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���� <br /> �� <br /> , - <br /> C <br /> � � ���',��' 1 ° �,';�'����.�� 1 �' �'p> � ,�,�o, <br /> � _� � _� �� _J ,__ J . r <br /> _ __ _ _, _ _ . . _ _ _ � __ _ _ ____ �_�- _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ <br /> __ _ . _ <br /> 542$B—State Journal ComDany, Blunk Book 1lakers,Stationei�s and Printers Lincol_ Neb - -- — _.,__ ______ __ <br /> � _. ?�_ � ._�_ _ .,_. __ ,_ ��_ ._�__ .---- - --- -- <br /> _-_--_,.._ . ,_. — ___ _ _.. .__ <br /> ,: __ -_ - _ -----°-- <br /> -- --- ---- <br /> �TJIT CLAIT:1 DE�D.k ' - <br /> fihis Indenture, �.�iade this 14th day :�f Fei�ruary in the year Gne Thoti_sand <br /> i�ina Hur�,red Thir�eon B�;TRt�;E�d F'reaerick H.a,iichelson aMa Ethel A.�Jqichelson husba�nd and vrife r.,f <br /> the CL�u.nty of Hall and ��ate of ivTe�-raska af the firs�t part, and �4�ari Lingman, a single �oman <br /> of th�� �ountp c�f �Tall anc� �tate of idebra�ka of the seco�d nart, �itnesseth, 'That the said <br /> ��arties of the first ?�ar�, in consic�eration o� �he sur of T�ra �ur.a�eci � �Ta�100 (��200.00) <br /> DGLLAZS� to the� duly �aaic� -�h�; receipt �n•hereof is hereby acknowleag�ci, have remised, � releas�d <br /> ancl quitclaimed, and by these pre5ents cio, for them selvea their heirs, exe��ators, anc� ac�min- <br /> i�trators, r;;mis�, release, and forever quit claim unto the sai�. party af the seeond part, and <br /> to hex heirs an� assigns forevvr, all their ri�ht, title, interest, estate, c2aim and demand <br /> both at law and in sruity, of, in, and ta All the �lesterly Qne-half (z ) of the Easterly �ne- <br /> half (�) of the Southerly ane-half (L) af �lock �leven (11} in �+indolphs Addition to �rar.d <br /> Island, NeLraska� as shown on the vfficial plat thereof on file in the affice of the Register <br /> of 1Jeeds of N�11 Cour.ty. <br /> The �-rar.�ee hexein being the same identical partg as the grantee in <br /> that certain deed made, executed and ci�livered by �he grar:tors hErein, �onveyin� the same pro- , <br /> p�:rty cor:veyed hereby, recaraed ir. Fook 47 of De�ds, at Page �'71 in the office of Pegister of <br /> DeEds caf Ka11 Caunty, iI�?�rask�, on �he 21st day af April 1911. <br /> This instri;r�ient is riade f'cr the �ur�ac�s� cf releasing ary lisn cf partiQS cf thE first part <br /> rEtained by saic� first corlveyancE on saia �rEn�ises . <br /> Tag�ther �,ith a11 ar.d singt�_l�r th� appurter:- <br /> ar.ces �hercunt�� '�;elon�ing, to havE ana to hold ur�to tric said i:iari Lingman and her heirs and <br /> as�igns fc.reve1; �o that r�Eit:.�r c�f the said Parties c3f th� firet part herein nor any �ersc:n <br /> in �heir name ar�d behalf, shall or v.ill hereafter �laim or acrr:and any right or title tc� th� sa�cl <br /> ��r�n;ises c�r �ny Y�art thereaf; but they and every ane af them shall by th�se preser.ts be .exclud- I <br /> ec� ar.d fc.reve-r '�arr�ct. <br /> I� '�itrlESS '�'h�recf, TYle said ?�arties of the fi�st rart have hereunto set their hands �he <br /> a�y ar�a y�ar first above z��ri�ttcn. <br /> �igned ar.d delivered in I,resencE of Frederick H.�s�ichelson <br /> L.�,.F3rining�r Ethel A.�r�ichelson <br /> Th� S1:ate c�f 1`?ebr�ska � <br /> :ss <br /> I,ull Cour_ty. ( Gn i,his l�th day of February A.D.1913, bef'are rue , L.R.�3riningsr <br /> , a ��otary Public duly cor��r:issioned and qualified for anu resiain.� in s�id County, �ersonally� , <br /> came FreczErick �i.�=�ichelson and Lthel A..�.�ichelsr�n t� me knoti�m tc� be the icientical �ersans descr- <br /> ib�d in ar:d v��ho exe�u��d �h�; �oregoing conveyar�ce as grantors, an�kr.owl�;iged th� saicl instr- � <br /> ur:��nt ta be thEir valun�ary �et arld aeed, <br /> s�'itness n:y 7�and ana t;f'j'ici�.l se�l at arar_d Islar�d, �1el�r. in said County� th� day and 3rear <br /> last a%ove �-rritt�r.. <br /> (�EAL� �,.R.£rininger <br /> �say cQmr�i�sion ext,ir�s �:arch 16" lul4 �'Gtary Public . <br /> Fil�d far recorc� F�'�ruary �1, 1�'13 at 11.40 o ' cicck A:��i. <br /> • � . <br /> ReGister o Deeds <br /> -�-c�-c-��-c�-c-c.-c- -o--o-c-c:-c-e-c-o-c-c-e-c-c�-e-c-o--G-. -o-o-o-c-e-o-o-c.�-�-o-o-o-o-� -c•-��-c�-o-�i- <br />�I , <br />