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.r �� <br /> •�lt`� <br /> Y <br /> �1 — ,�--;I�-� 10 ; , _ ,Q �1�1 ��, � /l� o � <br /> ���_� _���'���� ��J��� �._��,� <br /> _----____ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ - __- --- -- - -- ------ � ..-- ---_ - - -_ �_ _. __..._ _. — <br /> 54298—Btate Journal ComDaW. Blank Book �lakers, Stationers and Printer Lincolns�eb '° _ _ __ __ — <br /> —.�._ _._ ,,�_-_: :, <br /> - -- - __ _ , . — _� <br /> �.._--_»_ <br /> State of l�lcbraska ( <br /> :ss . <br /> Hall Cnunty. ( qn �his 8 �:ay of ;::�aroh 1913, bef'ore me� the unaersign�d, a �Notary PubliQ <br /> in an$ for said Courty, personally carle S.i1.Walbaeh, President of thE Bank of Doniphan, to me <br /> narsanally knov�rn to pe the Presia�nt and thc iaentic�l �erson tiirhose name is affixed tc the abave <br /> �� <br /> conveyance, ar.d ac�no�:�lc;c�gad th� execution thereof to be his volLtntary aet and deed as sueh - <br /> officGr and the voluntary �.ct ancl deed of the said �ank of Doni�han and that the Gorpara�� 5eal <br /> af th:; s��id �ank of Dcni�han v�as �hereto affixed ay its a�tharity. <br /> �di�ness my hand �r�3 jdetari�l �Gal at rrand Isl�nc� in said County, the day ana year last <br /> r <br /> abov� wr it�en. <br /> (SEAL) I.R.Alter�7r . ���� <br /> i�ay cammi$sion ex�ire� �he ti3 da.y of August 1�13. d I <br /> Filed. for record '.�arclz 20, 1913 at 9 0 '^ Iock A.'�. , � �� <br /> egister of De ds <br /> � <br /> �.. <br /> �VAR"r�A��tTY D��D. �: -' <br /> rrnow all :��:en by These Presents : That 3Ne� F'rank D.Carriker and Dora Carrik�r <br /> A Cti C� T� , <br /> ( husUand & wife) of the Cour.ty of Hall and �tat., of 11ebr�ska fcr ar.d in consicleratian of the <br /> f? r � r �r � <br /> � , n � <br /> �urr� of Ei�;ht Thc:�usan�, i.�/100 (<;��000.0„) �.C,LLARS, in hand �aid, do hereby .xR�r�T, �AR.�AZ�;, SLLL, <br /> C Gi1�r�Y� �iTD C ONFIr�l�� � nto �an14�.e1 E.Bamford of th:; �ounty o f A�ams anci `"tat e of r?ebras�:a the <br /> following dese�ibed premises sitt:ated in _�q in the County of Fall �.nd �tate of i�Tebraska <br /> tc-v�it : The �a�t one h�lf cf the Sauth �les� �uarter (E z of �.�9.��,-) of cection num'�er Ten <br /> (lU), '1'o�rnshii �?ine (�) :�,Grth o� �'�ange nwnbcr Ter� (10) v�-est o� -�;he sixth P.R�.. containing <br /> �ighty acres r���re or less, accc�rding to the gover �m�ent survey thereof. <br /> _._. <br /> �nd v��e cic hereby �ovenant v��ith the said �ariucl �.F�an�f'ord and his heirs and assigr.s, that <br /> v��e are l�.�rfully s�ized cf said �r�r;iises; uhat th�y are free from incu.rnbrance that �re have good <br /> ri�ht and la�F�ful authcrity to cc�nv�y the sar1�; and vre do h�reby covenant to war�°ant ar_c� defend <br /> tne said UrEr.:ises d�;air.�t the la�rrfl�l claims of ali �ersons v�ho�soever . <br /> And the said ]Jora Carriker hereby relinc���is�es all ri�ht and dawer in anc� to the above deserib�d <br /> prer;:ises. <br /> Sign�u this 7th aay of i�?QVer,:be-r A.D.1J1�.. <br /> In �resenee of ��rank D.Carriker <br /> H.A.��e�an Lora Carriyer <br /> "a he �tat e cf T?cbrasl�� { , <br /> : ss . <br /> F?�U.11 County ( Cn this "rth day �f Novemb::r A..[.. 1912� before me Chas . �:..Reaman, a <br /> `?otary duly� �v:;orn and qual:ified for and residing in said County, �Ersonally came Fran.�: D. <br /> �'arri�;er and Pora Carriker ( h��sband and t�°ife } -to me ?;nawn to be the identical r,ersans de- <br /> sc-ribecl in and t�nc� exect.ted tre foregeing instrumer�t as grant�rs and they ac?-nc�t��ledged the <br /> saici instrL�.ment to be th�ir vclur.t�ry act �nc� deed. <br /> �+itness rr�y hana an� seal �.± Dcni�:�r,an in �aid County, the day and year last above ti�rritten. <br /> (SEAL) Chas, ��",Redn_an <br /> cer_-��mission ex�}ires L�� er:ber 18-1917 . T?c>tary Publie <br /> Fileci fcr recQrd �,iar�h 21, 191� at 9 o�clocic A.i�. <br /> r � � �.�� <br /> ��. <br /> gi�t er of Dee � <br /> , <br />. � , <br />