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~� ( <br /> ��1 �� l �1�1���(� ���� � � �. <br /> , .. �1�1j���� L'�;'' J�Li�J'�iJ,� L4L9�__WJ� �-���c� �:.5��� <br /> _ . _ . -- — <br /> __,__:. _ __�_ - - ___ _-- __ ___ _ __ <br /> ----_---- - --- _-- _=_- _ _ <br /> - - - <br /> �UIT CLAIN. DEED-�-� - _._ _--- -- __ _. -- --_- <br /> This Inc�er.tur�� :�•iale this Seventeenth day of �.�ay ir� the year one thousand nine <br />� hundrEd nine FET�I�EN Cliver �i.Co� and Esta Ann Cox h�:sband ar.d �ife of the first rart , ar�d <br /> Jackson ��w�nship, Hall Courty, Nrbraska , of the �econd part �LjITNESSETH, that the said party <br /> of the first nart, in consideration of the sum of Thirty-five and no/100 DOZLARS� to him duly <br /> paid, the receipt ��hereof is hereby acknou�led�ec� has ren�ised, released ar_d quit-^.lairned ard by <br /> these presents does, for him �elf his heirs, executars ar.d acir.iinistrator�, remise, release and <br /> f'orever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the second part and to their heirs, and <br /> assigns. forever� all right, title, interest, estate, clai� and demand bcth at law and in equity <br /> , ofr in� and ta all af �. strip of land be�ir,.ning at a point eighty rods south cf the northwest <br /> of section numbered eight (8), township'r��;red ten (10), rar_ge numbered twelve (12)� <br /> thence south twenty (�G) rods, thence east tv��o (2} rods� thence north t�renty (20} rods, thence <br /> ,�� <br /> titiest tv��o (2) rodg to the place nf beginnin� eontaining one fourth pacr� . Teg�ther v��ith all <br /> and singular th� hereditanients �h�reunto belonging. TG HASTE A�jn T� F�GLD the above described <br /> , premi�es untc: th� said Jac�CSOn Town�hip its heirs and agsigns; s� that r�eithEr the saicl Cliver <br /> i :.`.Cax or any Y.erson in his name and behalf, sha11 or �rill hereafter claim or demand any right <br /> cr title to the said premises cr any part thereof, but they and every one of them �hall by these <br /> ' pres�nts be excludsd and f-:�r�ver barred. <br /> �� , � <br /> In �4'itneas �hereof, The said p�rty of th� first part has hereunto set his hand and seal <br /> . <br /> . ; the day and year above x�ritten. <br /> �i�r.ed, sealed and delivered Gliver i�i.Cox . � <br /> in �resence of <br /> E.I�.Sricer Esta A.Cox. <br /> �'s.L.Rastian <br /> �tat� of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Ruffalo County. ( On this 9th day of February �I.D. 1910 before me E.H.S�icer ?'ctary <br /> Public, �.uly �ommissioned ar,d qualified fo'r and residing in r�ai�i County� p�rsonally came Cliver <br />' E.� � Esta A.Cag to me k�nown to be the identical persons descriUed in and who executed thE fore- <br /> , � �aing conveyance as �rantors and acknoe�ledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed <br /> Witnrss my hand R seal the day and y'ear last above v��rit±en. <br /> � (SEAL} E.x.c�aicer,�Totary Public <br /> :�iy ccmmiasicn expires the �7th day of 1larch 1°15 . <br /> ' Fi led for record Februaxy 24� 1°13 at 9 a'c lc�ek A.P���. - <br /> �� <br /> , Re ister of �De s. � <br /> --o-o-c-o-a- -c-o-o-o-o-a-a--a-c:-o-c-o-o- . -c�_o-c:-c-c-e-o-c -e-e-`-c;-c-o-c.� - -o-o-c c,-c�-o-c-e-o <br /> �t'ARRAT�TY DEED.'��"` <br /> .rncw all: :��en by These Present�, That A�rs . Sarah Orr and �eo. �'.Orr, wife ar�d <br /> ` husband in consideration of Gne Hu*�dred Fifty (�150.00) Dollars, in hand paic� do hereby Grant, <br /> '' Bargain, Sell� Convey and Confirm unto ��orge �.(2rr �h� follawing deseribed Real �state, situate <br /> in th�: County of Hall and State of TTebxaska to-�.it: <br /> Lo� �1o.Eleven (11) �f Scudder' s Addition to th= Village of Doni�han. <br /> together tifith a11 the Ten•�ment�, Hereditaments and Appu�tenances to the same belar_gin�, and <br /> _ ' all the �state, Title� Do��rer� �laim or Demand �rhatsoever of the said �eorge R.Crr of� in� �r to <br /> i', the same or any ��art thereof; Ta Have and To Hcld the above �1es�ribed premis��, with th� <br /> �i <br />� '! aprurt�nances unto the said reorge R.Grr and to his heirs and assigns f'orever; And we the said <br /> . <br /> �! �,�rs. Sarah Crr and rSeorge 7� .Crr for bia.�salves an:� our heirs, ex�utors anci admir.istrators, do <br /> ���s <br /> 'i cr�venant ��ith th� said Ge�rge R.C-rr and vrith his heirs and assigns, that �ve la��ft�lly seized of <br /> , <br /> I said prc�mises, that they are frae from in�umbranee� that we have good right and lawful authority <br /> ! to sell th� sam��� and tnat i�� v�r�ill and our heirs� ex�utors and a�3rninistrators shall warrant <br /> ', and d�fend th� same unto the said r�orge R.vrr and his heirs and assi�ns forever against the <br /> i lawful e laims and demands of all �ersans �:�homso�ver. <br /> � <br /> I <br /> ;� ' , <br /> ��� <br /> ;��� � <br /> I <br />