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�. � <br /> i <br /> ���� �.� .� � � � <br /> � <br /> . <br /> I�Lt�Jj�!r�JJ'�� �L7�J'Ui��d.l�J lJJ � �W �� '�Tr,'�:/�J <br /> , <br /> _ __, _ -- - - --- <br /> - -� __,- ___ __ ___ ^ _ ,- - __ _ _ ____ ,_ _ _ _ ._._ <br /> b9�88—State Journal Coinpany, Blank P>ook �2akers, Stationers and Printera_T.incoTA, Neb t _ _ _ _ <br />_.,.____--- -. _ _.._ _ ,�_____. . _ _ .. ._.— _ _ <br />--._._... . __ _ - �,-,_ ,.- _ __, <br /> _.�_ ,. .__� I <br /> �U AP F,AT�T Y D�.L�; <br /> Tnis Deed, '.iade this seeond aay of A�aril in the year of our Lor:� one thausan�, <br /> nine hunared and t3airte�n, betw�:en �'he Unitecl �tates Tnveatment ��o:.ix�any a coxporation duly <br /> organizad and existing unler and by virtue of the laws of ths State of Colorado of the first <br /> ;�art, ana Glaas F�ose of the �ebster �eunty of_`�_ and �tate of I�?ebraska of the second part, <br /> ►�'ITT��:S�LT:-i, T�lat �he said �?arty of �he first part . for and in �onsi�eration of the sum of One <br /> llollars, to th:; said party of' the first ;�art in har.d jaid� by the said party of the second <br /> �;�art, the ra; ei�t ���i�ereof is iiereby confessed and acknatixrlalged, hath granted, pargaineci� sold, <br /> and conveyed, and by tnese presents doth Urant, bargains sell� �onvey and confirm unto the said <br /> ��art af the se�ond rart, hia heirs and assigns for�ver, all the following described lot or <br /> �ax^cl of lar.d, sit�aate� lyin� and being in the " ounty of �all and State of ?�Te'praska, to-wit : <br /> All c�f Lots t7ne-hundred and thirty, one hunured �hirty one� one hundred thirty two� one ' <br /> hur�are� thirty t:nrea� one hunlred thirty four, one hun�lred thirty five� one hundred thirty �ix <br /> onc� htsidred �hirty seven, one hundred thirty eight, and one hun�.red thirty nine� in �V�st Lavrn, <br />� �7�and Island, I'�i:,?"2�.sk�. ' <br /> Together with all and singular th� here,litament� and appurtan�e� , <br /> ------� <br /> �iiareunto belongin� or in anywise a��ertaining� and th� reversion and xeversion�, remainaer <br /> an� r�riiain3crs, rents, issues and ?�rozits th�reof; and all the estate� ri�ht, title, interest, <br /> claim and a�r;:and c�ha�socver of t'r�c sai�. party of the first parti ei-ther in law or eo1uiLy, af, <br /> in arid to th:; above ��r„�ained y��er�isas, ti�ritn th� h�reditaiiiants and a;��?urtenar.ces . <br /> To j�ave a.�d To riold 1�he sail �re::is as a�ti��ove �:.-a-r�ain�a and desc�ibec� v��ith the ar��urt en- <br /> ari��:s, unta th� said ?�arty of t�ie tie�und nart, his ii�i:rs and assigns forever . <br /> And the saia T'he T?nitcd �ta�es Invest�:�ent Co:_:rany party of the first part, for itself, its <br /> s-�^� essors and �ssi�ns, �etn .^,�venant, grant� bargair� an3 agre�; to a?�d with the said r�arty of <br /> the secona n�.rt, nis neirs and assions, t'r�at at thG time of the ensealing and d�live��y of these <br /> y.>resents it is �vell seiz�3 of' the r�rerrises above conveyed, as of a gao;� sure� �erfect, absolu�e <br /> and indef�asible cstate af inhsritance, in law, in fs� simpla� and hath goad right full �ov�er � <br /> ar.��. lµ�;�fui au�hority to ;�an�� i�argain� sell and ^onvey th� same in r.:an-^er and farm aforesaid, <br /> ana that the sa::-�e are i-r�e and clear from all forr:er and ather gxants� bar�ains, sales, liens, <br /> taxes, a�s�ssn:��n�s and ir_�t�rnuran� es af v�hatever kind or na�ure s�ever; <br /> i:,xc ept a ��o-rtga�e o f TtiF��nty-Five hun�r ed Dollars. <br /> and tnE ab�ve '�argaine�. bremiszs in �he <br /> quiet and ��acai�le ?�osse��ion of the said party of tn� s�cond part his heirs ana assi ns , <br /> _ , g , <br /> a�ainst a11 ana every person or �?ersons la�rfuliy �lairr:ing or to �laim the �rhole or any A�art <br /> �iiereof, the sai�a ,�arty of' tn�; first part shall and v�Jill '�larrant and Forever Defena. <br /> In r� itness �dri�re�f, T'l�e said �ari,y of tn:: f irst Y�art hath eau�ed its corporat e name to be <br /> '_°:creunto subscrii�ea by i�s �Tice �resiaent ana its corporate seal to Ne hereunto affixed, attested <br /> i:,y i�s Secretary, �ha aay an�. year first abave ��ritten. <br /> A�test: �corp Tr,.e i?nited States Investr�ent Cor.��any. <br /> �1.��i.Vastine (seal <br /> �:��c r�t ary I3y Taylor �ells, �rie e Pres id ent . <br /> Stat e o�' Colorado � ; <br /> : ss . <br /> �aur.ty of Rio �3ia�nde l <br /> I, .Taz«es P.T�eerkam�, a i?atary P��blic in and fox �aid Rio rvrande <br /> � c�unty, in �h� r:tat e afcresaic� :ao he-���by �� ert ify that Taylor '�d ells and �1.�:�,tTast ine vtiho are , <br /> ��e-_sor_ally known to ^ie to �e the same ���ersons ��;•�cse ra:Y.�s are subscribed to the fore�oin� <br /> i:;c�a as having exe^>>t ed the sazre rasp�ctiv�ly as T7ice Presi3ent and Secretary of The t?nit ed <br /> �:tates Investment "c,r�rany a rorr�oration, and who are known to fi".8 to be such af�ic �rs xe�pe�tively <br /> ���j:eare�, before n7e this aaf in ��erson, ana sev�rally acknowle�lge : That the saal affixed to the <br /> �oregaing instittirient is the cor7�orate seal af said corporation; that the same was thereunto <br /> - .�., _ �_ , , <br /> afi'ixed �y �n� a:,+hority of said corporation; �,'riat said instrL�ment was by like authority <br /> � : <br /> _ �, <br />