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_- .- <br /> I ��p� <br /> I <br /> � <br /> '� �. � � � � � � � � � � <br /> ������ D�����D ��C���� ���� ��m � <br /> =-- -_- ,,-,_ _ -------- - ----------- ____.- _ __ _ <br /> _ ___ _ ___ �_. _ __ __ _ <br /> --_-_---- ---- -__ ---- ---- - <br /> ��At�. ANT Y D E ED�, <br /> ''� , Know all ,�acn by These Preser.ts : Triat I, Peter Andersen� �. single man of the <br /> 'i, Co�. ty of rreeley and "tate of l,ebra^ka� for and in consideration of th£ sum of Thirty Two <br /> '. �:ur� red (�3�;G��.GG) Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby �RANT� �ell� Convey and Conf irm unt o <br /> � <br /> ,; Ch�.rlee P.Craft of the County of Hamilton and �tate of _;e'r�raska the following deseribed Rcal <br /> ,, , <br /> '�; Ls-� te, situated in City of �rar_d I�land in Hall County and State of r?ebraska� to-wit : <br /> ! ot number Tcyo (2} in �lc�ek number T��elve (12) in For.r_ie B-rae A.a.�ition to City of srand Island <br /> j �-�a� County, P,'ebraska, subj ect to two mo rt�;ages or.e �eing in favor of the Comrner�ial �`tate Fank <br /> ;l of Irrand Is7.and, Flebraska� in the sl,�n of Tvrelve Hundred (�1�00.00) Dollars due ?.larch 22, 1917, <br />, '; wi� int erest at seven �er cent per annum �ayable semi-annt�ally, and one in favar of ,.:rs Ada <br /> , ; <br /> !j ,�iic� k, af �rand Island, r?�braska in the s�m of Six Hundred Fifty (��650 .00)Dollars with inter- <br /> � <br /> ,; , <br /> : es$ at f�our rer c ent per annvm due July 4� 1913 which said mort�ages, grant ee herein assumes and <br /> i <br /> �� ag� es to pay to��ther with interest thereon froni :.�arch 1 1913 . <br /> � , <br /> '; �! Ana I da nareby covenant ��ith the said Charles P.Craft ard his heirs and assigns� that I <br /> � <br /> i am l awfully seized of saia premises; that they are free from inctunurance except as hereinabove <br /> i , <br /> , i st�tea,. tr�at I have gooc� right and lavrful avthority to sell the same; and I do hereby �ovenant <br /> 1 ; <br /> � ta '; arrant and defend th:; title ta said ��remises against the la�ful claims of all persons ��hom- <br /> ,, <br /> ; � <br /> 'I so� er . except as a%ove stated. And the �aid . . . . . . .hcreb,y xelinquishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br /> �� in �l nd to the above described �rzir:ises . <br /> ,i <br /> . �! ` ti ignea tYlis 22nd aay of �,iarch A.D.191� . <br />' � inl re�ence of` PEt�r Andersen <br /> ! !, H.�,�ylsv�orth <br /> ''� <br />� � � �'� St� e of i�,ebraska ( � � . � <br /> �� � :ss <br /> Cc�t� ty of Hamilton ( On this 22nu 1ay of ':ar�h A.D .1913� before r�:e� a Notary Public <br />� j �1�� coanmissioned and qualified for and resiaing in sair� ^ ounty, car�e Peter Andersen <br /> i <br /> '� a I� 'ngi_e man� to m� known to be the identical �erson deNcribed in and v�ho executed the fore- <br /> ', ', <br /> 'I goi g conveyan�e as grantor, ancl acknowleciged said instrument to be his voluntary �et and deed. <br /> ; I <br /> �'� �1L�S r,�y hand and T�?otarial �eal �he aay and y�ar above written. <br /> i � <br /> ; I <br /> (SEAL) �I.L.Aylsworth <br /> ',� �,;y i,l on�:ission ��ill expire N'ept .I�, 1°1 r ��otary Public <br /> � Fi�. d for rec�rd ,�4arch 2 r� 1913 at ° o 'clock A.i:i. • <br /> I, _�/��,�!�%��t��� <br /> ' Register of De ds <br /> _.__�______� _ _.,.___��_�_��� ._._ __ _� , _ <br /> r �� T � <br /> THE sR r1P I ,�.,Ar� Et�1E LF,Y <br /> , <br /> A �.. D C T <br /> ,i (� �rtificate of Otivn�rship� �'� The City af �rand Island of the first bart doth hereby cer- <br /> ,.� tif that Lena Seheel of thc second x�art is thE owner of Lot T;o . 193 in tiection F �ow <br /> � <br /> :�I as �, '�igr.ated on the map as sections� row� ancl lot� of the Cemetery of said City, in the Cour.ty <br /> 'I I <br /> i'�, of �i 11 ancl �,'�at e of Nebraska known as �he �rand Island C ernet er and fcr y�rhich the said art <br /> I � ' Y P Y <br /> ' of t �econd part hath �aid to the said �arty of tt�e firgt part the sum of Tv��enty 2�o�lOG <br /> i� Dol rs, ana that in c�nsideration thereof the said rarty of the �econd x�art is entitled to the <br /> �, <br /> � <br /> ',! per tval use of said lc�t for the pur�ose �f int erment �nly� subj ect to the laws of the �tate <br /> � <br /> ',� of braska therEto apperta�ning ana a12 ordinance�s , ruleg and regulations �rhich are in force <br /> I <br /> ',I and ay from time to time be adopted by thc narty of the first part for the regtalation and �ov- <br /> ,� I� <br />' ; err_� nt of said Cemete�•y. <br />� i! , <br /> ',I il <br />� " In Teetimony �Cher�of� The City of irand Island, ?'ebraska, has cal�sed it� seal to be hereto <br /> ii i <br /> '1 aff� ed, and �hi� indenture to be sigr�Ed by its ;:ayor and attested. by it+� Clerk, thi� the 27th <br /> ;i � <br /> ' uay�I f �ept . in tht year of eur Lord, Cn� Thousand Nine Hundred and__Tuvelve <br /> '� corp ) �.W.Broac�v�ell <br /> ,. <br /> Att� t : H �; i ' <br /> I � , . .C1 fford �seal ) �:�4ayor <br /> '�,I <br /> Clerk. <br /> , �� Fi1� fcr record �:iar�h 28, 1�13 at 4 .45 0 ' clock P.I�11. �/ • �/ <br /> '� ' U(�'���� �-�/ <br /> ;I ___ �_ <br /> �� _ _��� �^��� R�gister of Deed <br /> I ---- ---______�_..____— — �. __.._. <br /> � <br /> c I i . , _ -- _ _ — <br />