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a�O�) <br /> �:. <br />' � �1'����J�_�� ����������� ��.�`���� ��� <br /> _ -- _ __ _ _.__ _ _ , <br /> .___ ___ -- --— ---- - -- <br /> _ _ __------.-- <br /> ._. — - ---- ---- - --__—- ---- -----------------_-- <br /> ---- <br /> _ ___ . -- — <br /> _—--- . ------_ <br /> � � i �TIIT CLAI;:i DL��.���.. � � <br /> '� Knaw all P�ien by Tne�e P,�esents : <br /> I� That I, E;,ther L.:�:eseraull (wiloy��) of the �ounty �f Hall and �.?tate of r�ebraska for the conei- <br /> � 3eration of Gr.e Dollar and other valuables Dollars, h�reby Quit Claim and convey t:nto C .C . <br /> 1�nd�r���od of the �our�ty of Hall and State of ilei�raska, all of our right, title, and interest <br /> ; of vrhatsoever nature, in and to the following described �eal Estate� situated in the Cour_ty <br /> of Hall and �tat e of :�?ebraska� to-wit : <br /> � ar�:.lenc in.g at a point on the Alorth line of S ect ion 4� <br /> i�ur��ber iignt �8 ) in T�wrshi� i;ui:�qer Nine (9)� �'orth of i�an;e i;ine (9)� ���st of the oth P.:;:. <br /> ' ' which y�oint is Fc;�,�r I�undied tnirty seven and or.a half (437 -.'-z) feet East of tne point of inter- <br /> se�tion of the `Last line of tne right of way of the St ,Joseph and Jrand Island Rail�,�ay Com- <br /> ���any, ��itn the ='orth line of Uaid �" ection, r�.�nning thence �outh at right angles with said <br /> . ti" e�tion line and �arallel with the -right of way Tv�ro rlundred Fifty tYirea (253 ) fee� thence <br /> East at right angles and l�arallel with the said ce��ion lire Sixty five (05) feet, thence at <br /> right an�les Two Hunared Fifty three (253 ) feet tc the said Section line +hence �est at right <br /> , an�,les Sixty five (�5) feet tc� the pla�e of beginning. wi <br /> rubj e�t ta a right •�. way Five feet in <br /> �vidth off the east side of saia prer��ises for the ��se only of Estner E. ;.�eseraull anc� her heirs <br /> and a�signs, in eonnection vrith the u�e of the p-remises lying adja�ant to and east of the <br /> premises above described, also in con.�ection �vith ttie use of the tract of land lying south of <br /> and a;ij acant t o sai�. n-rer�is es . <br /> In x'i+ness �':e-reof, I h�ve liereunto set r:ly hand t�1is lo aay of August 1912 . <br /> ��ITZ;iS� : i.s ther E. :�.es eraull <br /> L.J.Berg. <br /> N tat e of `r�ebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County. ( �n this l� aay August A.D.191u pefore me� the unc�ersi{�ned, a Notary <br /> Public in and for said Caur.ty� personally came t�sther �,.:�ieseraull, wiaow, ti�ho personally knawn <br /> ! to me �o be the icientical pe-rson �yhose r�ai7�e is af�ixed to the above ins�ru.��ent as grantor� and <br /> s�verally ackno�rl�iged i�h:: saia irstrumer.t to be her volunta�y a�t and deed. <br /> 'VGitnees my hand ar.d 2lotarial S�ali the �ate af'oresaicl. <br /> ' (S�AL) Crias. �.i.Ra:zman <br /> :Wy colr��iission ex�ires Dece:r:ber 18� 1Q17 '?otary Public <br /> File3 for record April 8, 1913 at 11`3o 'clock , <br /> ,��%�� � <br /> , ��:egister of Deed � <br />� � � ii .._.___.__ .._ _�� � _ ._._._ <br /> �! ^� �'°�,, � ^��^�^ C orporat ion �larranty D eed. <br /> ;I This Ina�nture �r:ade this 5th 3ay of April A.D. 1°13� between thc Realty Ir_vestment Co .� of <br /> ii <br /> , �ran� Islanc� Tlearaska� a Corporation or�anized an� existing �,nder and by virtue of the laws <br /> �;� <br /> II � ,�i of the State of idebraska� narty of the first ��art, and i�illiam Axt, Junior, of Hall County, <br /> 'I <br /> :lebraska, party of tha second ?�art . <br />, <br /> � ;h'IT�1r,�S�Tf3� TYiat t:�e �ai1 party of tne f irst part, for and in c ons iderat ion of tr e sum <br /> I <br /> of Four Thousand (='.-000) � OO�1GG Dollars� in hand paic� the receipt of tJhieh is hereby ��r.o- <br /> _� <br /> wl�lgea rias sold and bT these nresents does rant conve and confirm unto the s ' ��t o <br /> � �' � g , Y a�d _ y f <br /> the se�ond r�art, tiie following deseriUed ��rer-�ises� situated in the ^ounty of Hall� and State <br />�I <br /> �f ive��:raska� to-wit : <br /> Lot "'B" of Gilpert ' s Sub-Divisi�n of the I��crthe-rly 2/3 of Lots 3 P� 4 <br /> i' / <br /> in Blo��x 7Q of the Qri�inal Town, of i-rand Island, �?ebraska, as surveyeci, pla�ted and recorded <br /> ( s�.id Lot "B", being a rec�angular tract of �round having a Northerly frontage of 22 feet on <br /> � ecand wtr�et an� a depth of �� feet ), together with a:� easement or right of way o�rer the <br /> - ++ o n n rr , <br /> n <br /> ,-, t <br /> �asterl 8 feet of Lots n �' ' '� • <br /> y E and F of said .�ll�ert s Sub-Divl„ion anci �art of the <br /> > > , Y <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> - <br /> �irst part grants the use a.1a benef it thereof, as an alley, to said party of the second nart, <br /> , � ';�; � <br /> ,; :lis htirs ar.d a�ai ns its use an3 benef it to be ' ointl with the owners r e in i <br />, , � , � y of p op rty sa 3 <br /> . <br /> I �! <br /> � <br />` I i _ __ _ . <br />