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���� _ <br /> � <br /> ' �. � ��� <br /> ;� <br /> . i �( ����,�1 1 � �j � �U��)�\ ��U'c� `�V�o <br /> ��J�.� �r_�� �J�-� � J � �.a �_ J , <br /> ___.,._ _ _ _ _� _.. _ _ _ _ --- ----� �� __� _- _ __- - __. .�__ _____.. -_ _ -- �_ __._.__�_ <br /> . _ _ _ � _ _ <br />__ 54298=state Journal Comgany, Blawk Book blakers, Stationeis and Piintere LincolnLNeb. _ � - — <br />- -__._� <br /> � _._ _ _ <br /> _ - - —- ----:. . _. .____ _ _ _..— _ _ --_-- - �_..._�— _�_�.-- - ----- <br /> "��A�.�Al��TY t7��D. „.... � � ��� <br /> The Ntate r,f TGx'�s � knoti�r a11 ::aen by Thes� Pr�sent <br /> County of Crosby ( That we, L�and�r J.Parker an�. Daisy Parker, husband and wife of thL <br /> Caunty of Crosby �tate of Texag, �or and in con�idcration of the surn of Three Thousand and Six <br /> Hu.ndr�d and no/lOG <<;ra�OG. OU) Dallars, to us in hand naid by 7b'illiam Johnson have �ranted, Sold <br /> , <br /> and Conv�yed ar_d by these rres�nts do �rant, �ell and �onvAy unto the said 99illiam Johnson of <br /> ^I * �t j�?- � a-• n t <br /> The �.,ounty af rIall� �tate of cbxaska all that c�rtain „raet ar.d par�el of land descriqed �:s <br /> z ollotivs : The �TOrtheas� �i'.L. ) quarter (µ) of the �?artheast (''.L. ) q�,zart er (4) of Sect ion <br /> �4� in Tovnship rTo. 11, i�o-rth of i-�ar.�;e 1C� JCest of th� oth prin� ir>al rn�riaian� cor.taining 40 <br /> acres mor� c�r l�ss in Hall Ccunty, Nebraska. <br /> To Have and To �-iold the above descri'ped prem- <br /> ises, toge�ther vti�ith all ar1 singular the rights and apnart�nanc es �heret o in anyrvise oelong ing <br /> unt� the said �Villiani vT�hnson, his he.irs and assigns forev�r, and v�e do hereby bind our�elves <br /> heirs �xecutor� arci a:in;iz:istrators to �Varrant and Forcver L�fen� all ard singular the sai� <br /> prer�iis�� unto tY:�: said ��illiam Johr.son� his heirs and as�igns � a�ainat �very �G�san v,homsoever <br /> l�.ti��fully claiming �r to claim the same or any par� thereof. , <br /> �uitn�ss aur hancl� at Crosby�on, T�xas, this 7th day of ��:arch A.D.l°1� . <br /> L�ander J .Park�r <br /> � at re�ues� of ��ran�or . <br /> �aisy Park�r <br /> The �:�tate of Tcxas ( <br /> County of Crosby �( B�fore rrie J.�.�urton a Notary Publie in and for Crosby County, Texas <br /> on this day i�ersonally aY��eared Leander :7 .Park�r Known to r��e to be the �ersan v��hose name is <br /> subscii'�ed to t7ie fore�oir.g inC'�.�u:N�nt, �rd a� knotrrl�:��ed to r:�e tha� h�: exe�uted the same for th� <br /> ��ulp�scs �nci eonsile-rations �rl�reir uxn-ressel, <br /> �iven una�r niy 7iana ar.d s�al of of z ic e th is 7th ci�y o f '<�ar�h A.D . 1913 . <br /> IS�AL) .Burton <br /> Notary P�zblic, C rosby Co . Texas <br /> T�ie utate of T�xas � <br /> Cour�ty of Crosby. ( �,�for� rne .7 .'�' .Pu.rton a Ilotary r'ublic in and for Crosby County� Texas, <br /> c�n -this aay x�ersonail.y ap,��ared Daisy �arker ��Jifa of LEard�%r �7 .Parker knnwn to me to be the <br /> LL��-rson v�rlosc nam� is su'�s��i'b�1 to t��� fo-regoing insi�rument and having be�n exam�ine3 by me privily <br /> and a�art f�rarci her hus�ar�c� and having the sa s�e ftzlly explained to h6r, she, the said Daisy <br /> Farker ackr.o��rl�a�;�a such instruz�ent to be her act ar.d ae�� ana daclared she had willingly , <br /> signea the san:e fvr the pt�rposes and �onsi3eration th�r�in �sxpressed, ana that she 1id not vrish <br /> to r�tract it. <br /> xiven unler r;y :riana �r.d sGal of affi�� this 7th uay of "<ia�ch A.�.1�13 . <br /> �� 1_`A L) J.r�.Burton , <br /> i�otary Publics Crosby Co. Te�aa . <br /> Filcd for rec�rd April 1, 191� at � .30 o'�l�ck P.�<i. _ <br /> �/��,c��v0 __ <br /> �:�;is��-r af I�eeds <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-��-a-o-ca-o-c-o-c-o-o-�-o-c�-o_o-�-a-e-o-o-o-�-c;-�-c;-o-o_o_o_o_o-o �-o-a-o-o- <br /> g <br />� <br /> , <br /> i � � � � _. � <br />