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. � . . . ti�`lr �`� <br /> ��� 1 ,J <br /> \ �� <br /> , '���.�1Ja..�lJi�� ��l�'�J�d.�i.��� �5i�J��.J� �.�;��h <br /> �!,' QUIT CLAI�d DEED.�.<..,, <br /> This Indenture, &�ade this 18th day of January in the year one thousand nine <br /> hundsed and tnirteen ( 1913 ) BET�►EE1�1 Richard Goehring and Pauline Goehring� his wife, of �rand <br /> Islandy H�11 County, �,'ebraska, of the firet part, and The srand Island Brewing Company ( a corp- <br /> oration )� of �rand Islanc� Hall County, 1�'ebraska, ( and being the Company of that name whose <br /> Articles of Ir.corporation were recorded on Dec . 12, 1912� in Book 2, pa�e 48, in the office of <br />, the County Clerk of said Hall Coun�y) of the second nart 3GITNESSETH, That the said rasties of <br /> - <br /> the first part, in consideration of the sum of Two Thousand 00/100 D�LLARS, to them duly paid, the <br /> receipt �vhereof is hereby acknowieciged, have remised, released and quit-claimed, and by thsse <br /> ' �:��resents do� for themselves, their heirs, egecutors and administrators, remise, releaee, and for- <br /> ever quit-claim and convey unto tne said party of the second part , and to its successors and <br /> 0�n,�', <br /> ' assi�n��_ all their ri�ht, title, interest, estate claim and demand both at law and in equity, of, <br /> in, and to all of Lots numbered �ne (1)� T��o (2)� Three (3) and Four (4) in Block numbered Six <br /> (6} in Arnold & Abbott' s Addition to rrand Island, Nebraska, as same is platted and recorded: <br /> . <br /> , the same eomprising all of said Block� sometimes known as Fractional Block Six in said Arnold <br /> & Abbott ' � Addition. Together t�rlth all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenar.ces there- <br /> unto belon�ing. TO HAVE AND T4 HCLD The above described prer�ises unto the said The <br /> �rand Island Brewing Co�npany, its successora and agsigns; so that neither they, the said parties � <br /> � of tho firet part or any person in their name and behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand <br /> any right or title to the said prernises or any r�art thereof� but they and every one of them shall <br /> by these nresents be excluded an� forever barred. <br /> IN NITNESS �9HEitECF� The said rarties of the first nart have hereunto set their hands the ciay <br /> , and year abo�re Nritten. <br /> +VITNESS: Richard roehring <br /> ' John Allan Patzline Goehring <br /> St at e of Nebr aska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County. ( On this 18th day of January A.D. 1913 before me, the undersignad� a Notary <br /> ;! Public within ancl for said County, persanally came Richard �oehring and Pauline roehring, his <br /> i', Nife, to me r,ersonally knawn to be the identical rersons ;�hoss names are affiged to the above <br /> , instr ument as grantors, and they severally ackno�vleaged the same to be their voluntary act and <br /> ' deed for the �urpose tY:erein expressed. <br /> In �fitr�ess �ihereof� I have hereunto subscribed my naane and affixed my official seal at <br /> ', �rand Tsland, Nebr., on the date last above �vritten. <br /> . (SEAL) John Allan �' <br /> ; �y cc�mr�ission expires Jan. 5, 1918 . Notary Public <br /> i Filed for record February 4, 1913 at 3 .30 o'clock P.��. <br /> ��%��� j <br /> � Register o De s <br /> -o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o-o- <br /> �VARRANTY DEED.`��� <br /> Know all Men by These Presents: ihat the �Vood River Cemetery As�ociatior� of <br /> tne Village of Nood River, in the County of Hall and �tate of Nebraska, in consideration of the <br /> ' sum of T�renty-one � 50 f 100 , (�21.50) Dollars, in hand paid does nereby grant, bargair� sell aaid <br /> convey unto F.C .Talbot af the County of Hall, and St ate of Nebraska, grant ee, the f ollo�ving <br /> clescribed Lot or Lots of land �ituated in the 7Good River Ce:-,�etery, in the Townshir of 7Pood River <br /> !, in Hall County, Nei�raska, to-wit : Nest half of Lot 110-0 (7�.� 110-0) and all the estate <br /> , <br /> I'� right, title, and interest ;�hatsoevar of the said grantor in and to the same and every r�art <br /> f _ <br /> ; <br /> ! tnereof. To Have and To Hcld the above described Lot or Lota unto the said F .C.Talbot <br /> ',, grantee his heirs and assigns forever and the said grantor hereby covenants with the said gran- <br />�' � tea that it holds said prerr.ises by good and perfect title and has good right and authority to <br /> V <br /> ;, <br /> u __ _ ____-- <br />