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�r�� �.. <br /> � <br /> j� - J������ ���j �U'�)� '_� ��� `���o <br /> �L�__�� �.�__�� �.r � _ � <br /> __ _ : _ _ _- _.. ___ _-- -_ _ � — .�___� .._ __ ..___ __.__--- <br /> _ `__ _ <br /> _ _. _ __ -— - - <br /> � 5$2$8—State Journal Comllany, Blank Book :4fakers, Stationeis and Printers Linwln. Neb „__ ._ -- - -_ _ _ <br /> __-- -- ,�, __�_ <br /> __� � _ _. <br /> _ - --- --- - -- -- <br />— � � � - I� <br /> the Sou��lv�rest Quarter (SWl��+) of the Southeast Qu�rter (SE 1�4� of Section Ei�ht (� ), Township <br /> Eleven ( 11) North, of Ran�e Nine (9) West of the 6th, P.�2. was sold to B.E.Conner for the <br /> delinquent taxES of the year 1909 and, Whereas, the sa,me n.ot h�ving been rede�med from such sa1�, <br /> and it appearing that the holder of the certificate of purchase of said rea,l estate h�,s complied <br /> with the la��as of the S�ate of r7ebr�.sk�, necessary to entitle S.E.Conner to a deed oP said real <br /> esta,te : Now, ther�for�, I, county trea,s�trer of said county of Hall, in consideration of �he � <br /> premises and a Pee of 50 cents and by vixtue of the st�.tutes of the State of Nebraska in such <br /> cases made and provided, d.o hereby �rant a.nd convey unto S.E.Conner, his heirs and assigns, forever, <br /> th� said re�,l estate hereinbefore described sr�b�ect, however, to a.ny redemption provided by law, <br /> Given und�r my hand a,nd official sea,l this 2�+th da,� of F�bruary, A.D.1913. <br /> Witness (SF�L ) R.L.�i�.rrison � <br /> County Tr�asurer <br /> C.A.Huss � <br /> STt1TE �F NEI3F�tASKA, � . <br /> )sa. <br /> H�11 County, . ) On this 2�+th day of February, A.D. lgl3, before me a County Clerk in <br /> and for said County, person�lly appeared the abov� nameci �.Z.H�rrison, treasurer of said County, , <br /> persona�lly knov�m to me to be the treasurer oP :�aid County, at tYie date of the execution o�' the <br /> f'oregoing conveyance, and to be the identical per�on whose name is affixed to, and who executed <br /> saiQ;4car_v�yance as treasurer of said county, and ackriotrrled�;ed the ex�cution of the sa�e to be h�s <br /> voluntary act and deea as treasurer of ��.id county, for the purposes therein e�ressed. <br /> YJ9.tne�s my Yianc� and oPficial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (SEAL) _— Gus E.Neumann <br /> County Clerk <br /> �'iled fcr record on the 24th �ia,y of February 1913 at 2 o 'clock P.M. <br /> R�gister of D ds � <br /> —O—O—Q—O—O-0-0-0-0—O-4—Q—O—O—O-0-0-0—O-0—U—O—O—O—O—G—G—O—O-0—G-0—O—O—O—G—O—O—G—O— Q—O—O—O—O—O— � <br /> Certi�'ica,te of Ovonership:=`���` <br /> TH� GF�AND ISi�AND CEP��;TERY <br /> � � �"' <br /> CERTIFICAT� OF OVJI7ER���IP <br /> Tn.e City of Grand Isla.nc3 of the fir�t part doth h�;r�by certify that Mrs. Ol�;a Vieregg of the <br /> , <br /> second part is the owner oP Zot No. 1$0 in Section F Row . . . . . . . as designated on the map as <br /> sections, rows, and lots of the Cemetery of said City, in the County of Hall and State oF <br /> Nebra�ka, kno�rm as the Grand Island Cemetery anfl f'or which the said party of the second part <br /> hath paid to the saic� party of the first part the su.m oF T«enty N0�100 DOZ7�ARS, and that in <br /> consider�,tion thereof the said party of the second part is entitled to the perpetual use of saiQ <br /> lot fo� the pur�o�e of interrnent only, subject to the Laws of the State of Nebraska thereto <br /> appertaning and a,ll ordina,nces, rules and re�tzlations which are in f orce and may from time to <br /> time be adopted by the party oF the first part for trie regulation and government of said Cemetery. <br /> IN TESTI�ZONY �=�iEREOF, The City of Grand Island, Nebra�ka, has c�.used its seal to be h�r��o�'. <br /> affixed, and this indenture to be �igned by its M�.yor anci attested by its Clerk, triis the 24�� <br /> day of February in the year of our Lard, One Thousand Nirle H`undr�d and ThirtEen. <br /> (SEAZ) Charles G.Rvan <br /> �tay or <br /> ATT�?,ST: H.F..Clifford <br /> eZERK <br /> Filed �'or record on the 26th day of February 1g13 at 11 0'clock A.Z,�. <br /> Regist�r of Dee <br /> . <br /> �� <br />