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_ - _ _. � <br /> r.. <br />� ;��4 � � � � <br /> ; D --���;�� i °����,�� 0 �� �� 0 � ' o ' . � <br /> �L�IJ—.� �_.i��� � ��� _���0 <br /> -- --_ _ _-_�_ _________ �- ___— ��v - ��- --- - -- - <br /> .__ _ _ __ --- ------ <br /> 5$298—State�'ournal ComDany, I3lauk Book ilIakers, Stationers and Piinterss Lincolnt l�fep_ . ^ � � � �` �� __ <br /> ��At'�AP;TY D��D�`'`. <br /> Know all �f.en by These Pr�ser.ts : That we �ora i:..iano and Isaac T.�'ano her <br /> husband of Hall Courty, State of NabrasYa, in consideration of �he surr of Cne Dollar and o�Gher <br /> valuable cor�sideratians Dollars in hana paic�, by. Chas. Judd af Lancaster County, State of ?�Teb- <br /> rasya do hereby se11. and convey unto th� said Chas . Jtzdd the folZowing described premises� sit- <br /> uat�d in tht �ounty of Flall �tat e of rlebr. , t�-�Yi� : <br /> Lat iiuniber Sixteen (lo) in Floek Plwnber Four (4) in �aggs �- �ill� Additiun to the City of <br /> �rand Island N�br. toget'r�er �tiith all apy�urtenances theret;.r_to belonging, and Cora a�l.rano and <br /> Isaac T.�ano hereby covenant that the said pre�ises are free ar�d elear from all liens and in- <br /> cw�.:�.,rances �xc�pt cne ce-rtain r,�crtgage of '�hirteen Huncired Dollars (�1300.00) to the Geciciental <br /> �Fuilding and Lcan Assoeiatic�n ar�d we covenant to ��arrant and defend the ;aid premises against <br /> � <br /> r ,• <br /> any a„ts ef saia narties af tha f lrst part . And the s�ld Isaac T. .xano hereby relZnq�,�.shes all <br /> "riis right of 3ov�rer in and to th� a�ov�: clescribed premi�es . <br /> Signed the F'ourth day af January 1913. <br /> In PrESence of Cora T�f.rano <br /> T • a r � <br /> J .h.�'�olley Isa c T. �ano <br /> �'t at e a f ?'ebraska ( : , <br /> :ss <br /> nall C�unty. ( Gn �his 4 day af January 7.913 befare me, J.H.�Paolley a Notary Public <br /> duly comm�issioned and qualifiea for and resiaing in said County, r�ersonally came Cora ?:�.Gano <br /> ar.d Isaac T.�ano, husband ,-&.• vrife to me known to be th� icientical r�ersons descri�ed. in and <br /> �rh� �xecuted the fore�aing instrurr:ent as grantors ar_d they acknowl�dged �aid instrument to be <br /> th�ir voluntary a�t and de�d. <br /> ��itn�ss My Y�iand and 2�otarial �eal at �:°and Islanc�, in said County, the day and y�ar last <br /> abave �vritt c�r.. <br /> (�zEAL) J.H.�o�lley <br /> �=:y comr:�ission e�ir�s the 2�th aay of �=�ay, 19I5 Idatary Publie <br /> Filtd for reccrd �,��arch 3, 1�13 at 11.30 o� �lock A..�.. <br /> _���;��r�C-� � <br /> Re�is�er of^� eeds <br /> -c-o-�-e-o-c:�-o-:.-�_:_. -�_:-o-e-c- -e-e-c-o-a-a-e-o-a-c-e-c-c-c-o-c-a--a-o-a-o-a-c---c-o- o-c-e-o-' - <br /> iNarrarty De�d:�,.