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� _ _ <br /> �.. r.- <br /> � )�;`� <br /> '� �-. <br /> , �1����Ji�\� � ��� �� �� � � � O <br /> � � ��_ _, �� _��� <br />���_____ _ ______ ��_ ___ _____ ______ _____________ __________-_________ _ _____ <br />__._- _-____ _ __ __-- ____ <br /> _. _ _ _ -_ _ ___ _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ __ __ ___ __._ <br />�_ _ __ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ <br /> - ___-__________ _ . _� _ � _ <br /> __- � _. � ____ _ ____ _ ___. ____ _ <br /> P� er�es D�ed. �-4. <br /> ! � :��nc�w all �.�en by These PresentS� �':- <br /> •%= / fii�i reas, in an action of paitition nen3ing in tY,e District �ourt of Hall �dunty, Tlebraska� <br /> w�z r�in Albert Felske and �tru:�a Felske were plain�tiffs and Carl Felske� Anna Felske� �Vilhalm <br /> F� ske, Kate Felske and others �=�ere defendants ( �ase ido . 3731) for the partition of the <br /> � <br /> �� mises h�reinafter 3escribeci, the timdersigned r�ferees � apnointed bv said cot�rt to make <br /> � 1�� tition of said r�al �state� made re�ort in writin�,_ setting forth that partition of said <br /> i i <br /> l� d could not be rnade tivithout �reat nrej udice to the ov�ners thereof, vrhich report v�ras <br /> � <br /> d� y �onfirmeu by th� cot�rt and tliere upon an orler directin� us as said referees to sell <br /> s ' d premises . <br /> � And in pursuar.ce of said c,raer we caused a notice to be published in the <br /> ��r nd Island Independ�nt a s��.i-weekly newspaper printed and in general cireulation in said <br /> � <br /> i C �b nty, that vre v��ould offer said landa for sale at the front and door of the Court Hou�e <br /> � <br /> i� �aid county on th� 3" clay of t�arch, A.D.1913 at 2 o' clock P.b�. of said day, and at the <br /> �!' t� le and nlace stated in said notice, ard after said notice had been published for r:�cre than <br /> �I <br /> t� rty day� v��e offered said lar�ds, to-�vit :- <br /> , �' � <br /> � �� T Southwest quart er af the T��orthtiTest quart er (S.�d .4 N.�.4) and the i�est half of the South- <br /> i': i � c! r � T � * <br /> ��! <br /> w t qLarter (�y .� �..�.�) of ,�e�tion P:o .�,even (7) in Towrship �:leven (11) r�,orth of Ten <br /> , <br /> ' � ) �`Jest c�f the 6" P.lYt. in Hall �nunty, N�:braska . <br /> � ,� <br /> ' fq� sale at publie auetion, and sold the same ta �iilliarri Felske fGr the sum of �855U.OG� he <br /> � � �; ng thd hi�riGst uidder therefor� And afterwards� or �he 31" day �f :�:arcr� A.D.l°13, said <br /> i � <br /> IC rt approvel ar.d confirn�ed said sale� and n-� an order di-recting us ae said referees to <br /> � I eute to said �'illiam F�lske a cieecl eor.veyin� �a�ci lar_ds to him in f"ei; sir::ple . <br /> � <br /> ' i�ow therefQre �;e John L.Cleary ar_d Arthur ry .?!ayer� referees� in consic�eration of ti:e nre- <br /> �� <br /> �, <br /> r�' es ar_r� of the sum af :;'8550.0 � so bid and Aaaid by said �'dilliam Fels�:e ancl by virtue �f the <br /> p -er;> ve�tpa'_�.i:�.tx�, by law, do by thege nreser.ts � rant, sell and canvey unto the said �Gilliam <br /> i� <br /> j! F' ske ar_d to his heirs ar_d assigns the real �state described as followa: <br /> 1( <br /> " The Sovthwest quarter af the Tvorthwest quarter ar.d the �Vest half of the South�est q��arter <br /> �' , <br /> ,; o Section i;o . Seven, township elEVen� range ten west of the �" P.��I. in Hall ��ounty, T1e�;raska <br /> � <br /> ii v` h all tht appurtenances theret:nto belonging� to have ar.d tc� hald tiie same to hirr� the said <br /> �� +� ' liam �'alsl:e and hi�s ri�irs ar.:a assigns forev�r. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> , ;� � �Vitr.ess �"r��-reof ti��e have here�anto set our hands this first 3ay of April A.D.1913. <br /> ,� <br /> � � !�j � John L.Cleary <br /> �:t ITT?�u:: <br /> �� i Fred �V .Ashton. � Arthur C . �ayer <br /> Ref'erees . <br /> �� S te of TTa�raska � <br /> (j •s s <br /> i',� F all �ounty. ( Cn triis 1" aay of Anr il �..L .1�13, beiorE me tht urrl.ers igr_ed a Notary <br /> Pi lic in ar.d for said County, �ersonallt,� carr:e Jchn L.Cleaxy ar.d Arthur � .��;:ayex� tefer�es, <br /> Ii <br /> !; �r are personally known to n�c� to �;e the ident ical p��sons ti;hose�es are aff�ixed to thc <br /> �I <br /> �j a'� ve ir.strurrient as grantors and severally acknov�l�dged the said instrument to be th�ir vol- <br /> I <br /> I <br /> �� u. ary act ara d�ed as �ucM, �,efereea. <br /> � '! (cEAL) � FrEd �.Ashton � <br /> ;' r:: cor�rt�ission expires Cct 18" 1918 . r?otary Publie <br /> ;; 7V i ness my hand and i�otarial S eal th e dat e afor esaid . <br /> F ecl far re�ord April 2� 1�13 at � o'c lock A.i�i. • � <br /> � r,egister af Deed <br /> -t�-c-o-o-a-o-c-c-c-o-o-o-r.-o-c-o-o-o-o-a-c-�,_�_r,_�-o-o-o-e-o-e-a-�_�-o-o-o-�-o-c-e -o_c-o- <br /> ii I <br /> il <br /> �I I <br /> ;! <br /> iI <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � � <br /> r � <br /> � <br /> , . <br /> � <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> _ � __ __ _____ _ __ � 4 <br />