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� a <br /> ��n ja y�� <br /> �t 1 <br /> � <br /> ' � ����� �_� �'�c�;��!�� �,o�p� �C��O� <br /> 0 <br /> � � _ C`� <br /> . _ _ __ _ __ __ ___ _ _: _ - _:_ __ __ _ �. _���_ __ -__ __ <br /> ___ �_ 54298-5tate rournal Cumvany, Bluuk Book Makers, Starioners aud �rinters, Lincoln• Neb. v .,._ +�` _.._ _._.= _ _ _ _ ___ <br />�____ <br /> ,. . ______ <br /> ,-. _. _ . _,. _ <br /> QTJIT �L�I��t DEED. <br /> Kno�rr a11 _::en 'ay Th�s e Pr es ents : - <br />' T' we, �lula Z.�il'c�ert ar.d L.C .rilb�rt, her ht�sband, of the County of F�all and �tate of <br /> 2?ebraska� for the cansiaeratian of One P,allar ( and ather considerations) h�reby Quit �laim <br /> ana cbnvay unto I-�ealty Investrr.ent Ca., a Cox��oration cf' the City of �rand Island, �ounty of <br /> :aail anci �tate of �?ebras�:a, ali of our right, title, and interest c�f v�hatsoever nature, in and <br /> to the fe�lot�ring aeuc�ibed :�eal Lstate, situat�:d in the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, <br /> to-wit . <br /> �'-ra�tiUnal Lots l� ar.d 2, in Block 5; ar_d Fractianal Lots � and 5� in Block 6, in <br /> �e'allichs Acidition to tr.e � ity cf rrand Island, ���ebraska. Also, all of Fractional Blaek �2? <br /> Lots l, -2 and 3 a*.:d Fracticnal Lcts 4 and 5, in �lock 21, in Fair View Park Addition to the <br /> � � ity of �-rand Island, iic�raska, � � <br /> Alst�� a1Z of Fractional �locks o ,anci 7; Lats 3 and 4� in �lock � <br /> 8; Lo�s l� -2, -3, -4 ard 5, in �loc k 9; Lot s 2 and ° in Flock 10 ; Lots 1� -2, -3, -4� -5, -o, -'�, - <br /> 8 ar�d 9 in �lock 14� in rilbert ' s Addition to �-rand Island, Nebraska. <br /> Also, All of Blocks 1, - <br /> 2, -3, -4, -5, -o, -7, -8� -; -11 and 12� in Tilbert ' s �econd Ad.aition to �rand Island, iTebra�ka. �x , <br /> Also�. Lots "A"� -"F"� -"D"� -"�"� -ar�d "F"� in �ilbert' � �ubdivision of the �'orthe�ly 2/3 of Lots <br /> � ��� 4� in �lc�ck %Q �f thE original �ovar_ of �rand Islar�d, '?e�ra:>ka . ' � <br /> Also� Lots 1, -2, -3� -4 and 5, <br /> in P,1cCk :�; Lo i s 1- �, -,�� - �� -5, - 8� - 9 and 10 in R1cCk 4; A11 0 f B1oCks 6, - 7� -I2� -13� - <br /> 14, - 15, -20� -��1� -�� and �3� and sl�cks 26 and �7 in �chimmer� s Addition to the <br /> C ity of 1-rand Island, iTa'�ras�:a. � <br /> Also, Lot s l, -2, -21, -2�;� -23, -�4� -33 and34 in �I ast Lawn��in <br /> ����� C ity of �.�rand Island, 1Te�raska. <br /> Also, Lots 8 and lU in Block 1 ; Lots 2, -4� -o, -8, -10, - <br /> 1< ar_d l�� in .Flo�k 8 ; Lets lU� -12� and 14� in �1ock 9 ; �II of Block 11 ; Lots 11, -13, - <br /> 16 ard 18� irl �lOCk 1� � I�ots 6� -8� -9� -10� -Z1 and 12� iTl FlOCk 14 � Lots 10� -12� -14� -16� - <br />, and 18, in �lock 1;5 ; Lots 2 and 4� in �lock 16 ; Lots 2, -4� -�� -o� -"�� -�:, -lU� -1�, -14� and lo, <br /> in f�lock 19 ; L��ts l, -�, -3, -�� -5, -6, -"%, -8, -10� -lu, 14 and 16, in Block 20 in �carff' s_Adaitiqn <br /> tc� ��est Lawn, in �rand Is�and, �°e�:r�ska. � _ <br /> � Als�, all of Flac�s 22 and 24 ; Lots 1'0 and 1�, in � <br /> � i-;lcck 11� Lot � in B1oCk 14 ; Lots 2� -�� -5� -v� -"'� -B� -9� -10� -11 and 12� 3Y1 BloCk l� � LOtB <br /> 1, -�, -5� -�, -'7, -8, -Q, -10, -11 and 12, in BlocY 17 ; Lats 1, -3, -9 and 11, in Block 18 ; Lot s ,�- <br />� <br />; 2, -4, -c, -8, -lU� -lu� -14� -17 and 19 in �lock 23 ; in �o11e�e Addition to �est Lav,m, ir the �ity <br /> � _ _ ____ � <br />� of �rand Islar_d� r1��raska. <br /> j Also, Lots 1, -2, -3, -4� -5 ar.d 6, of the subciivision of Lots �80, - <br />; --- <br /> �31 ar_d 28�� of ldest Lawn in the � ity of rrar_d Island, �T��raska. � '� ` <br /> Also, all of Fractional . <br /> F-,lack �9� ar�c� F'ra��:ional Lats � ar:d 7 ar�d Lot 8� in 1?l�ck 4$� of P,u�sel �'heeler� s Ad:�ition_ . <br /> ta �-rar_� Island, i�e�raska. <br /> � Als�, A tract or parcel of ground, originall� constitutin� a _ <br />� �ert ion of Highland Park_ in :rand Isl3nc�, �'ebraska� c�f which addition the of�'ic ial plat was <br /> a�provec� by ttie �ity Co�ncil of xrand Island, i-��raska, Jvly 16, 1890� and filed in the cfiicie <br />'� ` c;f' t��ie C,ounty �lerk of Hall Cour_ty, 2�Teb-rasr�a, .7uly 21, 1�390� ard recorded in Book 1 r of Deeds �t <br /> ���age 113, anci said tract or par�el of ground 'n�r�in conveyecl is hereby described by ref�rer.cei'! <br /> t c trie said c>i i ic ial ��iat of said H.ighland Park as f'ollows:- � ` <br /> Being all of that �ortion of grou�d <br /> j �F�'rlier. originally v�as _r.,latted as Hi�;hlar�d Park t��hieh lies south of the �enter of �al3ege �treet <br />�` anci east of' tne ca�t line of Fiome Aver.ue� excer�ting lots six and eight in �?lock twenty-seven <br /> f <br /> i <br /> (��), and furtY�er excey�:ting Fl�ck Thirty-three (33) ar.d the land ta the center of the streets. <br /> surrounaing said ��lock 'I'hirty-three (3�} excepting on th� east side thereof. - <br /> � �Uhich tract c�r rarcel of graund herein deseribea is niore x�articularly describ�d as follows: <br /> � � � <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> j • <br /> i <br /> � <br /> D� I �1 <br /> _ _____.....__��_ __ .__�__ - - ____ - � <br />