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���� <br /> ��� � ' � �'���,�D � ; ° j-� � � �-� - �� � , � p � � � o � <br /> ����.� ������a� ��� �,Q,o� <br /> _ � <br /> i _— _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ - __ �_ � ,_�_ — __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ <br /> b$298—Stafe Journal Company, Biavk Iiook Mekers, Stationers and Printers Linco�n_1VeL � � � ��'- J _ — __ _ <br /> __ _ ._, _. ._.. <br /> __. __ __. . _;-- `-- ---.,.. _- ---_ __.__— —�- �.� .. <br />__ � _ <br /> In '�Jitness 7Vherenf, The said ?�arty of the first part has hereunto set her hand the aay and year � <br /> a.bove v��r it t en. <br /> .r' IT�T�S�' : �:-ary J.Ewing <br /> �.C .Ayer <br /> Frank Eoy�. <br /> "t at e o f T?ebraska ( <br /> lsc <br /> Douglas Ccunty. ( Gn this lith .xay c�f �.'iarch A.D.7.913 befare rne� �he unde-rsigr�ed, a <br /> i�otary Ptlblic v�rithin ar.d for said �oun�y, ?�ersonal�y c4ri.e ,�..ary J.Etil;ing, forr.�erly l::ary J.Trout <br /> to rre �ersonally kno�rn �o be �he identical person �rhose is affi.,:ed to the above instrument <br /> as grantor, and sl�e severally ackrovYleaged the sarne to be her voluntary act and deed for the <br /> purpo�e th�r�in ex�ressed. <br /> In i�itnesa �ther�of, I nave hereunto subscribed my name ar.d affixed r�y offic ial seal at Omaha <br /> c�n �he late last above wri�t�en. <br /> (SEAL) Frank Boyd � <br /> ��iy �cr;rnissian expires A��ril 13th , 1°18 T�iotary Pu�lic <br /> Filed for record ��arch 2�, 1913 at � o 'clock P.��i , �� � <br /> Register of�l�e^'e s � � <br /> � <br /> ____ e_.______. _ R_...�______ _______.___ <br /> �J ARn A21T Y D r,EP..�~` . � <br /> Know all %ier. by These Presents: That we� �.J ,F..�rger & ��artha A.F3urgEr, hL�.sband <br /> ar.d v,�ife of �all Caunty, and �tate of F?ebraska., in consideration of FivE F�undred and no/100 <br /> Dollar�s, in hana raid, do herEby �rant� �?argain, Se11� �"onvey ar.d Canfirm unto The Village of <br /> Dor.i;ahan, of Na11 Cc�unty, and ti�ate of i?�:braska� the followir.g descr�bed real estat e� situate <br /> in th� c ounty of �'all and tit at e of "ebrasl�.a to-wit : <br /> Lc�t T��o, Seven (7) in �lock ida , Seven �i') in the �Tillage of Doniphan, Hall Caurty� Nebr- <br /> aska.� as shorcm by the P1at c�f saic�. `Tillage of Doni�han, �a11 County, T?ebraska. <br /> tcgether ���ith �11 the Tezmements, Hereditarnents and Ap�urtenanees to the same belonging� ar.d <br /> ali th�: s�s�ate� Title� Dc�wer, Claim or Der��and ���hatsoever of the said �I ,J.Furger and ?�:artha A. . <br /> Burger cf, ir� or to the same, ar any �art thereof; To have and To Hold the above describ�d <br /> ��rerr:is�s v.�ith the a}aynzrtenar.ees unto the said Village o�' Doniphan and to its heirs ana assigns <br /> �arever; And Uhe said �'.J.Eurger �: �,':artha A.BL.rger ancl their heirs, exeeutors� admiris- <br /> trators� do covr�r.ant y��ith the said Village of Donirrian ar.d with ite heirs and assigns, that if <br /> lav�fully �;eized of' said �reY;ises ; that they are fre� from incumbran�e, that they have good <br /> . <br /> ri�ht anci lav�ful �uthority tcj s�;ll tha same� anc� that th�y v�ill and their heirs, exeel�t�rs and - <br /> �u.r�iinistrators shall v�arrar.� ar�a defend th� sanie unto the said Village of Doniphan and its � <br /> heirs and assigr.� ior�v�r agair_st th� lawful claims anc� de:,.ands of all ��rson� whomso�ver. <br /> In yYitness �dh�reaf, v���e have hercunto set aur hand this 1Jth day of :..arch� A.D. one thousand <br /> r�ine� hunclred and thir� �en. <br /> In preser�ce of �V.J.BL�r�er <br /> �Iaxry �liggers . ��.artha A.�?urger _ <br /> �tat e of Nebrasl:a ( <br /> :sa <br /> County c�f Hall ( Cn this 1°�th day cf I:�tarch A.D.1913 . before r:?e� a Notary P��blic in <br /> and for saic� County� i�ersonally_ ��me the aUave nar:ied �4'..7.Bur�er and l�.iartha A.Aurger who are <br />' pErsonally knov�m to me to be the ia�ntical �ersons v:hose namee are affixed ta the above Dead <br /> a: grar�ors, anci they acknowl�lged the instruzrer�t, to be their valuntary act and c�eed. <br /> �1itr.ess r,. r:a r } e re <br /> Y <br /> nd ar_cl .�eal thc, dat afo s�id. <br /> (S�:AL) H. F;. FLnk <br /> %�y eom�r�ise ion expir es Anr il li'� 1913 �?ot ary Pvblic . <br /> 0 <br /> Filcd for record i.iarch wl, 1�13 at 4�o 'clocl: P..��. , � <br /> Regist sr o f�D ds�w ^~��� <br /> 1t <br /> it <br /> � <br />