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�� ) <br /> �j1 , ������ ��1J �(,��SI���� �� ,� �� ' <br /> , � 1�!��L��!JJ' ��L�,I'�JI,�:Ju'i�==�) )����� ���� <br /> -% <br />_=-------- _------ -=_.—.-___---.— _=------------------— _—-------- <br /> The State cf :`,ebraska � <br /> ' :sa <br /> ' Hall C�ur.ty ( Gn �his 13" clay of FeY�ruary, 1�'13 bef'ore me, a "atary Publie t^�ith- <br /> in and ior said County, personally carne Eliese Detlefs�n ar.d Fexdinand D�tlefsen, husbanc� and <br /> t�:ife and ':�ary Reher and Ru3olph � .F.eher� ti��ife and ht..sband to mP T�ersanally kr.ovrn tc �e the iden- <br /> ' tical _-�ersons �Yhase na�es are af�ixea to the a'�ova ir,strument as orantors� ar.�, s��.*�rally ac;�now- <br /> ! le�:�g�ci th: exectation of thE sar�e to be their volunta-ry act an� deecl far the nur�oses th�rain <br /> exjo-ressed. <br /> , In �r7itness �u'ne-reof� I hava h�re�nto su�s�ribed my name ar.d affixed my afficial seal at �rana <br /> I�land on th� ;:�ate last a�ove ��ritt�n. <br /> �SLAL} Arthur C .i�iay�r <br />' ::jy com�nission expireB i:lay 1"7" 191'7 �Iotary Public <br /> The "date of Colorado l <br /> :ss <br /> r'1 a t � T <br /> Cit ana �ount of Denv�r C�n his 15 n � �' F bruar „ h � r"' F h � � <br /> Y y ( t t aay c e y 1 13 be f o re m.e, E r ry . e na an <br /> a i,otary Public ���ithin and fcr said City and �our_ty� -_:�ersonally came 'Julia Cornelius, a Ridca� <br /> to me rersonally knavrn to be th� i�ientical nerson v��hose nar►es affixed to the a'�ove instrument <br /> , as gran�or� ana c�verally a^kno���e�ed th� exe^ution af tne same to be her voluntary act ar.d <br /> de�d far tr.� purn�:�es t:arein exnressed. <br />'� In �Iitness �Vhereof� I nave hereunto subscriLed my rar:e arc� affixed my offi^ial seal at Denvzr <br />�, <br /> Colorado Gn th�: date l�xst a'�ave �rrit�en. <br />� ,� „ <br /> (�EAL) �enry F,F?ehner�an <br /> o � r „ <br /> �f1y ,ornr�:issivn exnires July 6t 1�15 . �Tota� Publi., <br /> � h, Y <br /> Fi1ed �or record Februaly I9 1�13 at 3 o 'cloc�: P..::. <br /> � <br /> �r2� <br /> Re�ister o De s <br /> —G—fl—G�-,rj_:,,_p_p_n..C���,..::-0-0—.f7-0—J— . —:`—U—:)—C—C,—C!�p�,J�p...u�_�_J,���.�r'���r,�n_ _r,.�n�r,_r;_��._r;� _r �`�_p..n.. <br /> ��ARR.A21T�i' DEED.s'"�-,.,, <br /> Kr.ow all l�en by These Frerents, That Hattie Hcuser, and hus�and, Charles P. <br /> Houser, of the County of Douglas and State of r?ebraska for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> , Five Hundred Sev�nty Five and no/100 Dollars, in hand paic� do hereby rsrant, Bargain, 5�11� <br /> ' Convey and Confirm unto Charles J.Humphrey of thQ County cf Hall and State of �debraska the foll- <br /> ; otring desciibed Real Estate, situated in rrand Islanc�, in Hall County� and State of Ne'praska <br /> , ta-v��it : Lots one (1}, two (� ) and th-ree (3) in ]31ock �ixty Ei�ht (68) in �'heelEr °�Bennett ' s <br /> ' Se�ond Aduition to the City of �rana Islanc� Hall Caur.ty, i'ebraska. <br /> � And we do he re b c nve nan <br /> y t with the said Cnarles J .Htu:��hre and his heirs and assi ns that <br /> I . . . . Y g , <br /> ' h�e are lat�;fully seized of said �rc�:�ses; tnat they are free from incumbrance ; that we have <br /> _ <br /> g��d right a.nd lati;�ful autnority t o se 11 tha same ; and ��e �lo he reby �ovE r:ant t o v��arrant and <br /> defena th-� title tc said ?are�lises agairst the lav�rful �laims of all rersons ��homsoever. <br /> . , And the said Hattie Hc.user and hus�and Charlea P.Houser h�reby relinc�uishes all their right, <br /> i title thei� intereet in and to the above described premiscs . <br /> Sigr�ed this eighteenth day af February A.TJ .lEl3 <br />� In Preaence of ',{rs . Hattie Hc_.�usex <br /> �m. �=�.ce ssions <br /> �T as . T.Pe rt v��a 11 Ch ar le s P .H cuse r . <br /> i The St ate of '_�Ie bras ka ( <br /> ' :ss <br /> i Douglas County ( �n this Eighteenth c�ay of Fe'bruary A.?1.1913 befor2 me J .T.Rertw�ll <br /> '! a ?�?c�t�.ry Psiblic duly registered and quali�ied fi�or and residin� in said Courty, �ersonally car.�.e <br /> , Hattie ��oussr ar.d husba.r.�, Cnarles P .H��user to me ~ersonally r.nos��n to be tne iaenti^al. �ersons <br /> describ�d in and who executed the foregoing �onveyar�a as �rantors and acknotvledged �he said <br /> i Instrurnant tc be th�ir voluntary a�t and deea . <br /> �itness n.y hana and Seal the aay and year last above �;ritten. <br /> � �T.T.Bertwell <br /> ' h�5* c�r�i:�issian expires Sept �, 1°13 . (SEAI�) I��otary Public , <br /> , ',' Filed for reeord February u0� 1913 at 10 o� clack A.:�y�. . �j <br /> ��������.IJ <br /> ;; _=�.e�ister of Dee <br /> i! <br /> ;� <br />_ _ u ___--__ __ _ _ _ -- --- ___— � <br />