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�s 7y� <br /> ���� � <br /> 4 \� � 1�� � ' � � ��1���' � ° ��11� � � 0 � <br /> ���i�' ����;-��� �51 V��A; '��.5;'�Jo <br /> _.__ . ._____ _ -- ._ _ ._---- ---- _ _ -------= _ _ _ _. -. _.� ��___..:� __ _.. __- --- - <br />—,-" b$2B8—State Journal Company, Blank Book niakers, Stntionei� and Printei�s LincoliP,_Neb ___ `� .. _. T __�,__..__Ry__ _ <br /> The �tat � of T7��raska � <br /> ;ss <br /> Douglas County. � Un �his twenty fifth �ay of February A.D. 1893, before me a Notary ; , <br /> Pu.blic in and for said Cour.ty, rersonally �ame the above named Kat e �,Smith and David C .�mith I <br /> her husband, ����ho are �ersonally kno,tirn to m� to ba the identical �erson� whose names are affixed' <br /> ta tne above De�d as grantors and th�y ackno�rladged th� Instrument to be their valuntary act <br /> ana d�ed. <br /> iUitnesa my hand and Notarial Seal the date af'oresaid. ' <br /> (SEAL} A.E.::�eanor '' <br /> Notary Public <br /> Filed fflr recorr� :;"arch �4� 1913 �.t 4 .�0 o 'clock P.?,�. ����� � <br /> —' Reg ist er of De s <br /> -o-o-�-o-�-�-o-o-�-o-o-n-c�-�-o-o-o-o-o-c>-o-c-o-o-c?-r-o-�-c�-n_o_p_o..o-c?_o-c-n_o-c_o-c�-- � n-o-�- <br /> '�u��;�ANTY D�:�,�"-�_ � �� <br /> Kn�w all :���en by These Presents: That Clara De11a ,Anstett, single of PTe����on <br /> �o,�r.ty, �"tate of in consi�3eration of thE stam of Three Thousand ar�dn�00/100 L�c�llars, <br /> in har_d rai�, by �.�.Johnson of Pa�,�nee Co . County, State af ��Te�raska do r,ereby sell and ccanvey <br /> unto th� said �.L�.�Jonrson, th•, following dese-ribed r�rer�ises, situa� ed in thc� County of Hall , <br /> ���a�e of Pdebraska, to-vrit : Lot �Ta. Neven ("}� Flc�ek T�o . Twelve (12) �f Packer R� Barr ' s <br /> Ac�aition to the City af rrand Islana. together tvith all appurtenan�es �h�reun�o belon�ing� <br /> and I hereby �ovenant that the said nrcrlises are free and clear fram all li�ns ancl encur:��;rances <br /> axc�j}tin�, one �ertain ma�t�age aue to The i�1e�;-raska S�ate �uilling � Loan Asso�iat-ian, of Frer.�on� <br /> :euraska, f'or Tv��clve H��_:�red an1 00/100 Dvllars, l�>1�00 .00} and I covenant to ��arrant and <br /> a�fencl the said pr�r��ises a�ainst any a�ts of said part ies of thc: first part . An�3 th� said <br /> Clar� Della Anst c;tt hereby rclinquishes all her ao��r right and int erest in and to tn� above <br /> aesc�ibea r_reraises . <br /> ti i�ned th� 2�'" aay of Sept�muer 191� . <br /> In presenee of <br /> T .B.Cunningham Clara Della AnUtett <br /> Lewis Anst ett <br /> State of Inaiar.a ( <br /> :ss <br /> i�ewton ��unty. � Gn this u3" aay of S�ptemb�:r l�lw be�ore me� 7' .B.Cunninghan a Notary <br /> Public �zL�ly conunissione� an�. qualif'ied f or ar�d resiuin� in said Cour.ty� p�rsonally ca:r�e �lara <br /> � ella Anstett, a sinjle woman �o r_e �nown to bs the i:.zentical persan described in and v��ho exe- <br /> �ute1 the foregain� inst-rur�ent �s �;rar.tar� ar_d she ackno��_�d�ed said instrument to be her vol- <br /> urtary a�t ar_d �.eea. � <br /> �h'itness r�t�� hand ana _?ota-_ial S�al at 'entlana in �aid County� �he day an3 year last above �r;ritten. <br /> (`��AL) T .fi.C unn ing ham <br /> �a:y �or.�:��:ission expires the a0 day af Cct . 1913 Tlotary Public <br /> F'iled for record 1��ar;n 25, 1913 at 9 o 'clock A.:�� . <br /> � <br /> t�;ister of D ds �! <br /> —a—C7—o—c�—..—G�—C�—"—:,��— —��,_G—G—C)—C)—t-��—o—c.�—t--�— —Cy—f?—c,_Cs—��—�:� . —c;_,='—, _t_��_n_�;—c'—��—c�—G—c�—c,_ � J—�� —��—a— <br /> _ O— <br /> , <br />