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c <br /> ;�7'-� <br /> �r <br /> ��1�����D� �����5 � ���� � o � <br /> � � � J J �� <br /> _ _____ _ __ __ _ _ __ <br /> _- __:_.. _ _ -_�__-_-__-__ _______-__ <br /> _. __. <br /> ��.- _ ____-__ ____-____-__-_--___ __ <br /> ;; subacribed with its corporate r�ame; that the said Taylor �idells is the Vica Presiaent of said <br /> '� �orporation, an3 th� said �J .;::.TTastine is tne Se�-retary theraof; that by the aut'r�ority of said <br /> ' corr_.oration t��ey respec�ively sl�.bscribed thei� rames thereto as Viee Presiaent and �ecretary <br /> '�� an_:t that tiiey signec�, sealed and delivered the said instr�amer:t of writing as their free and <br /> '': volur.tary act and ae�d, and as �he f'ree anci voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the <br /> ���ses and purposes �herein s�t forth. <br /> ',� <br /> �iven under m�y hand and 2�lotarial seal� this second day of April, A.D.1913. <br /> (SEAL) Ja�nes P.Veerkamp <br /> ' ,kiy com; issi�.:�n �xr�ires July 31st, 1915 . Notary Public . <br /> F�il�i �'or record April 14� 1°13 at 9 o'clock A.-:i. i�G���� <br /> �._ _��!'- ---- <br /> Re�ister of Dee1 <br /> _� ____._�.��._.v._�.� _._._.___._.__._.�..��._._�. __.._� _____ _ �_ <br /> �T1IT �LAI:.� Di:'r.:D, ,� <br /> Know al l =.�er_ by Thes e Pr es e��ts: <br /> That Zola Cunnin�ham, single, of the �ou.�ty of Hall and . S�ate of Ne��raska for the eonsileration <br /> ': �f Gne dollar ana other valuable �onsideration hereby ��,�it Olaim and convey unta Saaie Depue <br /> , af t�l� ;ounty of �-�all and State of 1TEUraskay alI of our right, title, and interest of whatso- <br /> ,; <br /> ever na�ture, in and to the following 3eseri'�ed Rcal Estate, situated in the Caunty of Hall and <br /> ;' �;tat e of ��e%raska, to-tivit : <br /> Fractional lots six and sever_ in fra�tional Blo�k three (3) in uernohan �• Decxers Ac�dition <br /> '� to the City of "�rand Island in said �ounty ar_d �tate as shown '�y th� re�orded ?�lat thexeof. <br /> '��i � <br /> In �Vit�ess i�u'hareof, I havE h�reunto set my hand on this 4th day of Februa�y� 1�13 . <br /> ��IT`dLS�> : Zola ���ham <br /> !; N.H.Thorm��son. <br /> 'I St at e af Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> ' rlail Gounty. ( Gn this 4th day Feprualy A.D. 1�13 beiore r�e the undersigned, a <br /> ;�: �`:otary Public in and for sai3 Cou�_ty, personally came Zola C��nningharr� singla � who is personally <br /> ; known to me to '�e the iaentical x�erson vrhose name is affixcd to the a�ove instrument as �rantor <br /> ; <br /> ;' ana s�.e severally acknotrrlelgel the said instrurnent ta be her voluntary a�t and aeed. <br /> '� �uitness my hand and ,�?otarial �eal� the aate aforesaici. <br /> (SEAL) � .H.;�lenck <br /> a�iy coni�nission expires ?-1ay 10� 1�13 Plotary Publi� <br /> Fil�"t for recor� April lu, 1�13 at 4 0��lo��c P.:.:. � � <br /> --� �� <br /> � hegister of Dce s� <br /> _�M�_� � _._�.�.�_.���_.�._._ _ �� _ _______ ______.__ _ _ <br /> � ���� C ORPQRAT ION 1PARRANTY D E�,D. <br /> ;', <br /> This Indenture nade thia 7th day of April A.D.1913, between Realty Investment Co., of <br /> i�i Grand Tsland, Nebrask2� a Corporation organized and exist ing under and by virtue of the laws <br /> �� <br /> ;� of the State of Plebraska, party of the first part, and Wray B.Thompsor� of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> i! party of the second part . <br /> !; �f ITNESSET:� That the said party of the f irst part� for and in con�iderat ion of the sum of <br /> i; <br /> '� THRF� HUNDRED �FIFTY (350) & 00/1G0 D�LLARS, in hand paid, the receipt of �ahieh is he�ebp ackno- <br /> �i Vd <br /> �� wled has $old and b these presents does <br /> S�, Y �rant, convsq and conf irm unto the said party of <br /> �i; the sacond part, the following described premises, situated in the County, of Hall� and State <br /> !; of Nebrasksy t o-wit: <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> Fractional Lot Ten (ln) in Block Six (6) of �ilbert'B Addition to rrand Ielanc� Hall <br /> �'! County� Nebraska, and its Complemant� to-wit: Fractional Lot Ten (10) in Block Forty-nine (49 <br /> �'' of Russel �iheeler� s Adaition to rrand Island, Hall County, Plebraska, as surveyed, platted and <br /> i, <br /> �ec ord ed. <br /> �i <br /> And the �aid Realty Investment Co., for itself� or its su�cessor,s� does hersby cov- <br /> , I <br /> 'i enant to and with the said party of the second part, and his heira and assigne, that at the <br /> j; <br /> i' <br />� i __ __ _ __- <br />