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�7�� �. � <br /> � <br /> � � , � <br /> ' D �������o � �����'��� 0 °���� ` C�� � '�`o � � ������� <br /> �_�_,� �.r� � ��..�_. � �� ,� �_J� � <br /> ---- __ _ _ _-- _- _ _. ----- —-----=::= . _ __ -.�_ �_ .. : ___ __ _--— <br />�_„T_ 64298-State 7ournal ComDany, Blunk 13ook �Iakers, Stationers and Piinters: Lincolnt 1�7eL ___ ___ ___, __ ___.J� _ _ a _ <br />_ �.,, . <br /> _. _ _ _. _. ..- -- .._ ... ---- ------- <br /> �il'aert � s :ub-Livision an� the pu'olic . ^ <br /> T'ilere i� also an�a furt'rler grarted to saia �econd party jointly wi�h the ow:zers of oth�r <br /> lots in said SuU-�ivision, his hEirs ana assigns, all the rigY�t ar:� �enefits anct he assurnes the <br /> burdens and obiigations acquired and assumed by the grantor nerein an3 its grantor contained <br /> and set forth in a certain �vreer��ert �,e�vr�en the Indep�naent Pu�lishing ^o.:nar�y of sranc� Island <br /> `��;�ras�a9 and the �rantors of the �;�antor herein dated A�ril 17"� 1909� and recorded. in F�ok "�-4" <br /> I'a�� �27 of thc ��is�ellaneoL�s recoras of the said uall �ounty, the nerr�etual easemer_t in, upon <br /> ana over the iastezly 16 feet vf �he ��outherly 44 f�et of said Lat 3� in said Alock 79 for the <br /> pur;c}ses and the uses and b�nei its stat ea in aforesaid �gre�r��ent, of a vvay over the surfa�� <br /> and of lay�ng ripes �;�reath thG si;rface. <br /> And the sai�,� ti�alty Investm.ent Co .� for itself� or its su��essors, dozs 'rlereby covenant <br /> to and with �Lne �aid j�arty of t�.e s�:cond �art, and hi� heirs and assigMS, that at the time of <br /> th� executian of tr.ese pre5�nts, it is laiufully seized of said prernises; that it has good right <br /> and ia���ful aut�Lorit;r to �onvey trie sar�e; that t�ley are free frcm incumbrance� and it does hErek�y <br /> covenant to r�ar�ant ard d�fend �he sai�, premises a�ainst th� lawful claims of a11 persons vrhorr�- , <br /> BUeVel . <br /> In „ itre�s '�hereof; the saia F�ealty Ir.vestr��en� Co ., has her�unto caused its �orporate <br /> � �a1 ta be az�ixed ana tnese p-�eser�ts te '�e signed by its P��esident and �e�retary the �lay an3 <br /> ��ar fi-�st a'oove vrritten. <br /> Y.ealty Investrnent Co ., <br /> �:igned and sealad in <br /> jresenc� of (corp) By L.C .xil�ert President <br /> (seal) <br /> �cse E,Hansen and L.L.�il�ert �ecretary <br /> rta+ e of ?ie"�;rasl:a ( <br /> :ss <br /> ;:all County. ( Cn this 5ti� day of April A.D.1°13, before ::�e, the undersigned, a <br /> 2lotary Pui�li�, in and fer said �ounty� personal�y came L.� .��il'�ert, President an�, E.L.rilbert� <br /> A��rvtary� of the �eaity Inv�stment Co ., a corpora� ion, to .�:e known to be the iaentical pereon� <br /> vvhose r.ames are affixea to the foregoing instrurnent as Presiaent and Secretary of sa�d Corpor- <br /> atic-n, and �hey ucknowl�a�e,a s�.ia instru.n:ent to k;e their volun�ary act and d�ed, and th� volun�» <br /> �ary act ana deEd of said Corporati�n. <br /> i�'itn�ss rny nand and ��otarial Seal this 5th da;� of Ax�ril 1913 . <br /> ��;�AL) Ros e i.l3arls en � <br /> ..;y �o:n:::ission �xZ��i�es ..:ay �0.1�1� idotary PuUlic . , <br /> Fil�;a f'or record Anril 8, l�l� at � ,�G o'clock P.i_i. /� � p��� � <br /> U��r� <br /> „ <br /> !' P�e;is�e� of De s <br /> �:`` <br /> STATI+, DFED:-;�.., <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ' , <br /> TO ALL TO tiViiOl�i THESE P�ES�NTS SHAI,L COR.�, GREETING <br /> �1Y!ereas, on the 2�+th d�y of June 1907, a.11 that tract or parcel of Common School Land of the <br />'� State of Nebraska, hereinafter m�ntionad and particularly de�cribeci was sold in th� manner pro- <br /> vided by law to Jarses S.Denm�.n of the County of Hall anc� St�,te of Nebr�,ska for the aggregate pric� <br /> i of �ight i�undred and no�100 Dollars. <br />� And Wherea,s , The said sum of Ei�;nt Hundred anc� no�100 Dollars has been Pul1y paid i,o the proper <br /> I <br /> , rec�iving officer f or the State of Nebrask�,, by James S.Aenman as shoyvn by the �ecords in the <br /> oPfice of the Commissioner oP Public Lands and Buildin�s�, the �aid surn being the whole amount of <br /> ; the p�:rchase price for the said tract or paxcel of land hereinaPter de�crib�d: <br /> Now, Know Ye, Thet tiie said St�.te oP Nebraska, in pursuance of l�.w in such case made a,nd providecl <br /> and in consideration of the prernises aforesaid, and of t��.e aforesaid sum of Eight Ht.a.ndred and no� <br /> 100 Doll�.rs to th� said State of Ne3�raska paid, doth by thes� presents GF3ANT HARGAIN , <br /> , , S�,LL, <br />� CONti�Y AND COT�TFIR�;2, in fee unto th� said Jam�s S.Denman hi� heirs and assi�s, all the s�,id tract <br />. , . �� <br />