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; - -- <br /> � ��) <br /> �., <br /> � " <br /> ' � ��'��'�JJ\' ��L�'� � iV'�'� �\�`.WJI�, �-� ��o <br /> ��—�-/ �_1� �J �_� � �.J _ _� �_r J � <br /> --.--- _ _ _ - -- ._ _ . -------- --- �-. -_ _ _ ___ _= -- - �_ - - -.�. _ <br /> _ <br /> . _ _ � _ _ __. ----__ <br /> b42S@—State Journal Coinpany, Blxnk Book blake"rs, Stationers and Printer�.TilncolII. NCb �. __... _ _ __ <br /> State uf� rIe�� York� )t On this 3rc� day ���areh A. D. 1�13, k�efore me� the <br /> ss . <br /> �bcv�� Yar�, Cuunty� ) Lndersigned� a I��atary FuUli� in ar.d for saia <br /> ��lzr.ty� per�: r:ally came A�xan: Kali�h, ba�hel�r, <br /> �-ha is ?��rsonally kno�rn t� me ta �� the identical r�rsc:n whose name is af�'i�ea to the a�;ove <br /> ir.strurner.t as �;zantor an1 he a�knov�l�dg�� the saia ins-G-rL:_ment to be hi� vclLntary act and <br /> �i�CC�.. <br /> '�itness my har.d and t?ot��_rial Nea1� the date afc�resaid. <br /> �Vm. A. Lo'r�b. <br /> _SEAI� . _ Notary Pu���li� . <br /> 2lotary PL,b:i^� ;;;u��ns no . <br /> ,,, ., r ° � �,, r,T - .. �,. , + <br /> .�.y „om.m.i..sion �xy-ixes �.--.r.,h 1 1 . C�rtifi , _tc; f'ile:.�. ir. _ eti Yark ��tn�y <br /> i?�vr York �ounty �'o . 41 <br /> ��ev� York Re:�is�tr's No . 41�6. <br /> Filed for re�ord o:�: tnc 6th uay ot :�l•_.rch, 1�1�, at 9:30 a'�lock A. ��I . <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> �t gister of beed . � <br /> -c-a-c�-o-c-c-o-o-�-c-c,_�;-o-c�- c�c-c-c-o-c�-a=c-a-c-c-o-o-e-���-�-o-o-o-�-�-o-c-o-o-o-c�-� -o-o-o-o-c�- <br /> �� ,��!?it Claim Deed: <br /> iI�novr all men by th�tie Pr�ser_t� : That I, Arnie Schti�albe� (form.erly <br /> n�.lish� "r Anrla ��alisrl) of tht Courty c�� Nev�� York ar_d State af �?evr York for the con- <br /> si���r,�tion cf t�nc ar_ci no-1C� �?�11«rsi hereby �� Clair,� ana aonvey urto Theat�ore �oehr.�, _ <br /> of the Cavnty of I�all ar.d Sta�c of i3�bra�k2� all of aur ii�ht, titl� ana irterest of � <br /> �yl�atso�;vcr natur�� in �.ns to the fc:�llo�rin� d�scrik��s Real Estate, sit��ated in the County <br /> of �all, � St�t� of' i1��;rask�, to-v��it : <br /> Lots 6, 7, and 8, in Biock 4� af �o�,gs ard Hill 's Aadition to the <br /> City of �rar:d I�lan3, P�a�-ra�ka, as shov�n uy the recorded plat o� �aia aadi�ion. <br /> I2T IIT�tiw'� �IH�RZ�F', I h�ve hereunto set my hand thi� lst day -of 3.4arch <br /> 1°13. <br /> Annie Sch�ralbe <br /> �'i t n cs s; ._..._ _._ _ <br /> ( nee Anr.i� ���lish) <br /> Aug t;!s t F. Rt:7'i e _--,-._.___.__... <br /> `731 E. 15� St ., <br /> _._..____�_�.. �_ _____�.��_._._��a_�-___.__._ <br /> �.arnath I , i�d�assbaun <br /> �,..�...__`._..`e_' Fronx� Nev�r York Cit�. <br />� State of NetiR� York� ) <br /> ( �s . Cn this lst �ay �;iar�h A. D., 1913 �efore me� the <br /> 2�?e�� York, �ounty. ) � <br /> ��n�ersi�r_e� a ?'otary Puti1i^ in an� for �aid c��,nty <br /> y�er,�or�ally ��e Annia �ch�;��li:;��, (Form�rly �nnie Kalish� or A��na ?ralish) who is rersonally <br /> �;no;��n to me to ' 's�e the �aentic�l person y:�hose narne is affix�d to the al�ove i�a�rumsnt as <br /> �rantor �.nd she ackno�rle.��d the said ins�rumont to be hex voluntary act and deed. <br /> luitnesC :r.y hand and Nota-rial seal� the da�e aforesaid. <br /> i�enry�C . S�haefer. <br /> ti�.AL_y �Nc�t,�ry Pu�li� . �� <br /> ':y �arn�t�ission e:��i-r:;s �i lch �lst� 1913 . �I, y. �p, <br /> Filta �o-r r���r�i ;�n the ��h d��y Gf� i;iar�h, 1913� �t 9:30 U'�lock A. �9. <br /> �_ �,����� _ <br />� r�agister a nee,as :j�' <br /> -0-G-4-6tiQ-U-O-O-O-U-4-rJ-C-�-O-O-:i-O-.�-J-O=O-O-O-G-U-^--O-O-rJ-�-O-O-�--O-O--O-O-O-O-O . -O-0-:7-U-O <br /> t <br /> � <br />