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��71 <br /> �� <br /> � � '�1��j�}J )���,V%����� l���rn `�,' �V.�� <br /> _ _— __ __ _ _ --- --___ . __ <br /> _. ._---- , ..._:__�_— , _ <br /> - --_ . <br /> ;�I or parcel of la.nd situated in the County of Ha11 and State of Nebr�,ska, and described as f'ollows, <br /> t ot�vi t : <br /> ' T�e South West Quarter of the North West Quarter (S.W�N.W�) oP Section Sixteen (16 } Townsriip Ten <br /> '! (10 ) Ra,n�e Ten (10 ) West o�' the 6th P.]�. containing forty (40 ) acres, more or less, according <br /> to tYie U.S.Survey thereof. <br /> To Have and to Hold The said premises a.nd pa.rcel of land above part3cularly described, with the <br /> �FFurtenances thereon, unto the said James S.Denman, his heirs and as�igns in Pee simple forever. <br /> In �Yi�ness rvhereoP, I the Governor of the State of Nebraska,, have hereunto signed my naxne anfl <br /> tiv <br /> caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affixed this 14th day of February, A.D.lql3. <br /> �.y tne Governor: John H.�Iorehead <br /> (State ) <br /> (Seal ) Addison ,. .Wai v_ Secretaxy oP Sta.te. (Land Office) <br /> ( 5ea1 ) <br /> Attest : Fred $ecic�ann i Comm�r of Public T,�.nds and Buildings. <br /> � �ecorded Book I. Pa,g� 34g Letter B. OPfice of Comr+�issioner of Public I,ands and Buildings. <br /> Fi].ec� for record on the gth day of April 1913 at 11 o•�elock A.M. <br /> �� � � <br /> , �� <br /> Re� ster of Deeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- -o-a-o-o-o- <br /> D e eci. �-... <br /> hi - - <br /> T s �ee <br /> d, betv�e�n Carl �lmo Wilson of the first part, ar.d Edith En,rra �til.son of the <br /> second part, �litnesseth, that the said party of the firs� rart, in consideration of One <br /> Dollar (�1 . GG ard Love ar_d affection the receirt of ���hich is hereby ackno�rleraged, do hereby <br /> !� <br /> sell� grant, ar,d convey to trie ra�ty of the second �art, the following described pronerty� viz: <br /> Tw�enty �ight per cent of T��o Hunlred ard twer.ty��"three tenths acre� of land lying and being in <br /> i the Cour.ty of Nall� titete of ''lebras�a, being Lot ?'0.2 of Plat fileci, in the County�^lerks <br /> � � <br /> cffice of Hall Co .� Tve'qraska, �,y the heirs af Peter Td .�Vilsor� deceased, said land being a <br /> nart of �e�tion Thre�� Tov�nship Eleven� P,orth of �.an�e iTir.e �`�est of the 6th principal :�:ericiian <br /> �;�ing ��art cf the land conveyed ta Pe� er �; .�ilson uy Pet er L.Perins �nd wife by Deed dated <br /> th� l�th say af 2�avef>>ber 18"Q, recorded in he Piall � �ur:ty Court �lerk' s office �tate of <br /> `'e�raska� in r�oGk H of Deeds, Page u47� and ;�art of land deeded to said Peter i�' .Rrilson on the <br /> ,i 28th ciay of November I8"19 by D.F.Davis ( see �oak H page u48 sa��a office}� v�ith covenant of <br /> '' 3eneral �Garranty and fee sirrr�l� title to party of thc second part . <br /> Tc have ana to hold th:: sa::ze, �ith all t�ie ap;nzrt enanc�s +hereon, to the second party ar�d <br /> , " assigns f�vrever, vrith �over_ant of "iereral ��arrwr_ty" . <br /> 'I <br /> � In T�stimony �hereo; �ritnt�ss ot:s signatures, �his �i;��htr. day of April 1913 . , <br /> ' �".;arl ilrlo ►�ilson <br /> �tate of Ker_tL�cky ( <br /> :�'CT. <br /> �ounty of Jeffersor. ( I, P.� .Ray � lerk of �he ;'ounty Court cf the County afaresaid <br /> + ao certify �hat on this �ay the foxe�oing reed �ras produced to r.1e in the ^ourty aforesaid and <br /> ��kr_owledged an1 delivered by Carl Flr��o �Uilson to be his act ar�d deed. , <br /> � <br /> �'it nes, rriy hand and aff i� ial s eal th is ° day o f A�r il 1�13 . <br /> (�;�AL} F,c,pay �lerk �Tefferson �ounty Court . <br /> Fi1ed for record April 11� l�l� at 3 .3G o' �lock P. ,�. <br /> ���� <br /> � i:e�ister of Deecls —_____. <br /> ' ---- ._..________._.______�_------------� �-_--_.___�_. __ �_ __. <br /> , <br /> I, <br />