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. . ________� � <br /> ���� <br /> 1�� � ��@ ��1��((�� sf�i 1 ` � �{� <br /> � i�iZJJ�i�� :.51�d.�,'J'�J���) �_���� . �C�b <br /> — __ _ __ .- ---- _ __.-- --�__ <br /> —..�_ <br /> ___. _ _ __ __ _ _ <br /> _ __ _ . _ __ __ ___ --- _ __ _ <br /> �� -----..�: --_ ----- -- — - __ _ <br /> y�ui t-C laim Deed:- `� v-_� <br /> ; <br /> ; <br /> '�� Rnow �.11 P�4en by these Presents: <br /> �� <br /> �� ��THAT John Zoth and Jenett Zoth, his wiP'e, oP the County of Hall and State of Nebraska for the <br /> i <br /> ;�consideration of One Hundred sixty-five DOLI�ARS , hereby Quit-claim and Convey to Soren P.Tensen <br /> , <br /> ��'�of bhe County oP Howard and State oP Nebra.ska the follo�vin� deacribed Real Estate, situate in <br /> ----- in the County o2' Hall and State of Nebraska to-wit : <br /> ',The west one-half of lot four (�+) of the County Subdivision of the west halP of the south-west <br /> �',quarter of section ten (10 ), Township Elev�n (11) Range nine (9) City of Grand Island, <br /> ii8y a fin�,l d�cree of the probate court ot Hall county, Nebraska, dated June 30�, 1911, in trie <br /> ;'matter of the estate of Joseph Zoth, dec�ased, title to this praperty was given to John Zoth, �on <br /> 4 <br /> Il�land CeCalia Zoth, widow. C�cilia Zoth is now dea.d, and John Zoth the only heir to her share oi' the <br /> 1 <br /> !,�pro�erty, a.nd it is this inter�st coming Prom his mother tha,t is conveyed by John Zoth, as well <br /> i� <br /> �Ias his own t�ndivided one-half interest in the property, as �iven to him by above mentioned decree. <br /> ''This deec� sub,�ect to a lease for the season of 1912 , for raising potatoes. <br /> � <br /> , ;IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands this 13 day oP �Iay 1g12. <br /> IN PRFSENCE UF John Zoth <br /> ;; Elliott Harrison Jenett Zoth <br /> !! The State of N�braska, ) <br /> )�as. <br /> Hall County. d �e it Remembered, That on the 13 day oP P�ay 1912 , before the under- <br /> ;�' si�;nsd a Nota,ry Public in and for said County, personally came John Zoth and Jeanette Zoth to me <br /> known to be the identical persons described in and wh� executed the foregoing Deed a,s grantors <br /> '! and acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> i WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> ; <br /> �i (SEAL) Elliott Harrison <br /> Notary public <br /> i! Commission expires Nov. 16 , 1916 <br /> 'i Filed for record on the 16th da,y of April 1913 at 2 ;30� o'clock P.DA. <br /> �, . <br /> Re ister of Deeds <br /> i�o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o- <br /> ult Claim Deed:,y�� <br /> il � �� � <br /> ;� This Inden�ure, P��.de this 11 da,y of April, A.D. 1913, bet��reen Henry .Schu�2' and Hannah SchufP <br /> i <br /> �� his wiPe of the firat part, and Selda G.Kanert , party, of the second part, <br /> , I� ----- <br /> i; WITNESSETH, That the said parLies of �he first part, in consideration oP the sum of One (1 ) <br /> f <br /> ';� DOLLARS to triem duly paid, the rec�ipt wher�of is hereby acknowled�;ed, have remised, released <br /> �� and quit-claimed and by thes� presents do, for themselves their heirs, executors and administrat- <br /> %I <br /> ;; ors, remise, release and forev�r quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the second p�,rt and <br /> 'lito her heirs and assigns forev�r, �11 their right , title, interest , estate, claim and demand bo�h <br /> �, at law a.rid in equity, of, in and to all of Lot two (2 ) block ninety-nine (99) oP railroad addit- <br /> ',,, ion tc� Grand Island, Hall County, . Nebraska. � <br />� „ <br /> ;� Together with all and sin�ular the heredita�ments thereunto belonging. <br /> , <br /> iT� HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Selda G.Kanert. her heirs and <br /> l; assigns ; so tha.t neither they the said Grantor� , nor any person in their name and behalP, shall <br />� ; or will h�reaPter or demand any righ� or title to t�le said premises or any paxt thereoP <br /> � <br /> '; but thev and every oa� of them shall by these presents be excluded a,nd 2'orever barred. <br /> ; IN WITNFSS WHERFOF, The said p�.rties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals <br /> 'J the day and year abov� written. <br /> �� Henrv SchuPf <br /> Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of <br /> Hannah S chuf'f <br /> �'� W.A.Prince <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> ,. <br /> II ii __:. <br />