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��t;� <br /> ��� <br /> � � <br /> � � �� ���o <br /> I � �j��,i��' '�,;��j;'U�U'Ll�3`��1 _�, �����` __� �_��� <br /> � <br /> __. _--- - _ _ _ -- . _ --- -- - - - -- __ _ __s __ _____ -_- — <br /> ________i. _ <br /> �` � 54298—State Journal ComHany, Blavk Book :1lakere, Stationeis and Printers LlnzulA, N�b_ ---- - -- --- --' ' — ---° <br /> '___ _ _ _ _,:- ---=— <br />_ __._ _ _ .. __ . ___. ---- <br /> In �Citr_eas �'herec�f� v,e have her� set �ur hands thie 8th clay ��f Feby� A. D. one thousand <br /> nina huncixed ar_d thirteen. <br /> '.'rs ca�ah Orx <br /> In �resence of <br /> �eo. �`.Orr <br /> H.i..F�an k <br />' State of l�e�;raska ( <br /> : ss <br /> C ��unty �f. Hall ( Cn this eighth day of February A.D. 1913� befc,re me� a Notary � <br /> , . t� ,, <br /> - r f' <br /> Pu�lic in and �`or said County, p�rsonally came tn� a�ove .�amea :rlrs. Sarah Crr and .�ao. �C . Grr, <br /> wife �nc� husband cti�ho are personally knov�m to me to be the identical pErsons t�Yhose name� are <br /> affixed tc th:; above D�ed as �rantors, and they ac knc;wledg�d the instrur�ent to b� their volun- <br /> tary act and dee�. <br /> iNitn�ss �ny hand ar_d seal tn� aate aforesaid. <br /> �� Funk <br /> r�.�� <br /> ���AL) iTOtary Public <br /> Cr�rn�nis�ion ex�ire� Apri1 17, 1�13 <br /> Fil�ci f cJr -r��orci Feb-ruaxy 24, 1�13 a� � a' �loc� A.:.�. <br /> � <br /> _ r� .._.._ � <br /> negister of Dee <br /> _o_�,_o- -o-o-o �;;ooa--o-c�-a-��- -�>-��-G-o-ca-�_:- �- -c:_� -c_ _�.-_r�-��c-- -�_�_�__{_�_- - - -o-::- -�-�-��-a <br /> .�,..� <br /> Count.v Treasurer� Tax need e4;c :� � <br /> G017NTY TRE,kSURI+,R'S CERTIFICI�TE 0�' TA;� SAT,E. <br /> THF �TATE 0�' T7F.1?:tASKA, a , , No. 7630 <br /> ) ss. <br /> I�F3.1.�. COL�.71tVa ) I, Theo.P.�3oehm Treasurer of the County of Ha11, in the State of <br /> Nebrask�,, do h�reby certify that the folloVring described� Re�,1 Estate in said County ana State, <br /> to-thrlfi : Lot f'ourteen (l�-) in bl�ck one (3 ) in H�rrison�s subdivisian of whe south west quarter <br /> of �he south east quar�er of sectiorl ei�;ht (S ) township eleven (11) North of range nine (9 ) <br /> we,t of the 6th. F.�,�. v���,s or� the 15th d�,y of February A.D. ,1911 duly sold by me in the manner � ` <br /> provided by la�v, a,t Priv�.te Sale �.t the Ccunty Treasurer ' � off ice in Gr�nd Island, Tjebraska, <br /> suc'n real est�.te h�,vin� been previously offered at public sale but not sold for want of bidders, <br /> for the d�linquent t�,xe� the year 1909 ugnn the above describ�d property amounting to No and <br /> 23�100 DOLI,A�S, including inter�st and pena,lty tYlereon, and tYie costs �.11o�xaed by law to S.E. <br /> Conner for the sum of No and £�5�100 DOZLAR�, he b�in� txi� hi�;hest and b�st bidder for the sa,me. <br /> And i further cer�iS'y, th�.t unless reciemption is mad� of s�,id Real E:�tate in �Yle m�,nner pro- <br /> vided by l�,w, the saia S.E.C�nner his heirs or as�ign� ��rill be entitled to a cleed therefor on <br /> d a ter tYie sixteenth da of Febru�.r A.D. 1 1 on trie surrender o � °• � <br /> an f y y, , 9 3 f th�s cc,rtific,ate, pro- <br /> victed th�; la�� as made in such cases has been complied ��rith. <br /> I�7 �VITT�SS �dI-�RFOF I have hereu�ito a�;t ir�y Yiand this 15th d�.y of February A.D.1911 <br /> Theo.P.I3o ehm <br /> �.� (SFAZ ) Trea,surer of Ha11 County, State ot' Nebraska, <br /> By R.Z.Harrison <br /> Deputy. <br />, Notice of Expiration of Time to Redeem Prorn Tax Sale of La.ncl. <br /> T.o Ar_na. Eisele and Freda �isele, iP living, and to her or their unknowm heirs , if dead. <br /> You a,re hereby notifi�;d that I, S.E.Conner, on th�; 15tYi day or Febru�,ry, 1911 purchased of the <br /> County Trea,surer of Hall County, Nebr�,�ka, Zot Fou�te�n (24) in I�lock One (1 ) in Haxrison� s <br /> Subdivision of tYie South ���st Quarter of the Sou�h East �,uart�r of Sec�ion Eight (g ) in Townshig <br /> Fleven (11) North of ���nge Nine (9 ) W�st of the bth P.�i. in Hall Coun�y, Nebraska�. <br /> Said Lot ].� was soZd for unpaid ta,�ces for the ye�.r 1909 and was a,ssessed for said ye�.r in the � <br /> name of Freda� Eisele and was assessed in same for ye��,rs 1g10 , 1911 a,nd 1912. Title to said <br /> Lot 1�+ appears of record in the office of the Re�ister of Deeds in said Hall County in the name <br /> oP Anna, Eisele. No one is ir the actual possessi�n or occupancy of said I,ot 1�+. On or a.fter the <br /> 16th d��,y of Fe�ruary, 1913, I will apply for a t�,x deed to said Lot. The time of red�m tion from � ' <br /> saic� tax sale will e�cpire on February 15th. 1913. <br /> P _ <br /> S.E.Conner, Purc���� ' <br /> � • ���� � <br />__ , _ ', <br />