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, <br /> r����► ' <br /> .�.��, j <br /> , <br /> `I � J���J�, � ) I � 1 J;'�J�'U'��� ��A � ,��0, <br /> ����� ���, � �� __�. ���_� � ._�,� , <br /> ._ . � _, -� _-_ ___ _ ,_ ___� = _— - - --_ __. __..�_ _._ <br /> _�__ __ _ _--- <br /> _ _.__ _ __ <br /> ` 54288—State Jossrnal Compaay, Elavk Book �iakers, Stationets and I'rintera, T.incolni 1�'eb_ _, --.- --- - - - --- - ------- <br />----- , _ _._.__ _- -- .._ ----_�_. —V---�_ __ � <br /> icientical �erson ��hose nar:ie is affiged t;o the above instrur:ent as grantor and he ackno�vledged <br /> tne said instrumer�t to be nis voluntaxy act and deed. <br /> �litness my hand and Notarial Seal the ciate �foresaid. , <br /> (�EAL) T.(�.C.Harrison <br /> :aly camuiission expires rebruary 1�" 1918 �lotary Public . <br /> Filed for record January 2°� 1�13 at 4.3Q o'clock �.T��. <br /> �Zegister of Deed � <br /> -0-0-0-O-O-fl-:i-O-O-O-rJ--O-O-O-Q-O-O-�J-O-^-�J-0-0-D-O-O-O-�J-O_O_n_n_n_0-0-0^O-O-Q-Q-O-O- 0-0-0-0- <br /> �f ARRA�ITY DEED�-.�., �� <br /> Know all kden by These Presents: That Carrie B.Seal an�. Shelby A.Seal, wife and <br /> husband , of Hall County, and State of Nebraska in consicieration of �hs �um of Twenty Five Hun- . <br /> cired & no/100 Dollars in hand �aid by �darie E.Seal of Hall County, and State of Nebraska and <br /> other valuable consi�aeration do hereby �rant, bax.�ain, sell, convey� and confirm unto the said <br /> ��larie E.Seal th° follo�Ning described p�emises, situatsd in the County of Hall and State of Neb- <br /> raska, to-wit: Lot Ei�ht (8) in Block Six (6) of Spaulding and rregg� s Addition to the Citp <br /> of �"rand Island, Nebraska, as shown by the platt thereof duly filed and recardecl in the said <br /> r � <br /> ria7.1 Count y. <br /> To�etl�er avith a11 the tenements, hereaitaments and appurtenances ta the same belong- <br /> ing� and all the Estate� Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Claim or Demand :�rhatsoever; including Dower, , <br /> Curtasy and Homestaad Rights, of the said Carrie B.Seal and Shelby A.Seal and each of ther� of� : <br /> in, or to the ��a.;e, �r any part thereaf . _ <br /> - To Have ard To Ho1d the above described premises, with <br /> the appurtenances, unto the said Marie E.Seal and ta her heirs and assigns forever. <br /> And we hereby cavenan� with the said �Rarie E.Seal that we hol.d said premises by good and �er- <br /> fect titlo; that we have good rigt�t and la=�fu1 authority to sell and convey the same; that they <br /> I are free and clear of all lien� and incum'�rances �lhatsoever . <br /> And we covenant to �,varrant and defend �he said �remi�es against the layvful claims of persons <br /> ��n.omeoever . <br />, Signed this 18 day of January A.D.1913 . <br /> In presence of <br /> Shelb A eal <br /> C 0 E ro r <br /> .S <br /> . . ss e Y <br /> g <br /> C.H.R�ienck as to Snelby A.Seal Carrie B.Seal <br /> The State of Illinois ( <br /> :ss <br /> Cook County. ( On tnis 25th day of January 1913, before me F.J .Turnes, a Notary <br /> Public �vithin and for said County, �ersonally came Carrie B.Seal to tne �ersanally known to be � <br /> tne identical Y�erson ��vnose name affixeci to the above instrument as grantor, and severalZy . <br /> ackno�vladged tne execu�ion cf the sanae to be r�er voluntary act and deed fox the �ur�oses tilerein <br /> ex�ressed. <br /> In 7Vitness Aherecf, I have nereuntfl subscribecl my name and affixed my official seal ' : <br /> at Chicago Ills . on the date last above �vritten. <br /> l SE AL} F .J.Turne s <br /> �dy comm�ission exgires April 28, 1918 Notary Public <br /> TYie State of Ner�raska ( . <br /> :ss <br /> ' Hall County. ( On this 18th daq of Jaruary 1913� BefoTe me a Notary Public within <br /> ancl for said County of Hall, nersonally came Shelby A.Seal, to me personally known ta be the <br /> iclentical person �Thosa name is affixed to the �'bove instrument as �rantor and severally ackno;v- <br /> leuged the execution of the same to be his voluntary act and dsed for the purposee therein exp- - <br /> ressed. Tn i7itness �f:'�ereof� I have hereunto su'uscribed my name and affixed my offic- <br /> ial seal at �'rand Islanc3� NQbraskay on the date last above ,.aritten. <br /> C .H.Menck <br /> ��►j comrnission expire� �iay li�, 1913 . (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> Filed for record January 30� 1913 at 1 o 'clock P.�fl. . ��%�� �/ <br /> �/ <br /> Register of e�.s , <br /> --o-o-o-o-o-;�-�-:.�-o-o-c,-o-o-��-c�-�-�-o-o-o-�-�-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-u-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o- <br />