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���7 <br /> p). ) <br /> 1a'�. <br /> 1 <br /> �'�%'�J����_�.� ����C������ 1����� �Q� <br />� _----- --_--- -- --- <br /> - --_____--- ___ ___. _- - - - <br /> _ _ __ _- ---- _ ___ - <br /> - _ --_ _--- _ -_-_--_- _ <br /> -- - - - . <br /> _ __ __ _ _ ____ <br />��_ ___ . <br /> �..� - _v .-_-�-_�__--_-- ---=,---:_ _ _--------_---_-- -- - <br /> �- --------_--_ _ _- ---_____ _- ----- <br /> _-- <br />� � St at e of rlebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County. ( 4n this 5th day February A.D.1913 before me, the undersig?:ed a Notary <br /> Public in and f'or said County, personally came Charles BaugY� an unmarried man, �vho is nersonally <br /> known to me ta be the identical person r�hose name is affixed to the above instrument as �rantor <br /> ' and he acknowledged the sa3d instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> �itness my hand and Notarial Seal, the date aforesaid. <br /> _ (SEAL) 7�.L.Sprague <br /> ' My com�iission ex�ires �darch 27, 1918 Notary Public <br /> Filed for record February 6, 1913 at 9.30 o�clock A.�f. • �� <br /> Re�istex o eed <br /> -o-o-a-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-e-�-o-a-a-o-c�-o-o-o-o-�-e-o-o-o-o-a-�-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-� o-o-o-a <br /> ' QUIT CLAI�i DEED. �`�, <br /> �ui <br /> , This Indenture, �dade t�.is 9" day of January in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred <br /> ' and thirteen fi�TNEEN John Dunlavey and �aggie Dunlavey, husband and wife of the first part, and <br /> � ! �artin Brodie, of the second part 1�TTNESSETH� that the said parties of the first part, in <br /> ' consideration of the su�► of Saventy five �--- nollars to us duly paid, the receint Whereof i� <br /> , , Y�ler�by acknowledged, have remised, released and quit-claimed and by these presents do, for our <br /> :' selves, our heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quit-claim ar�d convey <br /> ' unto the said rarty of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever, all our right, title <br /> ,� <br /> , <br /> ' interest, estate , claim and demand both at law and in eauity, of, ir� and to all <br /> ; Lot No. Eleven (11) of Hayinan' s uubdivision of the �Vest half af t�.e North Nest quarter <br /> ' ( �l .z N.� .y.) of Section Pdo. T�;�enty five (25) township ,eleven (11) North of range ten (10) <br /> ,, <br /> ' i�est 6" P.�i. Containing five acres . <br /> 'ITogether with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> ii <br /> �I' Ta Have and To Hold the above descri�ed rremises unto the said Martin Brodie his heirs and assi- <br /> ;, gns; so thatr_either the said firet parties or any person in our: name and behalf, shall or will <br /> ,� hereafter claim or demand any ri�ht or title to the said premises or any nart thereof but they <br /> � ,', and every one of them shall by these rresents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> , In 7Pitness �Phereof, The saici parties of the first part have hereunto set our hand and seal <br /> '� the day ar�d ysar last above �urit ten. <br /> ' Si�ned, sealeci and delivered in �resence of John Dunlavey <br /> Arthux C.�ayer . Iviaggie Dur.lavey <br /> , ' St at e of Ne,braska <br /> � <br /> :ss <br /> ' Hall County. ( On this 17" day of Jaruary A.D.1913 before me the undersigned, a Notary <br /> Public, duly cor.lrrissioned and qualified for and residing in said County, personally came John <br /> i Dunlave ana 1 i � 'e DU 1 h ' � <br /> y a�,g� h avey� usband and wlfe to me kno�vn to be the ic�entical r�ersons whose <br /> names are affixed to the fore�oin� conveyance as grantors and acknowled�ed the same to be their <br /> ' voluntary act and deed for the pur�aoses therein set forth. <br /> Nitness my r.and and Notarial Seal this 17" day of Jantiary 1�13. <br /> (SEAL) Arthur C .2�ayer <br /> �iy commission expires the 17" day of A3ay, 1917 Notary PuUlic . <br /> Filed for record Fe�ruary r� 1913 �t 9 o' clock A.rd. <br /> � ��, � � - �� u✓�r� <br />, ' :egister of D ds <br /> -o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-e-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-�a <br /> , <br /> i <br /> � �,� _ <br />