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_ _ a <br /> ��i`� <br /> � �[-�,l1t�^ ; -- �j} j� �,� � <br /> I�L1J��Jj�1 � ��i_�J'�J � ��N1_�� ����A, ��5;�0 <br /> - - <br /> _. ... ----- ----- .------------ _. - -- --- — — --- <br /> -.---- --- --. _ . . _ _ .--.. __ � <br /> � 54�88—State Journal Company, Blank Eook �Iakers,�Stationeis and Printera,. LincoIn, Neb.� �-� � � � ���� ` " -�` ���� ^���v. .-- ._._ . .. _ <br /> -=----- --., _ ,:__.. .. . . . .. .: . __....._ _.:-- _:._—_ .___"„--. ___.__..._.. .._�.;.-.:__.._=- ---�--�-°- '��------- .. ....___._ _ ...--__.. ._._.___ .....__..__. .—._._.__--- -`_-- ----- <br /> __....__. - �-= - . <br /> �d A1tYlAi�fi Y ?;�.�D���. -- --- <br /> �now all ::�en by These Preser_ts: That •?'oserh :�iichenar and :�jary E..fiiehener - <br /> r�u��:�ar�d and i�ri�e oi Shel'ay ��ur.ty, and State of Iawa in consicieration of the sum of Fifteen <br /> h�an�ared Dcllars in hand paid bV Frank a��yatt of Shelby �ounty and State of Iowa, do hereby <br /> se11 ana eonv�y unto the sail Frank ��yat+ �he follow�ing descri'pe�, premises� situated in, the <br /> �our.ty of �:all ana �tata of i�eNraska� ta-wit: <br /> � r -. r � �� -R, r ,T , � <br /> All uf l,luc�: �ix (c) �� �st Park Ac�aition to �rand Islan� ��ebrasxa, ac�ording to the <br /> ra�oraed �lat t7ie-re4�. <br /> An3 w� ne�°�'r�y covenant �vith ths said Frank iayatt t'rLat ue hold said prerris�s 'by good and <br /> ���erfect title, �hat we 7iave �ood ri�ht anc� lawful authority to sell and convey the same; <br /> . <br /> �� , � � <br /> r r, <br /> �nat they are free an,� clear of all liens an1 incum,�rar„es tirhatsaever, and we covenant to • <br /> �Jr�arrant and aefend �he sai��. prerrises a�;ainst the lav�rful claims c�f all rersons rotfhomsc�ever� <br /> ar:a �tha said ',:ary �.:.;ichener hereby relinquish her righ� of dower ir_ and to the above desc- <br /> , .i 1�8�.L y�xeii111.wS�i� • .. � <br /> � � �:igned tnis 21 day of �V�arch 1�D3 <br /> � b ,����,� Joseph ,v:ichener <br /> __ .�__ -__.��.._..__ �_.....�__._ <br /> '��ary E.i��iichener <br /> ��at e of Iowa ( <br /> :ss <br /> Shelby rounty. ( 4n this 2o day �f .�iarch A.D. 1903� before me personally anp�ared <br /> Jc�s eph :�ii�hener and ;�:ary y. :=�ichan�r� 'rius�tiand and v��ife to m�e knawn to pe the p�rsons r.ameci in <br /> and v�ho exe���ted "h� f�,regoing instrui��ent and a�knowlcdged ti:at tney executed the same as <br /> trieir voluntary a�� ancl d�ed. <br /> �SEAL) L.?r�.Kerr <br /> ��otary Public in an�, for chelby County. <br /> Filea for rc�ora A�ril 8, 1�13 at � o 'clock A. :-=. —_��/�`��j� �/ � <br /> �� <br /> P,e�,is�er of D ds <br /> 7� <br /> Tdarranty Deea; <br /> Know al l '�en by Th Es e Pr es ent s : 7'hat Frank j"yat t and Le efay ����ya�t, husb- <br /> �r_d and wife� Of Sh81b,y Co�anty anrl �"tate of Ioti�a, in eonsideration of the sum of Five �undred <br /> I�ollars in hana �oaid by Frank Pau� af �hel%�y Co,,r.ty, and State of Iowa, do hereby sell and con- <br /> vey unto the sai� z'rann ?'a�.p the fvl].owin� aes�ri�ed ��?rer�ises situated in trle '"our�y of Hall <br /> ara. �:�t;�te of _'e',�r��k�.. Lots Gne {1), Two (2)� Three (3}� Four (4) Five (5), Six (�}, <br /> ', ;'vcn (`7) i�ight (8), i�ine �9) ar_d Ten (10) in B1o�y Six (�} in �est Par�C , A��.dition to the City � <br /> of irand Is�and, Ne;�raska. <br /> And c�re nerebST cover_ant �ritn the said Frank Paup that we hold said <br /> prerr:i�es by good ar�1 r�erfe•�t title; that we have good right ar_�i. lawful authority to sell and <br /> cor�vey �Lht sar:�e; �h�.t they are zree an�. �lear of all 1i�ns and incurribrance� v�rhatsoever, and <br /> . tive �ever.ant to ara-rrant and ctcfend �he said ?�remises a;ainst the latwf�,l �laims of all person� <br /> vrhomsoevar, and the said Lee�'ay ��iyatt rie�e�y reT.�nauishes her rigr.t of dower in and to the <br /> above a�scribeu. �?r�rr;ises . <br /> w:ignc-�i this 24 aay of �,iarch 1913 . <br />, In presence of <br />�� L.�;i.Kerr F'rank idya'tt <br />` �.P.�Iyland Leefay ��iyatt • <br /> St at e o f Iowa ( <br /> ' : ss . <br /> Shelby C�unty � Ee It Rerne��ipereci� That on this 2=t aa,y of �:iarch 1�13� before r;:e L.x+�i.Kerr <br /> d �latary Public cti�it�in ar.d for said �ounty, pers�nally came Franl: ?�.iyatt and Leefay ?�f4yatt� <br /> hL�sband and wife, to me personally knoti*ti�n to be the id�nti^al nersona ti��hose names are affixe�,l <br /> to the faregoin� instr��ment as nrantors and a�kno��ledged the� ex�^,�tion of the sa:r.e to be their <br /> volun�a�y act ana deed for th� �urpose ther�in ex���essed. <br /> �Jitn�ss :rcy nand ar_cl �'otarial seal on the late last above written. <br /> L,�,,.Ke-�r <br /> (SEAL) '?o�ary i'ubli� in and for Bhelby County, Iowa <br /> .�iy cor��rission ex��ires Jvly �� 1915 � �� <br /> Filed f'or re�n-rd April 8, 1913 at 9 o'cla�'� A..-i. , �j <br /> (�(/ <br /> F�egister of Dee� ��' <br /> , <br /> i� <br />