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� <br /> �•n � <br /> y � � �� <br /> � <br /> n <br /> �' � �'���,��' � �`' �';���' � ��� I � � 0 �o <br /> �_��� _�_� �. �_,..�� _� ��J� _��J � <br />�._.- --. ._ _ - - - --_. _ _____ _______ __�_.�---__- -- - . _r::_------_-----�_ _ ..---_�_. ___________________._-.------------.---- <br />~ � 54298—Sfate Journal Cowpany, Blank Book 12akers, Stationecs and Pifnters Lfncoln,_Neb.___ "� ` "�" "--'"" `"--- —" -- __ _._.J _ __ . _ <br /> St�,te of Nebraska ) " <br /> i ', <br />��, �� �SS. ' � <br /> Hall County ) On tnis 16�� day of April, A.D.1913, before me the undersi�ned W.A.Prince ;, <br /> i� . <br /> , a. Notary Public, ciuly comr:�i�sioned a,nd qualified for ar�d residing in said County, personally ; <br /> came Henry Schuff and Hannah Scnizff wif� to me krLown to be the identical persons ��vhose narae :� <br /> . , <br /> ar� �,ffixed to the forc�goin� conveyance as grantors and acknowled�;ed the �:xecution of tYie s��me , <br /> te be their voluntary �,ct and deeci. , <br /> Witne�s my hand and T�otari�.l S�al tYle day and yeas last abov� written. <br /> (SEAZ ) W.A.PrinCe <br /> _ <br /> Not�.ry Public <br /> T,!� commission ex�ires June 3��1914 - <br /> Fil�d for record on t��� 16th day of April 1913 �,t 3:20 o 'clock P.�,?[. <br /> � � <br /> Re�;i�ter of Dee <br /> —A—O—O—G—C—C�—G—G;�-�=�3�C—C—c;—G--O—C�—G--C—O—G—G—G—G—G-0-0-0-0—G—O—G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0—U-0—O-0-0 U—v^G-0— - <br /> �'AFRANTY D EED.�` <br /> Know all P�:en by T�.ase Presents: That the �Iood River Cemetery Assaciation <br /> �f the Village of �tood River, in tha County of �all an� State of i�lebraska, in consideration ; <br /> of thg s��m of Forty-one & 50/100 (�41.�0) Dollars, in hanci paid does hereby grant, bargain, , <br /> l <br /> sell and convey unto Anna �3oltz of the County of �all, and State �f ?'e�raska, �rantee, the <br /> followin�; described Lot or Lots of land sit�:ated in tfie 3�oud River Ce.uetery, in �;he Township <br /> of �ood River, in Ha11 ��ounty, Nebra��ka, to-�rit: Lnt No. Fifteen (�15} in Ro�c No, Two <br /> (�` u ) and alI th� estat�e� ri�ht, title and interest whatsaever of the said grantor in and to <br /> the sar;:e ar.d ev�ry �;art the-rec�f. To I�ave and To Hold the a�ove ;iescribed Lat or Lo�s <br /> unto the saicl Anna Bcsltz �rantee, her heirs and as�i�ns foxev�r and the said grantar hereby <br /> cover�ar�te witl: tY�t said grant�e tliat it holde said �?rsr�is�s by good and perfect title and <br /> �:�s �ood right ar�d authority to seil anci convey the same and that same are free and clear <br /> of all elairns and in�un�L-rances w�hatsoever and the said �6aod River Cer�etery As�ociation here- <br /> �y caver.ants ta warxant and defend said premises a�air:st the la�ful clai� oi all �ersons _ <br /> �t,hat so ever. li <br /> It is further agreed and understood that thQ a�ove described pro�erty is sold and <br /> assignea for the �urpoae of interr,�ent only and to be used for no ather purpose, sub� �t, <br /> however, to the provis3ons and restriction$ of the La�rs of the State of 1'Zebraska rel�t3n�; - <br /> to Cer�etsry Associations and ta all Acts and Za��s o�' the Legislature of the State c+f l�7ebraska <br /> �rhich have been or may be la�fully enacted res�e�ting Cemetery .Asso�iations, and also subj e�t : <br /> to the conditions and lin�ita�ions and mith all the rivile es and restrictions s e i ie ' <br /> P � F c f d <br /> by the rules and regulations af �aid �Dood Riv�r Ce�:etery As�ociation now in faree or that may <br /> ; be hereafter adoptsd �p it not in conflict with the La�ra of tha State of Nebraska which rules <br /> and regulations as hereby specified and made a part of this conveyance. , <br /> ' In Testimony Nhereof the eaid t�ood River Ceraetery A��ociation has cauaed these Pre�er.ts <br /> to b� signecl by its Fresiclent and countersigned by its Seeretary and the corporate seal of <br /> said eau:pany tc be hereL:nto af�ixed this 15th day of Apri?, A.p.191�. <br /> �Gaod River Cer::etery Association. <br /> �3y 1�i.C .�ingert President . (corp) <br /> (s eal') <br /> A.ttest C .E.Towne Secretary <br /> titate of Nebraska ( <br /> ' :ss <br /> County of Hall ( � Be it rer�em�ered that on this 17 c�ay of Apl. A.D.1913 before� H.P. <br /> Burmood, a P?otary Public d�.ly comr�issioned and qualif ied in and for Hall County� Nebraska, <br /> personally c ame �l.�� .�D in�ert� Pres id erlt and C . E.ToRTr.o� S ec retary o f the �Vood River C emet ery <br /> As�o� iat ian, ancl they are personally known ta me ta be the part ieg s igning the fore�o ing Deed <br /> as Cf�icers of said A�sociation and each severall� ackno�rledge the execution of the fore�oing <br /> ir.strument to be his volur.�ary act and deed ��ersonally and as an officer of eaid As�ociat ion , <br />. , �' <br />