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��'� � <br />� <br /> � <br /> � `'�����,��; ) °���,�'��D_o� ���C�'� �'�C�`� � � <br /> __ ___ __ ___� ___ � ___. - �_ _ .-� i =_ _� __ -- .___ _ _ <br /> 542$B-State Journ�Company, Elank Book btakers, StatlonQire and Printei�_LSncolnLNe6. __,_ _.,.._ _..�� . __._ . _ _ _—_ <br />=.—.�._ _... _ _ _ _ _ __._�_� <br /> QT�TIT CLA2Tg DEED:� - --- ' - <br /> ' unow a11 ���Ren �y Tnese Presents: That I� J�hn Reynolc�s Jr ., a wiaa�rer� of th�: <br /> County af Hall a?iC� S�a,tE af �lebra�ka, for the cansideration af �ne Dollar ( and other eorsider- <br /> at ians ) he re py �ui t �laim and �onv�y unt o �'homas �eyno lc�s� o f th� �,�unt y o f Hall an3 State o f <br /> �"��raska, a11 �f my ri�;nt, �itle, and int�rest af vahatsr�ever nature, in and to th� follo�ring <br /> descri��c� R�al Estat4, situated in thF�: Cc�un�y of Hall an3 State of Atebrasya, to-�k'it : <br /> 2h� �ast half of thG �? �uart�r ( � �, of TT.r� .w) of �ection Four (4) in Tot�rnUhip 1�?in� <br /> (g} �TC�rth, of �ar�,�,e ��elv� {l�) ��st of th� 6th P.��. <br /> � Th� Grantor herein '�ein��"�'Uhn Reynol�s .Tr . v�ho ap??ears as �rantor in a ^ertain warranty <br /> 1�ed conv�yin� �aid land to Ervrin H.�;�icer, aatea �'eb. 15, 190o and re�orc�ed in �ook 3'7� �?a�e <br /> 303, in v�hich saici deed thc� conveyancer erroneausly ingertea in �he Habendwn Clause the name <br /> of the �rantor ins��ad af that o�' th� grantee, and thi,s cieed is r�ade prin�ip�.11y for the rur- <br /> �ose of removin� ±he cloud caTased thereby from thc title of th:- �resent o�ner .} <br /> In �`+itness ��nereof, � I have hereunt�, set my hand this day of February iQ13 . <br /> 7pITP1ESS : .Tohn Reynolds �7r . 1 <br /> reo �6'.��:�i11�;r . , <br /> State of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> FIall Caurty. ( Cn this l��th ;lay Fe�ruary A.i7.1�13 b�fcre �:e, th� unuersigned, a <br />� <br /> I�To�ary P;,�b13c in and for said Cc.unty, �ersonally caire J�hn Peynolds Jr ., a ��idower, y:�ho is <br /> �ersor�ally �novrn t� r�1� tc �e the identi�al i�erson c�hosE name is affixed to the above instruir:ent <br /> as grz:.ntor ar�d he ackno�yl�do�d �he sair� instrtur�nt to 'pe his volur:�ary act and deed. <br /> �itn�ss riy hand and Natarial Scal� th� ciate af'c�r�;said. <br /> (SLAL) Gea . �' .��.i11er <br /> :.=y comtnissior. ea�pires F�ti:�z�a-ry �" l�l'7. i�o�ary Public . <br /> Fii�a fcr re�urd Fe'�rt?t�ry lr, lyl3 at � o 'cl�^k �.i:. � - � <br /> �=��� <br /> • �e�ister of I�ee s � <br /> -�-c_, _o_�.�-::-o-� c -c;-c,-�:-�-c. -c�-c:-c.:-t;-c�-_ -a-�:-. :-�: -�_ - - -c-c-c-c- -�;-, _ -t -c�-�-c-_ c -ti <br /> z _.� .r r: �4� n <br /> :�� � <br /> ��At?���'fiY DEEL� .�` . . <br />, ��r.ati�' a11 i��r_ by Thcu� Pre�erts : Trat v:re, Eliese Detlefsen ar.d FErdinand <br /> Detlefsen, her husband, Julia ���rnelius a v�ridovr, �.nci y��ary Reher and Rudol�h � .Reher, her <br /> nus�and, he irs at law cf Jchann Lorenzen, cie��.ased, in consid�rat ion of the sun,i of 'I'�ro Thor._�and <br /> L��:L��R�� in har.a ��icl 'py '=�o��e Lorenzer. Jr ., of Ha11 Ccunty, and �tate of P;ELra�ka do hereby <br /> grant, bar�air� s�;l�, �onsrey� ard �f�niirm unto th� said ��ec:rge Lcrerzen Jr ., the follot�;ing <br /> ae�cribed rrr�r��:ises �i�L_ate� in th�� Ccu�ty vf Hall and �tate of 1`ebraska, to-v�rit : , <br /> An unuivi�.ea thrce qu�rter i.nt�reUt in and to the East half of' the Nc>rth East Que�rt�r of �h� <br /> 2Y�rth �u�;st Quart�:r (� � ''.L.-,� i'.�G` ,�y;) c�f Sectian �10 . Fc�urteen (1�) tav�nship ten (1U) North of <br /> rar�e Tsc . Ter� �i0} ;est u" :=.';:. Cortaining tv,5;,�nty ,�cres . <br /> �ogether y�ith all tnc tenenlents, herGditar;zents an3 apr.�urter�ar�es tc ±he s�.m� belon�ing? arci <br /> all th� �.��at�, ;i��.t� Titl�, Ir.terU�t� Clai� or Der:iand t:ha�so;;v,;,r� ir.�Iuding Dc�v,rer� Cur��sy <br /> ana Ha�.�est��ad :�i�hts � of �"r:�,; said Llies� ana Ferdinan�. D�t1Efs�n, Julia Cornelius and �k:ary <br /> ana nu�olph G .tt�n�r c�i�� in, or tc the �arne� or any ;aart �;'r�ereof. • <br /> TC HAVE l�T1I3 T� F�C;LD �he a�;ov� de�cribed �rer.�:is��� vrith tne ap�tirt�nan�es� unta thc said <br /> ���or�e LorEnzen �.Tr. an,1 +o his heixs and assi;ns f�:;re�*er . An�:� tice her•�by ^av:;nant; with the <br /> said r7�or�e T:c�renz�n Jr . ti.�.t ti�e hola :;aid pr�r.�ises 'py goad ard ��erfe^t title ; trat �*Ye�e � <br /> g�vd ri�ht an�� lavrf�_1 a���harity to s�ll ar�,�. ec�nvey th� �ar:e ; that they are free and clear <br /> af 311 lians ar_d inc.-�_m��ra.r�es :°:hatsc;�ver. Ar_:�. tive covGnant to warrant and �efand th� ��aid <br /> p�cz:iis�s againsi� tn� la�rf'ul �lair�s of �.ersans Y�horaso�ver . � <br /> Signea i�hi� 10" ciay af F�Nrua�y A.F.1913 <br /> �liese Detlef"scn <br /> In ��resenae of F�rdinana D�tlef`sen <br /> Ar�hur ry .':?a�r.�y <br /> � �c��e��in�er -�--� ��ulia Co-rne�lius , <br /> � . - ry �° �;�ar f R�he r <br /> �.�rthur � ..:.ayGr . Ru�.olph � ,�vh�r , <br /> � <br /> , <br /> r <br />