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�••�)�a <br /> -��)'_1i <br /> :. <br /> � ' J -f��'�� ��ZJ'���U��`�} ���U�43� � .��0 <br /> �L1�—,_� �--� �_ � �� __� � �.J _� _, J ' <br /> _ --- -- - — - - <br /> ---- -- -- � _ �� _� _ <br /> __ _ _ � __ _._ <br />='---�` " - Blank IIook�ia�ers, Stationeis and Printers Lincoln Neb.� <br /> _b�L98 �tate �ournal CowPanS� � � --____.___._ __ __ ___. _. ._ ,. _ _— <br /> _ ___ — . � .__. __.__.,�---------- ---- <br />�--. _. _ _. <br /> to sell and convey tiie saxne and that same are free and clear of all claim� and incumbrances <br /> �;rhatsoever and the said �food River CerLetery As�oatiation hareby covenants to warrant and defend <br /> saici �rerriises against tne la��vful claims of all nersons r�hatsoever . <br /> lt is further �greed and understood that the above described pronerty is sold and assi�ned , <br /> for t��e rurpose af interment only and to be used for no other pur;�ose, subject, however� to the � <br /> I <br /> provisi_�ns and restrictions af the La�s of the �tate af Nebraska relating to Cemetery Associa- ! <br /> tions and to all Acts and La�vs of tne Legislature of the State of P1e�raska which have 'aeen or , <br /> rr;ay be la��fully enactsci respecting Cernetery Associa�ions and also subjeet to the conditions <br /> and limitations and �vith all the nrivileges and restri.^,tions s~�ecified by the rules and regula- <br /> tions of said Noatl River Cernetery Association nov� in force or that may be hereafter adox�ted by <br /> it not in canflict with the La�vs of the State of Ne�raska which rules and regulations �s rlersby <br /> s?�ecified are made a ��art af this conveyance. <br /> In fiestimony r�rhereof tne said 1Pood River Ce�etery Association has caused these Presents �o <br /> be signed by its President and countersigned �y its Secretary and the cornora�e seal of said <br /> c�::�pany to be hereunto af�ixed this lst day of February, A.D. la13 <br /> Attest : �ood River Cemetery Association, ' <br /> C .E .To�vne, Secretary. �y �1.C .�Gingert President ( corp } <br /> ( �eal ) <br /> State of Ne'uraska ( , <br /> :ss <br /> County of Ha11 . ( Be it re��e111rype�ed tnat on this 1 ciay of Feby. A.D. 1913 before, H.P. <br /> Burr:�ood, a rtotary Public duly comniissioned ard qualified in and for �iall Ccunty, Nei�raska, ?�ersor�- <br /> ally came :�.C.�Yingert, Presiclent, ancl C.E.Towne, Secretary of the �ood River Cemetery Association <br /> ar�d they are nersonally knoa�n to me to be the nar�ies signing the foregoing Deed as Officers <br /> of said Associa+ion and eaeh severally acknowled�ed the exscution of the fore�oing instrument <br /> t� r�e his valuntary act and deed x�er�onally and as an of�'icer of said Associa�-ion for ths vse <br /> and purposes therein expressed. <br /> In Nitness ��vhereof I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal this 3 day of Feby. A.D. 1913 <br /> (SE.AL) H.P.Burr�lo od <br /> �iy ccr�itr�ission expires Apl. 5� 1915 2?otary P�blic . <br /> Fileci for record Feuruary 5 . 1913 at 9 0' clock A.,vi. , � <br /> R gister o Deeds <br /> —0-0-0-0—il-0—v—�O—c_�—J—O—U—O—O—U—J—O—J—fl—U—O—�'J-0—U-0—U—J-0—G-0-0—O—�J—O—O—O—Q—O—O-0-0-0 U—U—O—O—CN <br /> QUIT CLAI� DEI;D:� <br /> Know all Men by These Presents: That I� Charles Fau�h, unr.-.arriea, of the County' <br /> ' <br /> af Ha11 �nd State of I�'ebraska, for the consic�eration af One Dollar ( and other cons3aerations) <br /> hereby Quit Claim and convey unto Peter Zehr of the Coun�y of Hall and State of I�Tebraska, all of , , <br /> the right, title ar.d interest of whatsoever nature I may have, or arapear of record to have in <br />� and to the following asscr�bed Real Estate, situated in the County of Hall and State of Atebraska, <br /> to-a�it : The Ea�t half of the South-west 2uarter (E � af �.�.4) of Section C)ne (1) in Township <br /> Ten (10) Noxth� of Range T��relve (12) Nest of the 6th P.M. <br /> ( The said Chaxles Baugh being the grantee in a certain warranty d�ed dateci Jan. 19, 1898 and <br /> recorded in Book 22, �a�e 360 of the Deed Records of said Hall C�unty, by ��vhieh one, James T. <br /> �rett attempted to convey to him the above described land, with other land, and being also the <br /> Defenaant in a certain case, No. 2540, in the District Court of said Hail County in which Timothy <br /> Spillane was PlainT�iff, or�.ginally� and�afterwards represented by Katherine Spillane� in her own <br /> > <br /> right, anc� as Exec�atrix of the Last 'Nill and Testarr.ent of Timothy S�illane, as Plaintiff, and <br /> thia deed is given rrincipally for the �?urpose of avoiain� the necessi�y of examin3ng the volum- <br /> inous ��roceedings in said case No. 2540, and confirming th? title �o said prer�ises in the preaent <br /> a�vner af record, the said Peter Zehr .) <br /> In "Nitness 7Vhereof I have hereunto set my hanc� this 5th ciay of February 1913 <br /> �f1TNESS: Charles Baugh <br /> � •L•�nr agu e. <br /> ;. � <br />