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�4� � � <br />� � C— 1 c <br /> `I � �j'?��I�� �IV LI�I���\-Z:/, I �� �\:/�0 <br /> ���� ���� �_ � � � _ _ J I <br /> _ _ _ ___ �_ _ _ __ _ _ ___- __ ____ _ _ _ <br /> _-_ __ _ __ _ _ __ <br /> 54296-3tate Journal ComBany, Bluuk Book Makers, Starioners and Printexs� Linco Ne6. � '� T �� � <br />��_.__ __... --- �—°---- _ � . <br />-- . . . _ : <br /> . _ ___ --.___.__—.�..---_^�_ <br /> �UI T CZAIb� DEFD.v�'4�° <br /> i�now alI �en by Tf_ese Presents: That Saclie A.Char�rnan and 7�alter E .Chapman <br /> her husbar.d cf Eliis County, and State of Kan�as in consideration of the sum of One and no/100 <br /> Dollaxs, in nand paid by Herbert E.Rundlett of Ta�a County, State of Iowa do hereby Quit Claim • <br /> unto ti�e said Herbert E .Runcilett all our right, title and ir.terest in ard to the following <br /> uescribed pre:�:ises, sit�aated in the Cou�,ty of Hall State of Nebraska to-�vit : <br /> Lct Five (5} in �locf Cre Hundred Forty-thrse (143) of the Union Pacific Railway Comrany' s <br /> Secor,d Adciiti�n tu the City of ��and Island, Hall County, Neuraska. <br /> _ <br /> And the said �alter E .Cha��rllan hereby relinquishes all nis ri�ht of dawer, in the above <br /> d�scribed �,�ret��.ises. <br /> Signed the 14th clay of Jan. A.D.1913. <br /> In Presence of <br /> L.C.Ross Sadie A.Chapm�an • <br /> R.B.Shuisky �Palter E.�hapman <br /> St at e of Kansas, ( <br /> :ss <br /> Ellis County ( Cn this 13 �ay of Jany. A.P. 1�13 kefore me, a Notary Public in and for � <br /> said County, personally carne Saddie A.Chapman and i�alter E.Chapman, her husband, tQ me �erson- , <br /> ally known ta �e the identical rersons whose nar.�es are affixed to the within deed as Grantor, <br /> and acknowledged severally the execution of the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> 7Vitness my hand and official seal the c�ay and year al�ove ��Jritten. <br /> (SEAL) L.C.Ross <br /> :tiiy cc�rar;ission expires Dec . 24 1913 Notary Public <br /> Filed for record FaUruary 11� 1913 at 9 0 ' clock A.Ivi. <br /> • , � <br /> �egister o eds <br /> -v-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-e-o-e-o-�-�-c-o-c�-o-o-c-o-a-o-a-o-o-c-c-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-e-o-o-a-�. <br /> QUIT CLAIAi DEED:��'""` <br /> Know all ivien by �hese Pre�ents : That Everett R.Rundlett, un��.arried, of <br /> Louglas County, and State of Nebraska, in cbnsideration of the sum of One ciollar and other val� , <br /> able consiczeratinn 1�CLLARS, in hand r_aid by Her'pert E .r;uncllett of Tama Courty, State of Io�va, <br /> czo nereby �uit Claini un�o the said Herbert E.Rundlett all r:�y r�:ght, title and interest in and <br /> to tne following descril�ed premises� situated ir_ the caunty of Ha11� State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Five (5) in Block Cne Hundred Forty-three (143) of the tJnion Paci�ic Railway Com�any' s <br /> �econd Adczition to tr.e City of Grand Isiand, H�11 County, 1`de�ra�ka, <br /> And the said Everett R.Rundlett hereby relinqmishes ?�is right of dower in ard to the above <br /> c�esc-rik�eci r�rernises . ' <br /> Signed the First day of Feby. A.�. 1913 <br /> In Presence of <br /> Ramona I .Mallison Everett �C.Rundlett. <br /> Joseph rrialli�on <br /> St at e of Ne brasKa( <br /> Dauglas_ Coun�.y (s� On this First day of Fe�y. A.D. 1.�13 before me, Notary Public in and for <br /> said County, rersonally came Everett R.Rundlett-singie- to me �ersonally known to be the iden- <br /> tical persor� .�hose narr.e is affixe�.:t to �he within deed as �rantor, and ackno�vled�ed the executian <br /> of t'rle same to be his voltzntary act and deed. <br /> NitnesU my hand and Notarial S�al the day and year above ��Jritten. . <br /> (SEAL) Jeseph x�iallison <br /> IvTvtaxy Public in and for pou�lasCo.Nebr <br /> P�y commission exrire� Jaa. ��, 1919 Douglae County, Ne�;raska. " <br /> Filec:� f�or record Feuruary 11, 191.3 at 9 0' clock A.�i. <br /> � Register of eds � R <br /> -o-o-u-o-o-�-a-r�-a-o-a-o-�-o-o- . -o-o-o-o-e-o-�-o-o-o-a-a-�-o-o-c-o-a-o-c�-o-c.�-o-a-� o-c�-o-�-o-o--� <br /> , <br />, �� � � � i�� <br />