thirtp daye I <br /> , <br /> ;; offered said lot, to-�it Lot No. Six (6�in S1ock Tlo. Thirty Seven (37} of Charles iVasmer's <br /> i <br />� il Additian to the City af �'rand Island, for sale at public auction and sold the same to Louise <br /> i� <br />, j� St impf ig for the sum of �2�33.OG she being the highest bicider therefor . <br /> '; And afterwards, on the 21" `day of April, 1913 said Court approved and confirmed said sala� <br /> '�' and by an arder dir�te�1 t� me as said referee to execute to said Louise Stimpfig a desd convsy- <br /> ;', ing said lot to her in f ee s i��rple. <br /> , �', Now theref ore i� Arthur C .�layer ref ere$ in c ons iderat ion of the <br /> j� premises and of the sum of �293 .00 so bid and paid by said Louise Stimpfig and by virtue of the <br /> i' <br /> �� <br />'�� u _ <br />