� <br /> Kr� � al� r:�r �y thes E i?res erts� Th�t John Dauv�n and ���aud �. Dauven, husbar.d <br /> I�I � <br /> uru. ti�if'e, in ccnsidGr :tion af Thr�� �hnusard Dollars� in hancl pai3� �o hereby grant� bargair� <br /> s �il� �unv�;y ar.d eonfirru ur:to Ber.j amin J . CLtnningham the fallowin� des�ribed real e�tate sit- <br /> uate in th� Cot�r�ty of Hall and Sta�e of Plebra�ka, to-�rit : Lot Zvine (9) in Block Ten (10� of � <br /> �`ill��rt �s Additior� to the City o�' �rar:,i Iular,d, a� shov��n �y �he Recarc�ea Plat thereof . Subject <br /> to'a riortgag� cf Elev�r Hl�_nare� I3oll��s (�1100.00) ar�d interest thereon from January 15th 191� ; <br /> ard ',v.ecr:anic lien of Two H,�ndred and Fifty Dollars (��50.00) and ir.terest therean. toget�ier <br /> r��ith all the teren:ents� herec�itar_=ents� ar.d a��ces to the same bel�ngin�:� and �.11 the <br /> est�te title� dc�,��r right of han:estca�, clain: or demand vrhatsoever of the said John Dauven and <br /> l�fau:� �. Dal-ven of� in� or to the sar�:�, c�r an,y �art thereof; TG HATtE A`TD T4 HGLl7 the above <br /> aescrib�a prer��i�e�, r;ith th� a�-��_�r-��r;s, unto the saici .��njamin J . Cunnin�ham anc� to hi� <br /> heir� anci aswigns fcrever; ar.�. we the �;zid John Da?�v�n and �laud F. Da�,ver, f'or ours�lves and our . <br /> h�i-r: ex�e?_-_to�w �r:3 ac:�ministrators, 10 �over.ant veith the sai�. Rerjamin J . Cunningham, and <br /> vrith �iis:heirs ar�a assigns� that �,�e are lac:fully seizea of saia pramises� that they are free <br /> f'rar__ incumbrance e�:�.e�-t as above stated that ti��� have good right ar.d lawful authority to sell <br /> the same ar.d that ��� vri11 ancl our �'ieirs� �xecutors, and administrators shall w�rrant and de- <br /> fcr.d the sar�:� vnta �h� said Eer.ia�:ir. J . Cunnin;hani, anci his _ heirs and assigns fc�rever <br /> ag�inst th� lat*rft-1 clai�i:s of all �ersons'�v�ihor.�o�ver ~ � <br /> IN �ITrli:u�'� �dHI:h�6�', �� have set our � hand� this Fifth <br /> �iay of j�sarch___ A. D., 191� . <br />� In .pres�r.c� c;f John Dauven <br /> A. S . �iit�hic, �� Piaud F. Dauven. _ <br /> :;;. �v:ickel. <br /> �n thi� Fifth day of :�I�rch, A. D ,, 191�, be��ore me <br /> �tate of r�tk;r�uka, jC a Notarf Puuli� in ancl far said County, <br /> N;, . �ar':e the above-r_arr.ed John Dauven ancl r�J�aud F. <br /> � _�____________ <br /> Cour:�y of Do :glas . ) Davver�, Husbanci and�Vlfe. v;� o per- <br /> �c;nally knov��n�tolr:�e to be the identi�al r�ersons <br /> t��hos� rar�les atfixed to th� abnve in�trument as �rantors, ana they acknov:�ledgGCl said instrL�rrient <br /> to�:be their volt;nt�ry a�t ancl a�ed, � <br /> T �C � <br /> c �IITr����.; my hand and Notarial Seal the date last <br /> �EAL . ore aid. <br /> ��y carr�s��i��ior_ e x,-�ir�s en the �Oth 3�y o� Jt�n��'�. Iqi�. <br /> _, F'iled Ur_ the4th uay of :;.�h ., � 3. 9• c�'c1�^k A.�,1. <br /> • A1��rt S . Ri c hi e,�_______�___ <br /> .cgist�:r o ' D�ea:; . " NotaryPublic . <br />. . . �. �i. _ _. <br />