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___ _ - <br /> P... ` <br /> � �9 f { <br /> ' -�- � �� <br /> � �1�1!L!r�JJ�i�I � � �J���� ��r�� ��� � <br /> - - -- -- - -- ----_ --- ___.. __.� ---__ ----___. <br /> --------__----—_- ------------ - <br /> ' SPEC IAI, �J.PRF.IINTY LIEEI?.�•::. ' <br /> In Conside-ration of Two Hundred and �'o� 100 Dollars, A.?•�.Hargis, and Ida <br /> ;�i.�a gia, husl�and and wife, of Nall County� Stat e of Nebraska� hereby sell and convey �anto <br /> '�� GraGn Island Land Company, of the County of Hall, and State of 21c�braska� the follov�ing 3escribed <br /> , �r�mises in th� County of �iall, State of T•lepraska, to-wit : <br /> Fractional Lpt Five (5), in Block fifty-oae (51), in Paaker � Barrs Second Addition to <br /> ; <br /> rxan Island, Aie'or. And we cio hereby covenant for our heirs an1 personal representatives <br /> wi�Gh the said rrand S�land Land Com�aany� heirs an;l assigns that we are lawfully seized of the <br /> ' sa� pre��ises, that the sams are free from incum'�rance �nade and incurred by us and none others . <br /> Ana I Ida ;�i.Har�is, wife of ths said A.i,2.Hargie, for the fore�oing considerat ian, do hereby <br /> ; relinauish all my ri�ht of dower and homestead in the above describe� premisas . <br /> i <br /> cigned this 3d day of January A.D.I.913 . <br /> �� A.i��t.Hargis <br /> � ��'i �Vi� es�, �c�se 'r:,Hansen. <br /> Ida �d.Har is <br /> i g <br /> I <br /> � <br /> ; �tate of Nebr. ( <br /> , '� :ss � <br /> j ?�a]�1 County ( Cn this 3d day of Jar�uary, A.D.1913, before me� a �lotary Public <br /> � <br />, �� in ' d for sai�. �aunty� personally came A.':i.Hargis and Ida " .Har�is, husband and wife� to me <br /> '',+ �e�s nally xrourn to be the identical persons r�hose names are affixer� to the above Deed as <br /> � <br /> ii <br /> - il, gra ors ar_d acknowleage� th� same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> ;; r�it ness r�y hand anci not ar ial s�al the day and year last a'aove v1r it t en. <br /> � . • <br /> ; ( '�1ota-rial ) �tose �.Hansen <br /> '; � S�AL ) <br /> � ��� ��y c mr::ission exy�ires� :°�4ay 20, 1�16 � <br /> i Fi]�e for recc}�a l.�arch 1�, 1913 at 9 ofclock A.�=i. , <br /> ii <br /> Register of De ds <br />� �[ _�- <br /> i� ��....._�__. _� � . _�_��___..e.__ <br /> J�AI"i�LANTY D�LD.� �ORPC�RI±TIC3P7. <br /> � This Indenture� :::adE this 7th day of 1�iarch in i,h:; year of <br /> i <br /> I our Lara, Cne fihousand Nine �tundred and t7�irteen� �etween ahe ��ank of Doniphan, a �crporation <br /> org nized and exist ir� ��nd�r ana by virtue of thc laws of th° �tate cf Nebra�ka, party of the <br /> i! <br /> ''� first t.�art, and Laura i..Smith of the �our_ty cf Hall, and S�ate of ��?ebraska� �arty of the second <br /> 'J <br /> ;!, ���art �`JITi1t��'�;�;TH� Tnat the said Party of th� first }�ar�� for and in considexation of the <br /> ',j s��m of Four Hundred (�400.OU} ;�;;`# Dollars� in hand naic� receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged <br /> � �,j <br /> �, has sold and by �hese presents does gxant, convey and confirm unto the said �arty of the se�ond <br /> '� part the following c�es�ribed rrer.lisas, situated in Hall Cotinty and �tate �f N�brask to wit <br /> '� , � <br /> � <br /> �' Beginnin� �t thc i?orth East corner af Lat �-�f�'�,'�-' �?o . Cne (1) of Block *?c�. Tuio (� ) of the <br /> � <br /> I <br /> Ij Vil age of Doniphar� rxall �o.� 2�e'�raska, runring thence South Tv,�enty Five (�5) feet� thence <br /> ;i <br /> !; �Vest Fifty (�0) feet, thence i�orth T�renty Fiv� (25) feet, th�n� e East Fifty (50) feet to tr.e <br /> '�i <br /> 'i plac e of 'beg inning� the sarne being a part af Zat �ne o f Block Two of the �Tillag e of Doni�hany <br /> i <br /> !� <<a�.l County� i?ebraska. To Have and To Hold �the rremises above describ�c� together with all <br /> � <br /> I� th� Ten���;�nts, �ereditaments and Ap�urtenances �i�ereto belan�ing unto the said Lar�ra E.Smith <br /> i <br /> ; And th� said �3ank of Doniphan for itself or its successore, do hereby covenant and agree to <br /> , <br /> and ith the said narty of the second part and her heirs and assigns, that at the time of the <br /> i <br /> '! exec tion and delivery of these �res�nts it is lawfully seized of said ��remises; that it has <br /> I <br /> � <br /> ;j gao right and lawful authority to �onvey th� same; that they are free from enewnbrance and does <br /> 'I <br /> ii her y covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawf��l claims of all persons <br /> ��� �� <br /> ; cYho �aever. In �Vitness �Ihereof, the said �ank of Doniphan has�caused its corporate seal <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ' to e affixed and these pr�sents to be signed by its Presiclent, '�he aay and year first above <br /> I' .-�-rit en, Tr.e Bank of Doniphan. <br /> �` �;, Si� ec� Seale� and Delivcred in pres�nce of �Y �.r��.'�olbach President <br /> 'I I.R.Alt er JR.� <br /> ;: (co�p) <br /> �I �seal) <br />. .I�_ �..�_ .. ; <br />