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,. _ . r <br /> , � ��� � <br /> � <br /> � 1 � ��, � �, i 5 \'_ <br /> ��'��D �� , � <br /> � � -� ---�-- �,����_� ����� ��� <br /> _ _ . <br />��--_�_ _ _ . ___ __-- _ _-- ___ _ _ ____ ___ _-- <br /> ;; for the use and purpo�es therein expressedy <br /> ��, <br /> In �itness �Gher�of I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial �eal this 17 day of Ap1.A.D. <br /> , 1913. <br /> (SEAL) H.P.Burmood <br /> ';� �dy com�nission eg�ires Apl. 5, 1915. Notary Public <br /> ', Fil�d for record Apxil 18, 1913 at 9 .20 o'clock A.:�. , ������ � <br /> � <br /> I ; e�g'�ieter of�s <br /> _._____._._._.__�._._______� _.a..____ _....._� _� __.__.. <br /> ...._. <br /> �Waxranty Deed;-,;�.� � <br /> � <br /> iii KNOW ALL T�9EN BY 'I'HESE PRESENTS : <br /> '� Tha.t Charles G.Worts, a sin�le man; Famnie M.Tn.omgson and Charles Thompson, her husband; Jamea <br /> � <br /> ' M.Worts and Etta O.V�orts his wi e� <br /> , P , William C.Worts and Grace Worts, his wife; �aude B.Worts, <br /> '', a sin�le woma.n; r�iary E.Worts, a single woman; Zillie M.Hill and George Hill, her husband; and <br />� - i Robert Roy Worts and May Meredith Worts, his wiPe, gran�ors, in consideration o2' One Dollar and <br /> i other valuable consi-derations, in hand gaid by Sprague D.Roas and Frank E.Slusser, grantees, oS <br /> i� Hall County, Nebraslca, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and con�'irm unto the said grantees <br />, , i� the 1'olzowing de�cribed premises, s3tuated in the County of Hall and State oP Nebraska, towit: <br /> �;� The Northwest qua,rter (I�'W� ) oP Section Number Fi2'teen (15) , in Township Number Eleven (11), North <br /> ;I oP Ran�e Number Twe].�.e (12 ) , West of the Sixth Principal Mericiian, <br /> � <br /> ;il' Together �vith all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all <br /> � <br /> 'I the Estate, Right, Title, Interest , Claim or Dema.nd whatsc�ever, including Dower, Curtesy and <br /> !I <br /> �� Hornestea� rights, of the saic� grantors, and each oP them, of, in, or to the same, or any part <br />� <br /> ;'�� thereof. <br /> ,, <br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises , with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees, <br /> ' Sprague D:Ro�s and Frank E.Slu�ser, and to their heirs and assigns forever. <br /> ,' <br /> ;� And said grantors hereby cov�na.nt with the said grantees that they hold said premises by good and <br /> i _ <br /> perfect �itle; tha.t they have good right a.nd lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that <br /> �� <br />, � they a,re Pree and cl�ar oP a11 liens and i et�mbr�ar��es wY�a�tsoeve�r. <br /> � And said graxitors covenant to warrant and �de en e sa prem se� against the law�'ul elaims oP <br /> ;, a�.7� ��rsons� wham�oever. . � <br /> ;� �i�;ned this 15th day of February A,D.�.9i3. <br /> ' J�mes J.�lilson ) ------------------( Chas G.Worts <br /> Witness to �ignature oP Charles G.Worts. <br /> I Rob�rt H.Walter Sr ) ( _ _ Fax�xiie M. homuson <br /> ';W tnes� to signaturesof Fannie �2. ) -----_�__._____�__� <br /> I'. Thom�son and Charles Thompson. ) ( Charl�s �hompson <br /> '' I..O.Patterson) <br /> , �I Car1 J.Ka11 ) _ ) ( Ja.mes A�.Worts <br /> , �Yitness to si�na.tures of James M. ) ------------------( <br /> I �or <br /> � ts a.nd ��t.a.�.Worts. } ( Etta, O.Worts • <br /> � <br /> � Jam�s J.�Tiison ) <br /> Witness to signatures of V�illiam C. ) � ( William C.Worts <br /> Worts and Grace Worts. ) ( <br /> ) ( Grace Worts <br /> O.V.Sell�rs } <br /> Witness to signature of Maude B.worts } -----------------»-( Maud� �.Worts <br /> I Carey �.Adams ) <br /> � Witness to si�nature of Ma.ry E.Worts ) -------------------( �da,rv .Worts <br /> O.V,Sellers ) ( Lillie �.Hill <br />' Witness to signatures of Lillie M.Hill ) ------------------( <br /> , and George Hill. ) ( Geor�e Hill <br /> I� , <br /> �<< R.W.Kit�relle ) ( Robert Rov Worts <br /> ;i Witness to signa�ure� oP Robert Roy ) ----------______� <br /> ;: Worts and P�ay l�eredith �P/orts ) ( Ma,v P,Seredith Worts <br /> � ��� STATE OF IO�VA, ) � � <br /> I! )�s <br /> II County of �Sills ) On this 17th day of Feby, 1913, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br />' I <br />', j; Public within and for said County, per�onally Charles G.�9orts, a single man, to me p�rsonally <br /> 'Iknown to be one of the identical persons whose name is aPfixed to the above and Poregoin� instru- <br /> �; ment as grantor, and he acknowled�ed the execution of the saxne to be his voluntary act and deed <br /> ,. <br /> '' �'or the purpoaes therein e�ressed. <br /> t IN W I SS F I a e e e o <br /> � <br /> I T s E �H�R E O , h v h r u n t 5 u b s c r i b e d �y n�.r n e a n d a f P i x e d m y o P i'i c i a l �e a l a t <br /> �!, �ialvern on the d�.te last above written. <br /> � <br /> V __ _; <br />