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� �� <br /> �a+� � <br /> � <br /> �, , <br /> `�� ���'��,�� � ° 1�� ; o � � ,'� � ��o <br /> �_��� ������ J ��� _„__�� <br /> _ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___, ____ ____ __ _i__v�. _ _ __ �- _ ____— <br /> _ __ ____ __ :— _ _ <br />� b4286—State Journal Company, �lank Book hiakers, Stationets and Printere, Lincoln,Neb. ___ ___. ___ _ ___.._ __.. <br /> �ixty -rods, ta ��ction iin�;� �ner.ce cn ��ction li?^:e� �de�;t tp corn�-r� �h� �lace c;f ueginning� <br /> �ont�ir�ing fifteen ��ci�s, r:�ere or less, accardin� ta cieed from Cha-rles r�.JVu�d ana i�2ar�ha E.�ood� <br /> as shoi-rn Uy �h� recarcls af Hall C���unty, �?��ras::�. <br /> Together ��ith all and sin��ular the herec�it- <br /> az:;�nts tli er eunto b�longing . <br /> Tr� Have an� To Holc� , Tha above described pxemises unto the sai3 <br /> Rosillia �.P�vrers� her heirs and as�i�ns; so that n�ithUr v�e the said parties of the first �art <br /> a ��} �' h e er <br /> or any �erson in c�ur n�rn„ or behalf, shall _r vylll re�ft claim or demand any right or titl� <br /> to th� said pr�mises or any part ther�of, but '�hey and ev�ry one of them shall by these prea�nts <br /> �e exclude� an� forever barrecl. <br /> In �fi�n�ss �un�-rc;of, The saic� parties �?f the first part have h�r�eunto set their h��nds the day � <br /> and y�ar abov� c,ritten. <br /> 7dIT13LS�,: Elizabeth L,:.ailler <br /> �erry �.�lif'ford �a-rl P.�;iiller <br /> � �tat e of Nebraska ( <br /> : ss <br /> :=�a11 �aunty. � Cn this 14" aay uf 5�pti:mber A.D. 19nF3� before mc, th� undersigned, � <br /> a ivotary Public ���itnin ar�3 f:.}r said C�unty, per�onally �ame Elizabeth �.��siller and Carl P.�illar <br /> t� m� parsvnally kno�an to b� the i3Entical �ersons v:�hose na�r�es are affixed ta the above instru- <br /> mEr.t as �rantors, and they savsrally acknov�le�:�ged the same t� be thair voluntary act arci deed <br /> for th e purpos e th c�-rein exY�r ess zu., <br /> In �Vitr_ess fihereof, I have hereunta subscri'�ad my name and affixec� my official seal <br /> at =r3nc1 Island, ':'eY�. on thc date last a�ove writt�n. <br /> (SEAL) H.E.!"liffard <br /> r��iy comr;:ission exnires January �" 1914 , 2totary Public <br /> Filed for record Februaxy 28, 1�13 at � o' clock P.z�i. ' <br /> �:��� � <br /> n�giste� of Dee __ �._. <br /> � .� .�^,_ � ...r: ���, _. ��� �r i`�r-�,�l�� .�r..� - ri�("�:�.f�:—. .�!"�.�- -.��. . ._.r-,..� _.n.�r ...n..� �. n�,'�r.. n . . <br /> O O-U -O - -+J � .n. J , -.. _ _ .. .J+., . ..-� . . -.. ._ <br /> .. ., O-rJ ,��.- .. �J � . J .. , „ � J . -O-O -0-.. ._ . <br /> ' Warra,n.ty Deed:� " <br /> KP70V1 ALL I�RE2T }3Y THESF PRESENTS ; <br /> Tha,� Guutav Thavenet and t,�eta Thavenet, his wife; Anna 5chimmer and John Schimmer, wife and <br /> husband ( each in �heir own right and as spouse of the other); ��a�rgaretha Roby and Arthu� Roby, <br /> her hu�band, all of Hall County, Nebraska, grantors, in consideration of the sum of TEN TFiOUSAND. <br /> FOtTR FiUNDF�ED (�10,�+00) DOI,LARS, in hand paid by Willia.m Thavenet, Geor�e Thavenet, Dora Sanders �m.�C <br /> t <br /> Lena Springsguth, all of Hall County, Nebraska, do her�by �rant, ba,rgain, �ell, convey and confi�m <br /> unto the said William Triavenet, George Thavenet, Dora Sanders a,nd Len� Springsguth, �ran.tees, as <br /> tenants in common, a,n undivided on� half iriterest in and of the following described prer�ises <br /> ��� _ <br />, <br /> ' situat�;d in th� County of Hall ancl State of Nebraska, towit : <br /> ; <br /> Thc Sauthea,st qu�,rter of the SoutYiv��st quarter (SE�- of SW�) of S�:ction Number Twenty Two (22 ), <br /> and The Northwest quarter of the Northwest qua�rter (NVJ� oP N��� ) of Sc�etion Nurnber Twenty Seven <br /> �27) , anci Lots Numbered One (1) and Two (2 ), on r��.inland, �.nd the North ten acres of Lot Nurnber <br /> Four (4) , on IsTand, in Section Number Tv���nty Seven (27), a,ll in Township Nurnber Eleven (11) <br /> North, Range Nurnber Nine (9 ) , West of the SixtYi P.T�i. (saici t�n acres being bounded on the South by <br /> a straight East and West line running across said I,ot �). <br /> S�ving �nd excepting from the above ciescribed la,ncl tY�ree tracts as Pollows: <br /> Or.e conveyed to William H.C.Zambader, S�:n. , by w�,rranty deed recorded in I3ook j' page 5�+g , con- <br /> taining about thr�e acres, and bein� a part of said Lots 1 and 4; <br /> One conveyed to John C.C.Hann, by ti�arranty deed recorded in I3ook 34, Page 3g9, containing about <br /> t�vo acres anc� being a part of sa�id I.ot 1; and � <br /> A th.ird tract of about ten acres conv�yed by �dargaretha Thavenet to William Thavenet, by warrant� <br /> deed recbrded in 13ook 46, Pagc� 197, all of said deeds being recorded in the records of Hall <br /> C�unty, Nebr�,ska. And sub,�ect to the right oP v�ay of �. ro�,d leading through said prem,ises to the <br />