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I <br /> � �_� <br /> J1���'���i.�,' ��;�'�5��% �1`���� �,�V�m ``�- <br />��- __. . ___-----_-- ---- --- =--=--- _ ----_:----- -_=__-----__-- -_--_-=--__ _ - - - <br /> ----=-- ------- -------- - - <br /> �VARRA.�`;TY �EED <br /> �`'This IndentL�re� a�lad�e this 1°th day of Gctober in the year af our Lorcl, One <br /> Thousand rrine Hundred ar�d twelve, FET�+r�N Realty Invsstmer.t Co .a eorporation organized and <br /> .existing unaer and by virtue of the of the State of P?ebras�a party of the first part, and <br /> A.O.Po�rers of thc Cour.ty of Hall and State of r�ebraska, party� of the seeond part . <br /> ' WIT2�ESSZTH� that th� said party of the first part for and in consideration of th� stim of <br /> �ight Hundred and na/1G0 DGLLA,.�S, in hand paid r�ceipt yvher�;o� is h��reLy acknov�le�.ged, has <br /> sold and by �hese presents does grant, convey, and confirm untc� the said party of ths second <br /> part, the following described pren:ises, situated in the C�unty of Hall and Stat e of rTebrgska <br /> , to-�rit : All of Lots Three (3) ancl Faur (4) in Bloek Number� (8 ) rilberts Adaition to <br /> Grand Island, �lebraska, as surveyed, platt �l and r�orc�ecl. <br /> To Have and to Hold the�s abovE describe�, tngether ZT�ith all the Tener�ents, Heredita- <br /> ments anc� Appt�rt enances theret� belGngin� unto the said A.O.Pow�rs . And the said Realty <br /> Invest�:�r_t ^o . for itself or its sL?c�esNors� does hereby cever_ant to and a�ith the said ,r.arty <br /> of th� second part and his heirs and �assigrs� that at the time of the execution and delivcry <br /> � of these �re�ents it is lati�Tfully seized of said pre�:ises; that it has good right and Ia�rful <br /> authority to c�nvey the sar..e; that they are free from en�um�;ran�e and dees hereby covenar.t to <br /> ���ar�ar�t and def'end the saicl pre;:_ises againsi, the lavuful �laims of all persons �,hoMSOev�r . <br /> , Ir ��itn�ss �Ghereof, the said Realty Investmcnt Co . has ^aus�d its corporate seal <br /> tc� be af�ixed and �ha�e pr�ser.ts to '�ie sig�c;d by its President the aay and yaar first aY�ove <br /> w�ritt �n. <br /> �igne�., Sealed and. Deliver���i��� Gealty Investmer.t Co. <br /> corp) <br /> II Janies �.Dill (sealj B�,� L.C .�ilbcrt, President <br /> ' L.L.�'ilk�ert, Secretary� AttESt . <br /> � <br /> Sta�e of Iiz��brast.a � <br /> ♦ U V <br /> Hall Courty. � On thia 1�`th aay af t�ctober A.D. 1G1�, before me� th� t.ndersigr�3 <br /> a �iotary Public� ir. and fc�r said County, personally apx�eared L.C.rilL-�rt, Presiaent of the <br /> ;i <br /> I' sleal�y Investmer:t Co. to me personall�y knawn to be the President anci th�: id�ntical per�on <br /> I� wnose name is aff'ixed to th ::: above dee� and ackr:ov�lec�gecl the execmtion thereof to be his vol- � <br /> �, ; <br /> untary act and deed �s such cff'icer and tht volLntary a�t and deed cf the said Realty Ir..vest- <br /> ',� <br /> r.1 ent C o. ; <br /> j Witness my hand and T�?otarial Seal at �rand Island in said County +he day and y�ar last <br /> , � <br /> ' above vrritten. <br /> � ��'i � (�,'r:AL) J . E.Dill � � <br /> ! 1�:y com:�:ission ex��ires �he loth day of July 1�`l� . rlotary Pu�lic <br /> ;! <br /> �, <br /> Fil�,-d fnr record February 28� 15�13 at �1 0'�l0�1: A.;.�. , �/ <br /> li <br /> l�/ <br /> Register of DE <br /> -o-o-a-e-c-- - -c-e-a-o- --.:�- -c;-c�-�:-�-�::-e-a-�-�-c- - -c- -c.- -o-; -c-o-ao-o-o-o-o-c- o-o-a <br /> QUIT CLAI�i DE�?�. <br /> �his Ind�nture� �i��i�de this 14" day of "epter�k�er in �he year cr_a thousand <br /> ; nine hundred ana eight �LT�� L;�� Eliz�bcth L.i:�iller and Carl P.�.:iller� c�ife and husband of <br /> ,; <br /> � Hall County, i?ebrasya of th:; first part, and r�osillia �:.Pov�ers of Hall C�unty, 2�'er��raska of the <br /> ;i <br /> �I second part . r:IT�TL�:LTH Tha� the :aicz narties of thc firs+ part, in �ansider�tion of tho <br /> �I <br /> I st;m of Tv�o Hurdrecl no�1GG DCLLAR,� tc th�n-i duly paic� the r�cei�t v:hareof is 'r�ere�y acknowl�3.�ed <br /> � <br /> ii have rEmise3, releaseci and quit-claimp� and by th�se ��res�nts ao, for our selves our heirs� <br /> i, <br /> �� exe�utc�rs and aaminist��at�:rs� remise� release, and f��rever quit-claim and �on�rey ur_to �he said <br /> ;, �arty of th� secon�;� part� arci ta hcr h�irs� ana assi;ns� �c�rev�r� all �,ur ri�ht, ti�le, interest <br /> ;'' esta� � �lai:n an� d;.mand i�: �Y: at layr a.nd in ecui�y, �f� in� and to all of the followin� dea�ri'�- <br /> , <br /> �'� ed �r�:�zrt�* in x'all �c�znt�� `T ��ra::,ka, te-tiwtiit : �15) Fifteen a�res� eor�r_^�ncir_g at �h� "c�rth 7� �st <br /> �' corr.�r of c e�tion T�venty T�o (?2 ) T:_-�����^ship �leven �11 ) Rang� 7'�,elve �12 } � est of the �;" Princi��a <br /> � � , _ <br /> i ��:eriai�.n, �h�;rl�e r��r.r�irtg rauth on �ec�ion line Sixt� rods, t�ler� e East Forty rods, thence Tlorth <br /> �i <br />; �� <br />'�u � � I __ ' <br />