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�� � <br /> I D���J����, �°,�������� .��� �Q� Y� <br /> . . __ _ _ _ ___ ____ . <br /> �_`_ _.-_____-__-�-______ _ _-- <br /> _ __ ___ <br /> ____ _ _____ _-- ____ ____-__ _____ .---__- --___ __- _____ ___ <br /> Qi.TIT C�,�.I}� DEED.� . <br /> This Indenture, 1,dade this lOth day of February in tne ;�ear One Thousand Nine� <br /> and tnirteen BETl6EEV ivary J.Trout of the iirst part, and Charles J.S.Trout, her husband <br /> . of the sec�nd nart 79ITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, in considsration of <br /> . <br /> the sur� of Four Thousand (�4000) DCLLARS to her duly paic� the receipt :vhereof is hereby ackno- <br /> vtleclged, h�s remised� releasod and quit -claimed and by these �resents does� for herself her hei� <br /> ' a�ecutors and administrators� rer�iise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said <br /> party of the second �art and to his heirs and assigns forever, all her right, title� interest, <br /> estata, claim ancl demand both at lav� and in equity, of, in, and to all of the Southwest �uarter <br /> ' (S.JD.4) of Section Four (4) in Toavnship ten (10) l�orth of Range Eleven (11) �Nest of the Sixth <br /> Prin. i�eriaian and in Hall Cour.ty, Ner�raska and also lots four (4) and five (5) in Block Ten <br /> (10) of �lallich' s Adaition to the City of srand Island Hall Co .� Nebraska. <br /> ' Ana do also release and relinquish any and all title int�rest claim or demand arisin� under ard <br /> � by virtue of an a�reemert r�ade bet�teen me unaer the name of ,�ary J.Ewing and ths grantor hersin <br /> on tne �6th day of October A.D.1908 and recorcled in November 3� 1908 in Aook rd of 2dis. Rec . of <br /> , Hall County 2�tebr at Page 1'75 th�reof. <br /> ' To�etner �vith all and singular the hereditaments �hereunto belon�ing. <br /> TC HAVE AiVD TG HGLD the above descri'ped premises unto the said Charles J.S.Trout heir� and <br /> assigns; so that neither she the s3id tdary <I .Trout or any ?�erson ir. 'rier name and benalf, shall <br /> or tivill nereafter claim or dernand any right or title to tne said rreriises or any ,�art tnereof <br /> but they and every one of tnem shall by tiiese �resents be excluded and rorever barred. <br /> ; In Nitness 7Vhereof, The said narty of the first nart has hereunto set her hand and �eal tne <br /> , ciay and year Iast above �°rritten. <br /> Signec� sealed and delivsrea in Presence of ��lary J.Trout <br /> Bayard H.Paine. - <br /> "tate of �depraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> �all County. ( Un tnis lOth aay of Feui•uary A.D.1913 bef�re rne the undersigned Bayard <br /> H.Paine, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, per- <br /> , sonaliy came ��ary J.Trout to me kno,xrn to be the identical nerson whose name is affixed �o the <br /> foregoing c�nveyance as arantor ancl ackno�vledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed for <br /> ' tre �urposes therein set forth. <br /> �� <br />�, <br /> , ��9itness my hand an� Notarial Seal tnis lOth day of February 1913 . <br /> (SEAL) Bayard H.Paine <br /> �y e�rnn�ission expires the lOth clay of Novem'ber 1916. Notary Public <br /> Filec� for recard Fe'�ruary 11, 1913 at 3 .30 0� clock P.r.S . <br />�� � . �� <br /> ^ �tegister of Dee <br /> —O—O—O—C�—U—U �' : —0— —O—J��—O—'��(�—U—:J._p.�p�. _p_p r � r r � r r . <br /> —.1—u— —0 —J—J—O—J—J—u—J—O—J—�J—O—J—J—O-�c;—J—O—O —U—O—O-3 <br /> j; �rTIT CLAI2� DEED � <br /> T:zis Inclenture, �iade �his llth aay of Fe'�y. in the y^ar One Thousand Nine <br /> HLmdrecl and 1913 BETNEEN Charles J.S.Trout of the first �?art, and %dary J .E�ving� his former a�ife <br /> of tne s�cand part iVITNESSETH� tt_at the said ?�arty of the first �art, in consideration of the <br /> sum of One & no�100 DC7LLARS to nim duly pairl� the receipt tvhereof is hereby ackno?�vled�ed, has <br /> remised, reloaseci and �uit-claimed and by these �resents does , for himself his heirs, executors <br /> and acix�inistrators, remise� release and forever quit-claim ar.d convsy unto the �aid ?�ar�y of <br /> the second �art and to her iieir� and assigne forev�r, all nis right, title, interest, estate, <br /> claim and da�nancl both at law and in equity, of, in, and to all Lot Ten (10) Block Sixteen <br /> (1�) Original To��vn of Aood River Hall County Tde'�r. <br /> Together with all ar_d �ingular the he�editaments thereunto '�elon�ing. <br /> TC �IA�T� A:�D TC HCLD the above described nrernises unto the said t�ary J.E��ving hsirs ancti a�signs; <br /> , � <br /> i� <br /> i <br />