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)`�-) <br /> ; .) <br /> � �� <br /> '�J�I�J�! I � � �I ' � <br /> _� � � �r��,0 5- �� �� , � a <br /> � � a�___ _, ��� ���� <br /> � . <br /> 7�ARRANT Y DEED.J�, <br /> ; Know all �ien by These Presents, That we Alfred L.Shelton and Katherine B�.Shelton <br /> �usband ard wife of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, for and in consideration of the sum <br /> of Six Hundred � no/100 Dollars, in hand paid, do hereby �rant, Bargain, Sell, Conuey, and Confi�m <br /> un�toJohn C.Anthoney of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska the following described property � - <br /> lin Hall County and State of Nebraska, to-wit : Lots Thxee (3) Plock Five (5) in Dill & Huston' s <br /> '',Addition to rrand Island Nebraska as surveyed, platted & recerded. <br /> � <br /> Subject to unp,�id portion of �he Equitable Building & Loan Associatian �500. mortga�e� and <br /> ' subject to the unpaid portion of a �100 mortgage .also subject to the 1912 & subsequent tau. <br />� ,� <br /> � And we cio hereby covenant �rith the said John C.Anthoney and his heirs and aseigns that we are. <br /> . <br /> ';; lawfully seized of t:�e said premises, that they are free from all incwnbrance; except as above <br /> ' that we have good right anci lawful authority to sell the; and we do hereby covenant. to warran <br /> and defend the same against the la�ful claims of all persona rvhomsoever. <br /> And the said Katherine B.Shelton hereby relinquishes all her dower interest in and to the <br /> ',', above described pre��ises. ' � <br /> � ; . - Signed this 21 day of January A.P. 1913 <br /> s <br /> ' � In presenc e of Alfred L.Shelton <br /> � � .C.Huston. Katherins B.Shelton <br /> '' �tate of Nebraska ( � <br /> " ' . :ss � <br />, i rreeley County ( On this �1 day of Januaxy A.D.1�13 before me, a notary public in and for <br /> ',� said county, personally came the above named Katherine �.5helton to me personally said to be the <br /> j identical person described in ar,d �who executeci the foregaing conveyance as �rantor and acknowl- <br /> ' edged the said instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> (Seal) T.J .Howard ' <br /> My commission exr,ires Nov 30, 1915 . Notary Public <br /> '' State of Nebraska ( <br /> :ss <br /> Hall County ( �n this lst day of February A.D.1913 Lefore me the unciersigned, a <br /> ', Notaxy Public, within and for said County, �ersonally came Alfred L.Shelton( husband of Katherine <br /> B.Sheltan) to me personally k�awn to be the iden�ical person whose name is affixed to the above <br /> � I <br />, I instrument as rrantor, and he acknowledged the sarie to be his voluntary act and dsed.for the pur- '� <br /> i � ;,' �ose ±herein expressed. <br /> � � In Nitness �Vhereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at <br /> , . <br /> ; �rand Island, Neb. on the date last above written. <br /> � (SEAL) S.C.Huston <br /> ; My commigsion expires July 25 191� Plotaxy Public <br /> i Filed for record Fe�;ruary 1, 1913 at 2 0 ' clock P.PR. �- <br /> . <br /> �� � <br /> , , Register o Deeds <br /> -o-a-o-G-c-a-o-e-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-e-c-o-o <br /> i <br /> ,; <br /> ; <br /> , � <br /> II <br /> , <br /> , <br /> , <br /> . <br /> 'i <br /> . il <br />